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Monetary policy regimes and economic performance : the historical record»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Schwartz, Anna J.
Monetary theory and Bretton Woods : the construction of an international monetary order2009»»»
Cesarano, Filippo
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis?2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 12014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 22014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 3 : students' essays2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Money : what it is, how it's created, who gets it and why it matters2018»»»
Focardi, Sergio M.
Money and interest rates inthe United States during the Great Depression2011»»»
Basile, Peter
Landon-Lane, John
Rockoff, Hugh
Money, banking, and the business cycle2014»»»
Simpson, Brian P.
Money, banking, and the business cycle Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Simpson, Brian P.
Money, banking, and the business cycle Volume 1 Integrating theory and practice2014»»»
Simpson, Brian P.
Money, banking, and the business cycle Volume 2 Remedies and alternative theories2014»»»
Simpson, Brian P.
Money, credit, and crises : understanding the modern banking system2021»»»
Michail, Nektarios
Money, currency and crisis : in search of trust, 2000 BC to AD 20002018»»»
Spek, R. J. van der
van Leeuwen, Bas
National Bank of Romania's experience with curbing FX lending rapid growth2010»»»
Tatarici, Luminita
National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Poland2014»»»
Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun
Edvinsson, Leif
Chen, Jeffrey
Beding, Tord
Neoclassicism in the Balkans2011»»»
Gligorov, Vladimir
Nevoia unui model economic romanesc in Uniunea Europeana : Romania 2020-2040»»»
Bostina, Constantin
New challenges for financial market infrastructure risk management systems»»»
Panov, Dmitry
New trends in intra-European Union mobilities : beyond socio-economic and political factors2022»»»
Bermudez, Anastasia
Oso, Laura
Nobody understands debt : February 9, 2015»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Nominal wage stickiness and aggregate supply in the Great Depression»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Parkinson, Martin
Nonmonetary effects of the financial crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Nonmonetary effects of the financial crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression2001»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Noua economie : sfarsitul certitudinilor2001»»»
Brailean, Tiberiu A.
Noui doctrine in stiinta intreprinderilor»»»
Slavescu, Victor
Nouvelle methode de comptabilite de banque et de bourse1889»»»
Nowcasting Romanian GDP with the dynamic factor model»»»
Tanase, Andrei
Numai prin infiintarea "Creditorului National" putem scapa de saracia legalmente stabilizata1930»»»
Baroncea, Luca
O Uniune nefericita : cum poate fi solutionata criza monedei euro - si a Europei2017»»»
Peet, John
La Guardia, Anton
Bargaoanu, Alina
Butoescu, Elena
O criza si cinci erori2011»»»
Rodriguez Braun, Carlos
Rallo, Juan Ramon
Mursa, Gabriel
O noua orientare in economia nationala : conferinta1931»»»
Cioriceanu, Gheorghe D.
O solutie monetara pentru atenuarea crizei romanesti : (principiul dublei circulatiuni)1933»»»
Scarlatescu, Victor
Old ideas and new problems»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Omul ca factor pentru combaterea crizei agricole1930»»»
Baicoianu, Constantin I.
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Opriti aceasta depresiune - acum!2012»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Nistor, Smaranda
Oracles, heroes or villains : economic policymakers, national politicians and the power to shape markets2019»»»
Shambaugh, George E.
Organisation de la production mondiale et des echanges internationaux[1936]»»»
Gheorghiu, Dimitrie I.
Organisation de la production mondiale et des echanges internationaux. Demetre I. Gheorghiu. Cartea Romaneasca. 1936. Pag. 50 : [recenzie]»»»
Branzescu, Gheorghe
Organisation des echanges et creation de travail1934»»»
Milhaud, Edgard
Beckerath, Ulrich v.
Zander, Walter
Rittershausen , Heinrich
Kuttel, Karl
Heilperin, Michael A.
Orientari economice : lichidarea pasivurilor : conferinta de la Londra : experienta americana1933»»»
Solacolu, Barbu
Aizenman, Joshua
Pinto, Brian
PIB-ul fara tara : cum reconstruim increderea in Romania2012»»»
Pislaru, Sorin
Pagini din istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei1999-2000»»»
Degau, Ioan
Pagini din istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 3»»»
Degau, Ioan
Pagini din istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei [Vol.] 1 Inceputurile si evolutia Bancii Nationale a Romaniei1999»»»
Degau, Ioan
Parteneriatul public-privat in context global2010»»»
Chirlesan, Dan
Costica, Mihai
Borza, Mioara
Partidul Comunist Roman : promotor al luptei pentru realizarea unitatii muncitoresti de actiune, factor esential in afirmarea proletariatului in viata social-politica a Romaniei in anii 1921-1933»»»
Tanasescu, Florian
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