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Using monetary policy to stabilize economic activity»»»
Walsh, Carl Eugene
Carney, Mark J.
Viitorul bancilor centrale : Simpozionul tricentenarului Bancii Angliei2019»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Fischer, Stanley
Schnadt, Norbert
Stoenescu, George Virgil
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Mursa, Gabriel
Western rules for Eastern banking2002»»»
Borak, Neven
What next for the G20? : the G20's breadth of membership is starting to give it a voice in official discussions of international monetary issues, says Marc Uzan»»»
Uzan, Marc
What operating procedures should be adopted to maintain price stability? : practical issues»»»
Freedman, Charles
Issing, Otmar
Kohn, Donald L.
Whither monetary and financial stability? : the implications of evolving policy regimes»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
White, William R.
Gertler, Mark
Ortiz, Guillermo
Who supervises whom?2006»»»
Jazbec, Bostjan
Why is financial stability a goal of public policy?»»»
Crockett, Andrew D.
Fischer, Stanley
Why overcapitalisation drives banks into the shadows»»»
Toporowski, Jan
Wladyslaw Grabski, Bank Polski SA i stabilizacja ekonomiczna kraju2014»»»
Goracy, Stanislaw
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