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The quality of higher education in the scope of some theories2009»»»
Siklos, Balazs
The rating agencies and their credit ratings : what they are, how they work and why they are relevant2008»»»
Langohr, Herwig M.
Langohr, Patricia T.
The re-spiritualization of economic education from the point of view of fulfillment of life2009»»»
Costea, Carmen
Popescu, Constantin
Tasnadi, Alexandru
Badea, Liana
Stanciu, Miltiade
The relevance of international trade competitiveness for globalization: services case2009»»»
Bobirca, Ana
Cristureanu, Cristiana
The restructuring of capitalism in our time2012»»»
Tabb, William K.
The rise of offshoring : it's not wine for cloth anymore»»»
Grossman, Gene M.
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban
Taylor, John B.
The role of financial intermediaries in digital economy development : (Chapter23)»»»
Dvoretskaya, Alla
Rakhmetova, Aibota
Kalkabayeva, Gaukhar
The role of financial markets»»»
Cadete de Matos, Joao
Fano, Daniele
Lima, Filipa
Seneviratne, Amanda
The roles of education and export diversification in the improvement of environmental quality : a comparison between China and India»»»
Shahbaz, Muhammad
Mahalik, Mantu Kumar
Mubarak, Shujaat
Hammoudeh, Shawkat
The romanian higher education in economics and business between state of the art and expectations2009»»»
Miron, Dumitru
The sick man of IPE : The British School»»»
Berry, Craig
The state of development in a globalized world : perspectives on advanced and industrializing countries»»»
Thurbon, Elizabeth
Weiss, Linda
The story of work : a new history of humankind2022»»»
Lucassen, Jan
The sub-prime crisis and systemic risk: evidence from US securities markets2009»»»
Bergeron, Leonce
Lehn, Kenneth
Yalin, Mehmet
The systemic risk implications of originate and distribute2009»»»
Haldane, Andrew G.
The tailoring of IPE in Latin America : lost, misfit or merely misperceived?»»»
Tussie, Diana
The third pillar : how markets and the state leave the community behind2019»»»
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
The transformation of banking»»»
Guttmann, Robert
The wall and the bridge : fear and opportunity in disruption's wake2022»»»
Hubbard, Glenn
The world for sale : money, power and the traders who barter the earth's resources2021»»»
Blas, Javier
Farchy, Jack
The worldwide legacy of Haute Banque : from 19th to 21st century2022»»»
Nougaret, Roger
Bonin, Hubert
Theoretical perspectives on comparative employment relations»»»
Frege, Carola M.
Kelly, John E.
Through the looking glass: the link between financial globalization and systemic risk2009»»»
Lipsky, John
Time for socialism : dispatches from a world on fire, 2016-20212021»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Couper, Kristin
Tipologii ale finantarii intr-o economie globalizata2007»»»
Burtea, Alexandru
To only connect - globalization thoughts on excellence - connections - responsibility2009»»»
Ramey, Gerry
Toward a stronger Europe in the global economy»»»
Kohler, Horst
- Descriere: p. 3-7
- ISBN: -
Towards a better global economy : policy implications for citizens worldwide in the twenty-first century2014»»»
Allen, Franklin
Behrman, Jere Richard
Birdsall, Nancy
Fardoust, Shahrokh
Rodrik, Dani
Steer, Andrew
Subramanian, Arvind
Towards a knowledge-based society within the European Union2009»»»
Burciu, Aurel
Hlaciuc, Elena
Nastase, Carmen
Transformari globale : politica, economie si cultura2004»»»
Held, David
McGrew, Anthony
Goldblatt, David
Perraton, Jonathan
Transitions to capitalism in early modern Europe : economies in the era of early globalization, c. 1450-c. 18202019»»»
DuPlessis, Robert S.
Transnational and regional banks»»»
Volkova, Elena K.
Transnational organized crime and political economy»»»
Ponton, Daniel
Tranzitia dinspre sau catre o lume tulbure»»»
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Tratat de economie politica globala2010»»»
Bari, Ioan T.
Tratat de management general. Volumul 9 Managementul schimbarii2023»»»
Stegaroiu, Ion
Petrescu, Marius
Florea, Nicoleta-Valentina
Croitoru, Gabriel
Duica, Anisoara
Duica, Mircea-Constantin
Iancu, Dorin
Un contre-agenda pour le XXIeme siecle ou A la recherche d'une marginalite fertile2003»»»
Moscardo, Jeronimo
Simion, Eugen
Understanding financial accounts2017»»»
van de Ven, Peter
Fano, Daniele
Urban marketing - strategic instruments for local development in the context of globalization2009»»»
Albastroiu, Irina
Felea, Mihai
Using informal banking systems for transferring remittances: a migrant worker perspective2009»»»
Caunic, Irina
Venitul, consumul si investitiile2000»»»
Popescu, Constantin
Mihaita, Eugen
Grosu, Tudor
Viclenia globalizarii : asaltul asupra puterii americane2010»»»
Dobrescu, Paul
Viitorul declasificat : megatendintele care ne-ar putea distruge lumea2016»»»
Burrows, Mathew
Vidu, Valentin
Visul european : despre cum, pe tacute, Europa va pune in umbra "visul american"2006»»»
Rifkin, Jeremy
Golopentia, Dan
What can central bankers learn from hedge fund? Replication strategies?2009»»»
Hsieh, David A.
What have the crisis in emerging markets and the Euro Zone in common and what differentiates them?»»»
Frenkel, Roberto
Bebczuk, Ricardo
Why finance gives the West a bad name : Robert Pringle, editor of Central Banking, finds much to ponder over in the latest books on money and globalisation»»»
Pringle, Robert
Why international cooperation is failing : how the clash of capitalisms undermines the regulation of finance2019»»»
Kalinowski, Thomas
Wikinomics : cultura colaborarii in masa2010»»»
Tapscott, Don
Williams, Anthony D.
Will there be a "new normal" in monetary policy any time soon?»»»
Skreb, Marko
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