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Unlocking growth potential in the Balkans2011»»»
Jazbec, Bostjan
Kastrati, Albulene
Using and abusing economic theory2004»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
Using financial options to hedge transportation capacity in a deregulated rail industry2003»»»
Law, Stephen M.
Nolan, James F.
MacKay, Alexandra E.
Using market information in prudential bank supervision : a review of the US empirical evidence2001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Using the microstructure approach to foreign exchange markets in a central bank2008»»»
Gereben, Aron
Variational inequalities for evolutionary financial equilibrium2003»»»
Daniele, Patrizia
Vietnam : economic and financial management2002»»»
van Hoa, Tran
Vocational qualifications and the European labour market : the challenges and the prospects2002»»»
Calendini, Jean Baptiste
Storai, Christophe
Western rules for Eastern banking2002»»»
Borak, Neven
What is old is new again1996»»»
Gravelle, Toni
What objectives for monetary policy?2008»»»
Friedman, Benjamin M.
What's different about banks?2001»»»
Fama, Eugene Francis
What's right with macroeconomics?2012»»»
Solow, Robert M.
Touffut, Jean-Philippe
Who's who in economics2003»»»
Blaug, Mark
Vane, Howard R.
Why do banks need a central bank?2001»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Why do trade negociations take so long?2012»»»
Moser, Christoph
Rose, Andrew Kenan
Why is there money? : walrasian general equilibrium foundations of monetary theory2012»»»
Starr, Ross M.
Why money?1977»»»
Alchian, Armen Albert
Wicksellian norm, central bank real interest rate targeting and macroeconomic performance1998»»»
Seccareccia, Mario
Will they sing the same tune? Measuring convergence in the new European system of financial supervisors2011»»»
Masciandaro, Donato
Nieto, Maria J.
Quintyn, Marc
Working with market forces2003»»»
Foot, Michael
World finance and economic stability : selected essays of James Tobin2003»»»
Tobin, James
World monetary disorders : the mystery of the 'missing surplus' and ot the 'missing capital outflow'2012»»»
Cencini, Alvaro
Citraro, Mauro
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