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Deposit overinsurance in EU accesion Countries2008»»»
Nenovsky, Nikolay
Dimitrova, Kalina
Deposit protection and bank resolution2015»»»
Kleftouri, Nikoletta
Deposit rate asymmetry and edgeworth cycles after Hong Kong's interest rate deregulation»»»
Fung, Michael K.
Depositenbanken eines Agrarlandes : eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Banken Mecklenburg, auf Grund von Monographen und 8 Kurventafeln im Text1913»»»
Dittmer, Hans
Depozitul bancar : specificitatea contractelor bancare»»»
Postolache, Rada
Depozitul bancar de fonduri»»»
Postolache, Rada
Depozitul bancar de titluri»»»
Postolache, Rada
Des cheques et des banques de depots1864»»»
Rey de Foresta, Etienne-Emilien
Die Depositengelder in der Bankenquete1910»»»
Hartung H.
Drept bancar Volumul 31999»»»
Turcu, Ion
Du change et de la liberte d'emission1868»»»
Juglar, Clement
Ein allgemeiner Gleichgewichtsansatz zur Geldtheorie»»»
Tobin, James
Emile Mirraux. "Les miracles du credit" : (Editions des Portiques, Rue de Champs Elysees, Paris) : [recenzie]»»»
Ionescu, Stefan A.
European Banking Union : the new regime2015»»»
Hinojosa-Martinez, Luis M.
Beneyto, Jose Maria
Evolutii monetare in economia romaneasca : determinanti si implicatii»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Stere, Tatiana
Udrea, Ioana
Bistriceanu, Gabriel
Botezatu, Andreea
FDICIA after five years2001»»»
Benston, George G.
Kaufman, George G.
Fairly deposit insurance and bank charter policy2001»»»
Craine, Roger
Federal deposit insurance, regulatory policy, and optimal bank capital2001»»»
Buser, Stephen A.
Chen, Andrew H.
Kane, Edward J.
Finantele personale in Romania2011»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Fixed-rate deposit insurance and risk shifting behavior at commercial banks2001»»»
Duan, Jun-Chuan
Moreau, Arthur F.
Sealey, C. W.
Forbearance and valuation of deposit insurance as a callable put2001»»»
Allen, Linda
Saunders, Anthony
Greece : from 1833 to 1949»»»
Lazaretou, Sophia
Hong Kong»»»
McCarthy, Ian S.
Household Saving Patterns in Romania2009»»»
Mihaescu, Flaviu
I depositi bancari ed il servizio assegni1928»»»
Guastalla, Ettore
Impotriva bancilor centrale2013»»»
Rothbard, Murray Newton
Mursa, Gabriel
Inflatia si combaterea ei : un capitol de teorie si politica monetara actuala»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Interest-risk deposit insurance premia : stable ACH estimates2001»»»
McCulloch, J. Huston
Is fairly priced deposit insurance possible?2001»»»
Chan, Yuk-shee
Greenbaum, Stuart I.
Thakor, Anjan
Kontrolle der Geldmenge»»»
Meltzer, Allan H.
La banque en France : (consideree principalement au point de vue des trois grandes banques de depots)1914»»»
Kaufmann, Eugen
La caisse des depots et consignations1935»»»
Dailey, R.
La circulation monetaire et les banques de depot1936»»»
Epstein, E.
La garantie des depots et le risque bancaire : une analyse en termes d'incitations2006»»»
Nechita, Radu
La monnaie scripturale : role monetaire des depots bancaires1934»»»
Petritzi, Evange Alex
Les banques de depot1901»»»
Sayous, Andre-Emile
Les miracles du credit1930»»»
Mireaux, Emile
Les operations de banque1962»»»
Ferroniere, Jacques
Chillaz, Emmanuel de
Lesson from the US experience with deposit insurance2008»»»
Kroszner, Randall S.
Melick, William
Local financing facilities in France»»»
Istel, Ives-Andre
Management bancar2023»»»
Capraru, Bogdan
Manual de studii de caz si bune practici bancare2013»»»
Treapat, Laurentiu-Mihai
Marile institute de credit in Romania in cursul anului 1920»»»
Rottmann, D.
Materials for the study of banking1924»»»
Magee, James Dysart
Modern banking1937»»»
Thomas, Rollin G.
Moneda, banci, credit2005»»»
Tudorache, Dumitru
Pirjol, Toader
Money : what it is, how it's created, who gets it and why it matters2018»»»
Focardi, Sergio M.
Monnaie et banque : principes Tome 21908»»»
Conant, Charles
Levy, Raphael-Georges
On the cost of deposit insurance when there are surveillance costs2001»»»
Merton, Robert C.
Operatiuni bancare : instrumente si tehnici de plata1999»»»
Basno, Cezar
Dardac, Nicolae
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