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International reserves and liquidity»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Intervention in asset markets2003»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Bjorheim, Jacob
Lupta pentru aur»»»
Decusara, Eugen C.
Management of Canada's foreign exchange reserves»»»
Johnson, Grahame
Management of the international reserve liquidity portofolio2004»»»
Delgado Ruiz, David
Martinez Somoza, Pedro
Osorio Yanez, Eneira
Managing market risks : a balance sheet approach2004»»»
Boertje, Bert
van der Hoorn, Han
Managing the people's money : an analysis of banking policies and banking control and their relation to economic stability1935»»»
Goodbar, Joseph Ernest
Multi-factor risk analysis of bond portofolios2004»»»
Dynkin, Lev
Hyman, Jay
Nationalizarea rublei : calea spre libertatea Rusiei2016»»»
Starikov, Nikolay
Ezariu, Nicoleta
Herzog, Bogdan
Optimal level of reserve holdings: an empirical investigation in the case of Albanias.a.»»»
Shijaku, Gerti
Performance attribution analysis : a homemade solution2004»»»
Simicak, Alojz
Zajac, Michal
Performance attribution for fixed income portofolios in Central Bank of Brazil international reserves management2004»»»
de Almeida da Silva Junior, Antonio Francisco
Primul bilant al Bancei Frantei sub regimul Legii monetare din 2 octombrie 1936»»»
Dobrescu, Costache
Professor Triffin on international liquidity and the role of the Fund»»»
Altman, Oscar Lamar
Reaching for yield : selected issues for reserves managers2004»»»
Remonola, Eli M.
Schriijvers, Martijn A.
Recommendations of Six Brookings Experts»»»
Reflectii economice2007»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Reflectii economice [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 3»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Reflectii economice [Vol.] 2 Politici ale Bancii Nationale a Romaniei2007»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Regimul juridic al Bancii Nationale a Romaniei de la infiintare pana in prezent2022»»»
Dumitrescu-Pasecinic, Adrian
Paunescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Bercea, Lucian
Regimul valutar in Romania, 1929-1939 = Foreign exchange regime in Romania between 1929 and 1939. Rezerva internationala a Bancii Nationale a Romaniei, 1920-1944 = International reserves of the National Bank of Romania, 1920-19442007»»»
Stoenescu, George Virgil
Blejan, Elisabeta
Costache, Brindusa Gratiela
Iarovici, Adriana
Regional monetary integration of the developing countries»»»
Kafka, Alexandre
Reserve accumulation, sovereign debt, and exchange rate policy»»»
Alfaro, Laura
Kanczuk, Fabio
Reserve management at the Reserve Bank of India2003»»»
Reddy, Yaga V.
Reserve management in Danmarks Nationalbank : combining liquidity tiers with an adaptive risk budget»»»
Kjaergaard, Morten
Vahle, Rasmus
Ejsing, Jacob Wellendorph
Reserve management in developing countries2003»»»
Naameh, Michael
Responsible investment and central bank asset management»»»
Beeching, Archie
Georgieva, Anna
Sloggett, Justin
Risk management for central bank foreign reserves2004»»»
Risk management of currency reserves2003»»»
Hansen, Ib
Olgaard, Christian
Jensen, Peter Kaer
Risk systems in central bank reserves management2004»»»
Dwyer, Mark
Nugee, John
Romania : from 1880 to 1947»»»
Stoenescu, George Virgil
Aloman, Adriana
Blejan, Elisabeta
Costache, Brindusa Gratiela
Ruin theory revisited : stochastic models for operational risks2004»»»
Embrechts, Paul
Kaufmann, Roger
Samorodnitsky, Gennady
Saudi Arabian monetary authority : why do central banks hold domestic and foreign currency assets?»»»
Al-Humoud, Talal
Setting counterparty credit limits for the reserves portofolio2004»»»
Ramaswamy, Srichander
Sistemul bugetar in contextul evolutiei economiei»»»
Vacarel, Iulian
Bercea, Florian
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Voinea, Liviu
Dumitru, Ionut
Gherghina, Gheorghe
Situatia financiara a Bulgariei»»»
Balacescu, Corneliu D.
Strategic asset allocation for foreign exchange reserves2004»»»
Cardon, Pierre
Coche, Joachim
The Riksbank's ongoing efficiency drive : this article, the first in a special feature modernising central banks, looks at the Riksbank's drive to improve efficiency in cash handling payment systems and reserve management»»»
The Stamp Plan : 1962 version»»»
Stamp, Maxwell
The Swiss National Bank's investment decision-making process from a safe-haven currency perspective»»»
Streit, Sandro
Muhl, Patrick A.
The Triffin Plan : diagnosis, remedy, and alternatives»»»
Yeager, Leland Bennett
The UK and the euro : implications for reserve managers2003»»»
Dicks, Geoffrey
Juckes, Kit
Stanworth, Paul
The advantages and disadvantages of holding gold2003»»»
Bernholz, Peter
The case for investing in corporate debt2003»»»
de Beaufort, Roberto
Palomino, Francisco
Benitez, Sandra
The cost of holding foreign exchange reserves»»»
Levy-Yeyati, Eduardo
Gomez, Juan Francisco
The countercyclical provisions of the Banco de Espana, 2000-20162017»»»
Saurina, Jesus
Trucharte, Carlos
Linde, Luis M.
The currency composition of foreign exchange reserves : retrospect and prospect2003»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Mathieson, Donald J.
The duality of managing foreign exchange reserves2004»»»
Strauss-Kahn, Isabelle
The future of reserve management2003»»»
Persaud, Avinash
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