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Analysis of economic data2000»»»
Koop, Gary
Analysis of economic data2009»»»
Koop, Gary
Analysis of financial time series2010»»»
Tsay, Ruey S.
Analysis of financial time series2005»»»
Tsay, Ruey S.
Analysis of high-frequency data2010»»»
Russell, Jeffrey R.
Engle, Robert F.
- Descriere: p. 384-426
- ISBN: -
Analysis of microdata2009»»»
Winkelmann, Rainer
Boes, Stefan
Analysis of panel data2003»»»
Hsiao, Cheng
Analysis of panel data using R»»»
Henningsen, Arne
Henningsen, Geraldine
Analysis of stochastic dominance ranking of chinese income distributions by household attributes»»»
Maasoumi, Esfandiar
Heshmati, Almas
Su, Biwei
Analytical methods for dynamic modelers2015»»»
Rahmandad, Hazhir
Oliva, Rogelio
Osgood, Nathaniel D.
Richardson, George P.
Aplicatii in econometrie2009»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Spircu, Liliana
Application in banking : securitization and global banking»»»
Bilan, Andrada
Degryse, Hans
O'Flynn, Kuchulain
Ongena, Steven
Application of weighted residual methods to dynamic economic models2001»»»
McGrattan, Ellen R.
Applied Macroeconometrics2001»»»
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Applied computational economics and finance2002»»»
Miranda, Mario J.
Fackler, Paul L.
Applied econometric time series2015»»»
Enders, Walter
Applied econometric time series2010»»»
Enders, Walter
Applied econometric time series2004»»»
Enders, Walter
Applied econometrics : a modern approach using EViews and microfit2007»»»
Asteriou, Dimitrios
Hall, Stephen G.
Applied econometrics : an introduction2018»»»
Marcellino, Massimiliano
Applied econometrics with R2008»»»
Kleiber, Christian
Zeileis, Achim
Applied time series econometrics2004»»»
Lutkepohl, Helmut
Kratzig, Markus
Asset prices in a time/series model with disparately informed, competitive traders2008»»»
Singleton, Kenneth J.
Asset-pricing, the Fama-French factor model and the implications of quantile-regression analysis2011»»»
Allen, David E.
Singh, Abhay Kumar
Powell, Robert
Assise pour les etudes et techniques monetaires1965»»»
Divisia, F.
Asymmetric dependence in finance : diversification, correlation and portfolio management in market downturns2018»»»
Alcock, Jamie
Satchell, Stephen
Asymptotic properties of some specification tests in linear models with integrated processes1999»»»
Hjellvik, Vidar
Tjostheim, Dag
Automated markets and tradin agents2006»»»
Mackie-Mason, Jeffrey K.
Wellman, Michael P.
Autoregressive distributed lag models and cointegration2006»»»
Hassler, Uwe
Wolters, Jurgen
Bank-by-bank credit ceilings: issues and experiences1997»»»
Farahbaksh, Mitra
Sensenbrenner, Gabriel
Basic econometrics2003»»»
Gujarati, Damodar
Bayesian Methods in microeconometrics2011»»»
Li, Mingliang
Tobias, Justin L.
Bayesian applications in marketing2011»»»
Rossi, Peter
Allenby, Greg
Bayesian aspects of treatment choice2011»»»
Chamberlain, Gary
Bayesian econometric methods2020»»»
Chan, Joshua
Koop, Gary
Poirier, Dale J.
Tobias, Justin L.
Bayesian econometrics2003»»»
Koop, Gary
Bayesian estimation of panel count data models : dynamics, latent heterogeneity, serial error correlation, and nonparametric structures»»»
Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos
Bayesian graphical inference for economic time series that may have stochastic or deterministic trends2004»»»
Marriott, John
Naylor, John
Tremayne, Andy
Bayesian inference for time series state space models2011»»»
Giordani, Paolo
Pitt, Michael
Kohn, Robert
Bayesian macroeconometrics2011»»»
Del Negro, Marco
Schorfheide, Frank
Bayesian methods in finance2011»»»
Jacquier, Eric
Polson, Nicholas
Bayesian methods in non-linear time series»»»
Korenok, Oleg
Bazele econometriei : teorie, aplicatii, studii de caz2018»»»
Dimian, Gina Cristina
Dragan, Irina Maria
Bazele statisticii economice2012»»»
Duguleana, Liliana
Berechnung und Ausschaltung von Saisonschwankungen1936»»»
Wald, A.
Beyond Rosenstein-Rodan: the modern theory of coordination problems in development2001»»»
Hoff, Karla
Bootstrap methods : a guide for practitioners and researchers2008»»»
Chernick, Michael R.
Calcul economic1964»»»
Manescu, Manea
Capital regulation, efficiency, and risk taking : a spatial panel analysis of US banks»»»
Ding, Dong
Sickles, Robin C.
Cauzele inflatiei in Romania, iunie 1997-august 2001 : analiza bazata pe vectorul autoregresiv structural»»»
Botel, Cezar
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