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Commentary : How should monetary policymakers respond to the new challenges of global economic integration?»»»
Brash, Donald T.
Commentary : The supply of and demand for financial regulation : public and private competition around the globe»»»
Kroszner, Randall S.
Steel, Robert K.
Seligman, Joel
Jackson, Howell E.
Goldschmid, Harvey J.
Poole, William
Community banking institutions : commercial banks, savings banks, cooperative banks, and credit unions»»»
Kim, Dasol
McKillop, Donal
Compliance and whistleblowing : how technology will replace, empower and change whistleblowers»»»
Pender, Kieran
Cherkasova, Sofya
Yamaoka-Enkerlin, Anna
Conclusion : in search of trust»»»
van Leeuwen, Bas
Spek, R. J. van der
Conditionality, dependence and coordination : three current debates in aid policy»»»
Collier, Paul
Contabilitate in institutii publice2022»»»
Georgescu, Iuliana Eugenia
Mardiros, Daniela-Neonila
Pavaloaia, Leontina
Afrasinei, Mihai-Bogdan
Contabilitate si raportare financiara pentru institutiile publice2022»»»
Dima, Florin Constantin
Contabilitatea institutiilor bancare2007»»»
Preda, Bianca Florentina
Contabilitatea institutiilor de credit : concepte si bune practici = Accounting for credit institutions : concepts and best practices2023»»»
Dascalu, Cornelia
Opris, Madalina Elena
Contabilitatea institutiilor de credit din Romania2005»»»
Trandafir, Mariana
Cooperarea economica internationala a Republicii Socialiste Romania1979»»»
Albu, Alexandru D.
Cooperation among central banks of developing countries»»»
Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije
Cooperation among the developing countries within the context of international economic development financing»»»
Bengelloun, Hadj Abdelmajid
Cooperation between banks in the developed and developing countries»»»
Payno, Juan Antonio
Cooperation between developed and developing countries in the establishment of a new international economic order»»»
Jovanovski, Tihomir
Coordonate ale activitatii de asigurare din Romania in secolul al XIX-lea»»»
Firtescu, Bogdan
Corporate complexity and systemic risk : a progress report»»»
Carmassi, Jacopo
Herring, Richard J.
Corporate groups, financial liberalization, and growth : the case of Indonesia2001»»»
Chui, Andy
Titman, Sheridan
Wei, K. C. John
Criminalitatea informatica privind transferurile financiare2018»»»
Scheau, Mircea Constantin
Crypto-instruments, classification and financial regulation»»»
Mandeng, Ousmene Jacques
Cryptocurrencies and central banks»»»
Vauplane, Hubert de
Curtea Superioara de Control Financiar : (1973-1989)»»»
Petrescu, Constantin
Defences against systemic risk : a greater role and responsibilty for bank lawyers? : judgement-based bank supervision»»»
Gray, Joanna
Metzing, Peter
Democratizing finance : origins of the community development financial institutions movement2018»»»
Rosenthal, Clifford N.
Erickson, David
Klein, Steen
Development finance in the Baltic states and the process of europeanization»»»
Mikheeva, Olga
Juuse, Egert
Dictionar bancar : lexic uzual in practica bancara : (romana, engleza, franceza, germana, italiana) : institutii bancare din Romania1993»»»
Popescu, Gheorghe
Popescu, Coralia
Digital financial inclusion in South East Asia»»»
Koh, Francis
Phoon, Kok Fai
Cao, Duy Ha
Digital transformation and the economics of banking : economic, institutional, and social dimensions2024»»»
Lasak, Piotr
Williams, Jonathan
Directiva europeana privind serviciile de plata. Unele aspecte privind protectia consumatorilor in Titlul III2009»»»
Butnaru, Dana
Disclosures and market discipline: the promise of regtech»»»
Abur, Murat
Dyck, Maximilian
Does 1992's single financial market promise a single European economy?»»»
Merritt, Giles
Does financial structure matter for economic growth? : a corporate finance perspective2001»»»
Stulz, Rene
Drept financiar2023»»»
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
Tofan, Mihaela
Drept financiar public2009»»»
Neagu, Aurel
Whitehead, Geoffrey
Economic planning and the banking system : lectures delivered at the 21st International Banking Summer School, held at the University of Dublin, Ireland, July 19681968»»»
Economica activitatii financiare si monetare internationale2003»»»
Bran, Paul V.
Costica, Ionela
Economie monetaire1969»»»
Vinay, Bernard
Economie monetara2002»»»
Donath, Liliana
Dima, Bogdan, economist
Efectele crizei si perspectivele redresarii economice : volum de contributii stiintifice : aria tematica Uniunea Economica si Monetara din cadrul proiectului Performanta si excelenta in cercetarea postdoctorala in domeniul stiintelor economice din Romania contract POSDRU/89/1.5/S/591842013»»»
Anghelache, Gabriela-Victoria
Dardac, Nicolae
Campeanu, Emilia-Mioara
Catrina, Ion Lucian
Costea, Adrian
Ionascu, Mihaela
Moinescu, Bogdan-Gabriel
Obreja Brasoveanu, Laura
Pele, Daniel Traian
Sacala, Mihail Dumitru
Serban, Florentin
Socol, Aura-Gabriela
Stoian, Andreea
Effective websites : not just a beauty contest : Timo Laurmaa from the BIS examines the ways in which central banks publish information on the internet and the problems involved, including maintenance, standardisation and targeting»»»
Laurmaa, Timo
Effects on the soundness of financial-banking institutions and on the business development»»»
Remeikiene, Rita
Gaspareniene, Ligita
Emerging-market and crisis applications for out-of-court workouts : lessons from East Asia, 1998-2001»»»
Mako, William P.
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