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Lessons for banking reform : a Canadian perspective : Canada's banks have stood firm throughout the crisis, despite Ottawa's aversion to prescriptive rule-based regulation»»»
Lessons from the Glass-Steagall Act»»»
Russell, Ellen D.
Liquid asset requirements: role and reform1997»»»
Gulde, Anne-Marie
Nascimento, Jean-Claude
Zamalloa, Lorena M.
Marele impas in Europa : ce poate face Romania?2015»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Migrant remittances in Africa : an overview»»»
Mohapatra, Sanket
Ratra, Dilip
Monetary policy in a globalized economy : a practitioner's view2011»»»
Mohan, Rakesh
Monetary policy instruments: design of instruments mix and coordination of instrument design1997»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Sundararajan, V.
New financial architecture as a global public good»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Opinii despre tranzitia spre economia de piata in Romania1992»»»
Taran, Nicolae
Cerna, Silviu
Catinean, Florin
Tobin, James
Margolis, Louis I.
Roosa, Robert V.
Pension reform in Southeastern Europe : linking to labor and financial market reform2009»»»
Holzmann, Robert
MacKellar, Landis
Repansek, Jana
Policymaking in the open economy : concepts and case studies in economic performance1995»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Prof. G. Tasca. Reforma financiara. Conferinta tinuta la cercul comercial si industrial, Bucuresti, Cartea Romaneasca, 1921 : [recenzie]»»»
Manescu, Nicolae A.
Prof. Gh. Tasca. Probleme economice si financiare. Editate de A. Doicescu, Bucuresti, 1927 : [recenzie]»»»
Suciu, Paul Horia
Programul financiar dela Genova»»»
Rapports des changes avaries et des reglements exterieurs1912»»»
Thery, Rene
Reform der Weltfinanzen als Ausweg aus dem Wirtschaftschaos : mit Veranschaulichung der Reformergebnisse in 51 Staaten1933»»»
Tolnai, Eduard
Reforma financiara»»»
Tasca, Gheorghe G.
Reforma financiara»»»
Angelescu, Ion N.
Reforma financiara : conferinta tinuta la Cercul Comercial si Industrial1921»»»
Tasca, Gheorghe G.
Reforma financiara cu remediile pentru salvarea tarei pe calea regularei creditului public1922»»»
Baroncea, Luca
Reforma financiara din 1921 : Legea asupra contributiunilor directe : Expunerea de motive a d-nului ministru N. Titulescu1922»»»
Reforma supravegherii bancare si stabilitatea financiara in Uniunea Europeana2017»»»
Donath, Liliana
Cerna, Veronica
Reforming financial systems : historical implications for policy1997»»»
Caprio, Gerard, Jr.
Vittas, Dimitri
Reforming money to fix financialization?»»»
Weber, Beat
Retirement savings in an ageing society : a case for innovative government debt management2010»»»
Bohn, Henning
Should monetary policy be different in a greyer world?2010»»»
Miles, David
Sistemul finantelor locale in diferite tari»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Standardul fiduciar : sclavia prin indatorare ca alternativa la civilizatia umana2022»»»
Ammous, Saifedean
Manolescu, Anca Smaranda
Stevens, Ross
Structural adjustment and macroeconomic policy issues : papers presented at a seminar held in Lahore, Pakistan, October 26-28, 19911992»»»
Jafarey, V. A.
Camdessus, Michel
Structural fiscal imbalances, financial repression and sovereign debt sustainability in Southern Europe, 1970s-1990s»»»
Battilossi, Stefano
Structural reforms and growth : the elusive quest for the silver bullet»»»
Terzi, Alessio
Marrazzo, Pasquale Marco
Structural reforms in Europe : lessons from early experiences»»»
Saka, Orkun
Martelli, Angelo
Ganslmeier, Michael
Ji, Yuemei
Campos, Nauro Ferreira
De Grauwe, Paul
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The European Monetary Union : Europe at the crossroads2020»»»
Acocella, Nicola
The Greek banking system and its deregulation : history, structure and organization in a European context»»»
Pagoulatos, George
The Imperial Ottoman Bank : actor or instrument of Ottoman modernization?»»»
Eldem, Edhem
The World Bank and structural adjustment : lessons from the 1980s»»»
Ferreira, Francisco H. G.
Keely, Louise C.
The euro : the first decade and beyond»»»
Buti, Marco
Deroose, Servaas
Gaspar, Vitor
Nogueira Martins, Joao
The founding of the Federal Reserve System»»»
Toma, Mark
The last refuge of scoundrels : Keynes-Minsky perspectives on the uses and abuses of the "liquidity defense"»»»
Crotty, James
Epstein, Gerald A.
The microeconomics of the New Deal during the Great Depression»»»
Fishback, Price V.
The political economy of public finance : taxation, state spending and debt since the 1970s2018»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
The structural foundations of monetary policy2018»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Cochrane, John Howland
Seru, Amit
The successful asset management companies»»»
Neyens, Ruth L.
Zukri Samat, Dato
Choi, Beom
Kaisheng, Yang
Takagi, Shinjiro
The transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Peru»»»
de la Rocha, Javier
Traite de finances : l'impot en general, les diverses especes d'impots, le credit public, les emprunts et l'amortissement, les depenses publiques et les attributions de l'etat, les reformes financieres, notes et notices complementaires historiques et statistiques1872»»»
Garnier, Joseph
Transition economies : transformation, development, and society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union2018»»»
Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V.
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