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The segmentation of Europe : convergence or divergence between core and periphery?2017»»»
Baimbridge, Mark
Litsios, Ioannis
Jackson, Karen
Lee, Uih Ran
The sub-prime crisis and systemic risk: evidence from US securities markets2009»»»
Bergeron, Leonce
Lehn, Kenneth
Yalin, Mehmet
The subprime turmoil : what's old, what's new and what's next»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Bordo, Michael D.
The sum of all fears»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The surprising origin and nature of financial crises : a macroeconomic policy proposal»»»
Caballero, Ricardo J.
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
The trader's guide to the euro area : economic indicators, the ECB and the euro crisis2013»»»
Powell, David J.
The tragedy of the European Union : disintegration or revival?2014»»»
Soros, George
Schmitz, Gregor Peter
Kaletsky, Anatole
The transformation of banking»»»
Guttmann, Robert
The triumph of macroeconomics»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The triumph of the mixed economy : the New Deal order, Keynes, and the genius of American liberalism»»»
Smith, Jason Scott
The wealth effect : how the great expectations of the middle class have changed the politics of banking crises2019»»»
Chwieroth, Jeffrey M.
Walter, Andrew
The world economic crisis and the way of escape1931»»»
Salter, Arthur
Stamp, Josiah
Keynes, John Maynard
Blackett, Basil
Clay, Henry
Beveridge, W. H.
The world in depression : 1929-1939 : 40th anniversary of a classic in economic history2013»»»
Kindleberger, Charles Poor
DeLong, J. Bradford
Eichengreen, Barry
Theorie der Landwirtschaftskrisen1935»»»
Lagler, Ernst
Theorie et technique de la devaluation1935»»»
Salien, Jean
This gold crisis1931»»»
Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick William
To what extent has the crisis affected the Romanian banking system?2010»»»
Too big to fail : inside the battle to save Wall Street2010»»»
Sorkin, Andrew Ross
Tractiunea mecanica in agricultura ca mijloc contributiv la rezolvarea crizei agricole1930»»»
Baicoianu, Constantin I.
Tragedia Uniunii Europene : dezintegrare sau renastere?2015»»»
Soros, George
Schmitz, Gregor Peter
Kaletsky, Anatole
Bargaoanu, Alina
Dascalita, Ondine Cristina
Trajectories of the economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Orlowski, Witold M.
Transcending the New Deal idea of the state : managerialism, neoliberalism, and democracy»»»
Rahman, K. Sabeel
Transformation of Central and Eastern European economies : lessons learned and the way forward : keynote speech Bucharest Security Conference : Bucharest, 4 October 2019»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Transnational and regional banks»»»
Volkova, Elena K.
Tranzitie si criza : analiza comparativa intre tarile Central-Europene si China2024»»»
Maftei, Robert
Tratat de economie contemporana Vol. 1 Sistemul stiintelor economice si sistemele economice contemporane1986»»»
Constantinescu, Nicolae N.
Apostol, Gheorghe P.
Blaga, Ion
Dobrota, Nita
Enache, Constantin
Mehedintu, Marin
Nicolae-Valeanu, Ivanciu
Vaduva, I.
Muresan, Dumitru
Totu, Ioan V.
Trezirea la realitate2011»»»
Georgescu, Calin
Twenty years of inflation targeting : lessons learned and future prospects2013»»»
Cobham, David
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Gerlach, Stefan
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Un deceniu cat un secol : secolul lumii emergente2014»»»
Dobrescu, Paul
Un nou sistem monetar pentru remedierea crizei generale = Un nouveau systeme monetaire pour remedier a la crise generales.a.»»»
Enescu, I. D.
Diaconescu, I.
Coanda, Gr. T.
Understanding central banks2019»»»
Herger, Nils
Une idee en marche : la compensation organisee1935»»»
Milhaud, Edgard
Unemployment and inflation in economic crises2012»»»
Carlberg, Michael
Unique echilibrium in a model of self-fulfilling currency attacks2004»»»
Morris, Stephen
Shin, Hyun Song
United in diversity? : interests, preferences, and patterns of engagement of public development banks in the implementation of the EU budget»»»
Rubio, Eulalia
Thiemann, Matthias
Unlocking growth potential in the Balkans2011»»»
Jazbec, Bostjan
Kastrati, Albulene
Unstable preferences and policy changes : Spain»»»
Coller, Xavier
de Luis, Fernando Ramirez
Variatiunile in conjuncturi si cauzele lor : [recenzie]»»»
Karadja, Constantin I.
Variegated geographies of finance : international financial centres and the (re)production of financial working cultures»»»
Hall, Sarah
Venitul national, reforma monetara si criza economica speciala din Romania : studiu critic1931»»»
Onisor, Victor
Very serious people»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Victor Onisor: Venitul national, reforma monetara si criza economica speciala din Romania. Studiu critic. Editura Cartea Romaneasca, 1931 : [recenzie]»»»
Gheorghiu, Panait R.
Vietnam : economic and financial management2002»»»
van Hoa, Tran
Wolf, Holger C.
Volatility and growth2005»»»
Hnatkovska, Viktoria
Loayza, Norman
Volatility, income distribution, and poverty2005»»»
Laursen, Thomas
Mahajan, Sandeep
Volume I1931»»»
Volume II1931»»»
Wall Street : istoria crahului din 19292011»»»
Thomas, Gordon
Morgan-Witts, Max
Was kostet uns der Frieden von Versailles? 2 500 Milliarden!1919»»»
Dehn, Paul
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