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International economic indicators and central banks2007»»»
Dolganos Picker, Anne
International financial and monetary law2015»»»
Lastra, Rosa Maria
International settlement»»»
Yates, Madeleine
Interview : Hans Tietmeyer : in a wide-range interview, the former president of the Bundesbank talks with Stephen F. Frowen about the politics of the euro, the work of the Financial Stability Forum and the role of the G-7 in the international debt relief»»»
Tietmeyer, Hans
Frowen, Stephen F.
Interview : Manfred J.M. Neumann : in conversation with the editor, Manfred J.M. Neumann explains why the ECB should keep its first pillar (a prominent role for money growth), but alter potentially divisive voting proposals : Manfred J.M. Neumann is a professor of economics at the University of Bonn, and a member of the Council of Economic Advisers to the Ministry of Economics in Germany»»»
Neumann, Manfred J. M.
Interview : Martin Feldstein : in conversation with the editor, Professor Feldstein discusses his worries for the European Central Bank's future, who is to blame for the bubble, the US payments deficit and the international monetary system»»»
Feldstein, Martin
Interview : Otmar Issing : as the board member responsible for economics and research, Otmar Issing has been a principal architect of the ECB's monetary policy : here he discusses many of the key issues facing the ECB today and explains the rationale for some of its more controversial policies»»»
Issing, Otmar
Pringle, Robert
Reichlin, Lucrezia
Castaneda, Juan E.
Roselli, Alessandro
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Introduction of the euro and the monetary policy of the European Central Bank2010»»»
Hamori, Shigeyuki
Hamori, Naoko
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Is the ECB too decentralized?2004»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Berger, Helge
Inklaar, Robert
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
La politique monetaire de la BCE2001»»»
Legal foundations of EU economic governance2018»»»
Estella de Noriega, Antonio
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
Lupta cu criza financiara. Eforturile unui membru roman al PE2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Macroeconomia integrarii monetare europene : cazul Romaniei2009»»»
Socol, Aura-Gabriela
Making a central bank without a state2011»»»
James, Harold
Making the European Monetary Union : the role of the Committee of Central Bank Governors and the origins of the European Central Bank2012»»»
James, Harold
Draghi, Mario
Caruana, Jaime
Mann on the legal aspect of money2012»»»
Proctor, Charles
Modern monetary policy»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Moneda, banci si politici monetare2005»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Monetary aggregates and monetary policy at the Federal Reserve2008»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Monetary analysis at central banks2016»»»
Cobham, David
Monetary policy : a journey from theory to practice : an ECB colloquium held in honour of Otmar Issing, 16-17 March 20062007»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Monetary policy in the euro area : strategy and decision making at the European Central Bank2001»»»
Issing, Otmar
Gaspar, Vitor
Angeloni, Ignazio
Tristani, Oreste
Monetary policy in times of crisis : a tale of two decades of the European Central Bank2021»»»
Rostagno, Massimo
Altavilla, Carlo
Carboni, Giacomo
Lemke, Wolfgang
Motto, Roberto
Saint Guilhem, Arthur
Yiangou, Jonathan
Monetary policy in unknown territory: the European Central Bank in early years2010»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Bruckner, Matthias
Monetary policy instruments for European Monetary Union2010»»»
Menkhoff, Lukas
Money and monetary policy2008»»»
Fischer, Bjorn
Lenza, Michele
Pill, Huw
Reichlin, Lucrezia
Money, liquidity and financial cycles2008»»»
Adrian, Tobias
Shin, Hyun Song
Objectives, governance and profits of central banks1999»»»
Pringle, Robert
Courtis, Neil
On the macroeconomics of asset shortages2008»»»
Caballero, Ricardo J.
One size fits none : as the German economy stalls, should the ECB shift its policy focus from the eurozone as a whole?»»»
Enderlein, Henrik
Organisme financiare internationale2003»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Poanta, Dorina
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Performance attribution2009»»»
Marton, Roman
Bourquin, Herve
Performance measurement2009»»»
Bourquin, Herve
Marton, Roman
Pillars of globalization2008»»»
Flandreau, Marc
Policymaking in the European Central Bank : the masters of Europe's money2006»»»
Kaltenhaler, Karl
Politica valutara si managementul riscurilor in tranzactiile internationale2003»»»
Paxino, Dan Octavian
Politici economice de integrare : rationalitatea demersului informational2004»»»
Burtea, Alexandru
Petroman, Ioan
Buterez, Mircea
Bucataru Petrescu, Mircea
Politici monetare2009»»»
Roman, Angela
Politici si institutii financiar-bancare europene2008»»»
Manolescu, Gheorghe
Politici si strategii nationale si comunitare in domeniul financiar-bancar2005»»»
Olteanu, Alexandru
Radoi, Madalina Antoaneta
Privatization, crisis, and the transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti»»»
Bulfone, Fabio
Di Carlo, Donato
Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion : for real growth2022»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Radiografia bancilor centrale : evolutie si crize economice2017»»»
Doroftei, Irina Madalina
Musetescu, Radu Cristian
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