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Bonds without borders : a history of the Eurobond market2015»»»
O'Malley, Chris
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg
Bridging the disequilibria between the world's trading regions»»»
Haschek, Helmut
Capital flows, crises and externalities2012»»»
Korinek, Anton
Capital formation in developing countries»»»
de Mel, Ronnie
Capital inflows and policy responses : lessons from Korea's experience2013»»»
Chung, Kyuil
Kim, Seungwon
Capital markets and investment decision making2019»»»
Dhankar, Raj S.
Cause and effect of financial access : cross-country evidence from the FinScope surveys2013»»»
Honohan, Patrick
King, Michael
Ce qu'il faut connaitre de la finance internationale1929»»»
Compeyrot, Jean
Central bank cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930-19732005»»»
Toniolo, Gianni
Clement, Piet
Central banking, shadow banking, and infrastructural power»»»
Braun, Benjamin
Gabor, Daniela
Central banks and financial crises»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Blinder, Alan S.
Yamaguchi, Yutaka
Central banks and the financial system»»»
Corrigan, E. Gerald
Central banks, macroprudential policy, and the spanish experience2013»»»
Alberola, Enrique
Trucharte, Carlos
Vega, J. L.
Chanelling of the OPEC countries surpluses in development financing»»»
Kaddori, Fakhri Y.
Chestiunea reparatiilor si Planul Dawes : [partea a 3-a]»»»
Radulescu, Savel
Clearing und Kompensation im Aussenhandel1934»»»
Kroymann, Kurt
Closing addresses»»»
Sefer, Berislav
Balogh, Thomas
Triffin, Robert
Mrkusic, Zarko
Closing addresses : finance, money, development»»»
Perroux, Francois
Triffin, Robert
Sefer, Berislav
Clubul Bilderberg : conducerea secreta a lumii2008»»»
Estulin, Daniel
Pavelescu, Mihai-Dan
Clubul Bilderberg : stapanii lumii2007»»»
Martin, Cristina
Ionescu, Ioana
Commentary : How should monetary policymakers react to the new challenges of global economic integration»»»
Ortiz, Guillermo
Commentary : How should monetary policymakers respond to the new challenges of global economic integration?»»»
Brash, Donald T.
Communiques of the Group of 241998»»»
Concluding remarks»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Conditionality, dependence and coordination : three current debates in aid policy»»»
Collier, Paul
Congres Monetaire International de 1889 : discours de M. Frederic Passy, seance du 13 septembre 1889[1890]»»»
Connections between multilateral development financing and multilateral technical cooperation»»»
Andersen, Stig
Constructivist IPE»»»
Nelson, Stephen
Controverse privind sistemul monetar international : criza, proiecte, perspective1974»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Tutui, Eva
Cooperarea bancilor de emisiune si banca reglementelor internationale1937»»»
Grigorcea, Vasile
Cooperarea financiara internationala si cresterea economica a tarilor in curs de dezvoltare1978»»»
Silasi, Grigore I.
Cooperation among central banks of developing countries»»»
Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije
Cooperation among central banks of the developing countries with a view to promoting financing of economic development»»»
Ghenima, Mohamed
Cooperation among commercial banks»»»
Colanovic, Branislav
Cooperation among developing countries with respect to development financing»»»
Shihata, Ibrahim F. I.
Cooperation among the developing countries within the context of international economic development financing»»»
Bengelloun, Hadj Abdelmajid
Cooperation and competition in international finance : avenues towards more efficient financial systems»»»
Klein, Dietmar K. R.
Cooperation between banks in the developed and developing countries»»»
Payno, Juan Antonio
Cooperation between developed and developing countries in the establishment of a new international economic order»»»
Jovanovski, Tihomir
Cooperation between the banks from the developed and the banks from the developing countries»»»
Smole, Janko
Cooperation between the banks of developed and developing countries designed to promote the financing of economic development»»»
Aleksic, Milan
Cooperation of central banks of developing countries in promoting economic development financing»»»
Haddad, Adeeb
Corporate restructuring : lessons from experience2005»»»
Pomerleano, Michael
Shaw, William Arthur
Corporate restructuring funds : the lessons from Korea»»»
Vale, Christopher
Corporatiile conduc lumea2000»»»
Korten, David C.
Crises : the price of globalization?»»»
Krugman, Paul P.
Criteria of development and international development financing»»»
Ichimura, Shinichi
Criza : finante, teorii : studii alese2009»»»
Dolgu, Gheorghe
Cryptocurrencies : money, trust and regulation2021»»»
McDonald, Oonagh
Cuba : 'dollarization" and "dedollarization"2003»»»
Ritter, Archibald R. M.
Rowe, Nicholas P.
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