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Models for dynamic macroeconomics2004»»»
Bagliano, Fabio-Cesare
Bertola, Giuseppe
Modern actuarial risk theory : using R2009»»»
Kaas, Robert
Dhaene, Jan
Goovaerts, Marc
Denuit, Michel
Gerber, Hans
Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis2003»»»
Elton, Edwin J.
Gruber, Martin J.
Brown, Stephen J.
Goetzmann, William N.
Monetary economics : an integrated approach to credit, money, income, production and wealth2007»»»
Godley, Wynne
Lavoie, Marc
Monetary macrodynamics2010»»»
Asada, Toichiro
Chiarella, Carl
Flaschel, Peter
Franke, Reiner
Monetary policy, interest rate rules and the term structure of interest rates : theoretical considerations and empirical implications2007»»»
Fendel, Ralf
Money, interest, and policy : dynamic general equilibrium in a non-ricardian world2007»»»
Benassy, Jean-Pascal
Money, measurement and computation2006»»»
Belongia, Michael T.
Binner, Jane M
Multistage stochastic mean-variance portofolio analysis with transaction costs2003»»»
Gulpinar, Nalan
Rustem, Berc
Settergren, Reuben
New four- and five-parameter models for income distributions2008»»»
Reed, William
Wu, Fan
Nonlinear dynamics of financial crises : how to predict discontinuous decisions2015»»»
Purica, Ionut
O demonstratie folosind teoria multimilor fuzzy a teoremei de imposibilitate a agregarii indicatorilor»»»
Paun, Gheorghe
O lucrare insemnata despre aplicarea metodelor matematice in economie : V. S. Nemcinov : Metode si modele economico-matematice. Soteghiz, Moscova, 1962, 410 pagini : [recenzie]»»»
Trebici, Vladimir
Oligopoly : old ends - new means2011»»»
Puu, Tonu
On structural proprieties of the market graph2003»»»
Boginski, Vladimir
Butenko, Sergiy
Pardalos, Panos M.
Operational risk toward Basel III : best practices and issues in modeling, management, and regulation2009»»»
Gregoriou, Greg N.
Paradigma complexitatii economice2006»»»
Popescu, Ion
Ungureanu, Laura
Pareto and generalized Pareto distributions2008»»»
Arnold, Barry C.
Pattern Classification2001»»»
Duda, Richard O.
Hart, Peter E.
Stork, David G.
Policy games and optimal design of central banks2004»»»
Hallet, Andrew Hughes
Weymark, Diana N.
Politici macroeconomice : teorie si aplicatii1998»»»
Chirita, Nora Monica
Scarlat, Emil
Quantification of operational risk under Basel II : the good, bad and ugly2008»»»
Moosa, Imad A.
Quantitative risk management : concepts, techniques and tools2015»»»
McNeil, Alexander J.
Frey, Rudiger
Embrechts, Paul
RATS handbook to accompany introductory econometrics for finance2009»»»
Brooks, Chris
Rating based modeling of credit risk : theory and application of migration matrices2009»»»
Trueck, Stefan
Rachev, Svetlozar T.
Reducerea consumurilor materiale, element esential al cresterii eficientei economice in productia de constructii-montaj»»»
Ionescu, Gheorghe Gh.
Reinventing retail lending analytics : forecasting, stress testing, capital and scoring for a world of crises2014»»»
Breeden, Joseph L.
Risk analysis : a quantitative guide2008»»»
Vose, David
Small sample estimation and stochastic simulation of an econometric model1986»»»
Ahlstedt, Monica
Some generalized functions for the size distribution of income2008»»»
McDonald, James B.
Some unresolved problems of mathematical programming2009»»»
Bjerkholt, Olav
State-space models with regime switching : classical and Gibbs-sampling approaches with applications1999»»»
Chang-Jin, Kim
Nelson, Charles R.
Stochastic optimization in continuous time2004»»»
Chang, Fwu-Ranq
Strategic trading in illiquid markets2005»»»
Monch, Burkart
Sub-sample model selection procedures in general-to-specific modelling2004»»»
Hendry, David Forbes
Krolzig, Hans-Martin
Tehnicile cantitative ale planificarii1969»»»
Perroux, Francois
Teoria microeconomica a agentilor economici2004»»»
Galupa, Angela
Teoria moderna a portofoliului : aplicatii si probleme2009»»»
Tudor, Cristiana
Testing monetarism2013»»»
Desai, Meghnad
The advantages of fiscal leadership in an economy with independent monetary policies2009»»»
Hallet, Andrew Hughes
The analytics of risk model validation2008»»»
Christodoulakis, George
Satchell, Stephen
The demand for money : theories, evidence, and problems1985»»»
Laidler, David Ernest William
The generalized beta distribution as a model for the distribution of income : estimation of related measures of inequality2008»»»
McDonald, James B.
Ransom, Michael
The growing importance of networks in finance and its effects on competition2003»»»
Claessens, Stijn
Dobos, Gergely
Klingebiel, Daniela
Laeven, Luc
The international economy2000»»»
Kenen, Peter Bain
The macroeconomics of self-fulfilling prophecies1993»»»
Farmer, Roger E. A.
The theory and empirics of exchange rates2010»»»
Moosa, Imad A.
Bhatti, Razzaque H.
Theory of games and economic behavior1953»»»
von Neumann, John
Morgenstern, Oskar
Time series analysis : forecasting and control2008»»»
Box, George Edward Pelham
Jenkins, Gwilym M.
Reinsel, Gregory C.
Time series analysis and its applications with R examples2006»»»
Shumway, Robert H.
Stoffer, David S.
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