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A modern reconsideration of the OCA theory»»»
Corsetti, Giancarlo
Hoeller, Peter
A monetarist model of the French Economy»»»
David, J-H.
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
A money demand system for German M32010»»»
Lutkepohl, Helmut
Wolters, Jurgen
A new monetary system in a changing polity : central banks, the EEC and the creation of the European Monetary System»»»
Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel
A note on growth and distribution dynamics in an economy with population aging»»»
Rada, Codrina
A perspective on monetary policy transparency and communication2004»»»
Edney, Malcolm
Stone, Andrew
A plea for domestic reform»»»
Burke, Edmund
A poll and closing remarks2000»»»
Corden, Warner Max
A positive theory of monetary policy in a natural rate model1983»»»
Barro, Robert Joseph
Gordon, David
A recipe for ratings reform2012»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
A reconsideration of the microfoundations of monetary theory1967»»»
Clower, Robert
A remedy for the rising cost of living : standardizing the dollar1913»»»
Fisher, Irving
A revised version of the model of the financial sector of the Italian economy : M2 BI : financial sector»»»
Fazio, Antonio G.
Cotula, Franco
Lo Faso, Stefano
A rude awakening»»»
Kissinger, Henry A.
A short way to macroeconomics core2017»»»
Caraman-Hudea, Oana Simona
A short-term planning model for the Italian economy : MRF»»»
Gnes, Paolo
Rey, Guido M.
A simple model of the precautionary demand for money1972»»»
Weinrobe, Maurice D.
A spring-cleaning for the Eurosystem : as the Eurosystem prepares for the arrival of new members, it has first to attend to some housekeeping»»»
A strong case for regional monetary cooperation : Charles Wyplosz, looks at how policy at the regional level can underpin efforts to unwind global imbalances»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
A study in monetary macroeconomics2017»»»
Homburg, Stefan
A successor to Hayami : the next governor at the bank of Japan faces the daunting task of lifting Japan from its deflationary morass : Tomohiko Taniguchi report from Tokyo on who is in contention and the personal qualities required»»»
Taniguchi, Tomohiko
A suggestion for oversimplifying the theory of money1988»»»
Wallace, Neil
A suggestion for simplifying the theory of money1935»»»
Hicks, John Richard
A symbol of the European Union : the euro currency2010»»»
Hriscu, Marius
Punga, Cristina
A theory of everything : a historically grounded understanding of soft law and the BIS»»»
Brummer, Chris
A theory of political transitions»»»
Acemoglu, Daron
Robinson, James A.
- Descriere: volume 91, number 4, September 2001, p. 938-963
- ISBN: -
A thirteenth-century fiscal constitution»»»
Castro Henriques, Antonio
A treatise on political economy2017»»»
Say, Jean-Baptiste
Quddus, Munir
Rashid, Salim
A treia forta : economia libertatii : renasterea Romaniei profunde2009»»»
Medaille, John Chrysostom
Hurduzeu, Ovidiu
A tribute to Karl Brunner»»»
Plosser, Charles I.
A world out of balance : America's deficits may not herald disaster says Angel Ubide, but should lead to questioning national monetary policy frameworks»»»
Ubide, Angel
A world safe for democracy»»»
Woodrow Wilson, Thomas
A. Aupetit, I. Armagnac, G. Delamotte, G. Aubert : Les grands Marches financieres, Librairie Felix Alcan, Paris, pag. 362 : [recenzie]»»»
Constantinescu, Aristide
A. C. Cuza: Studii economice politice: 1890-1930, Bucuresti, Casa Scoalelor, 1930 : [recenzie]»»»
Demetrescu, Eugen
A. I. Rotstein: "Problemele de statistica industriala a U.R.S.S." (Problema promaslennoi statistiki S.S.S.R.). Partea a III-a. Editura de stat pentru literatura politica, Moscova 1947, 308 pag. : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
A. Nedved : "Politica agrara a Partidului Comunist Cehoslovac". (Pentru pace trainica, pentru democratie populara, Nr. 11 (Anul II, Nr. 8) din 15 Aprilie 1948, pag. 2) : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
A. Voznesenski : "Economia de razboi a U.R.S.S. in timpul Razboiului pentru Apararea Patriei" (Voennaia economica SSSR v period otecestvennoi voina). Editura de Stat pentru literatura politica, Moscova, 1947, 192 pagini : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Abordari conceptuale privind organizarile comune de piata in Uniunea Europeana»»»
Dona, Ion
Abordari conceptuale privind organizarile comune de piata in Uniunea Europeana : OCP post-2013»»»
Toma, Elena
Abordarile ale politicii regionale in Uniunea Europeana2009»»»
Oprea, Florin
Abuzul si violenta contra persoanelor varstnice»»»
Bogdan, Constantin
Accederea Romaniei in structurile euroatlantice»»»
Anghel, Ion M.
Acceding countries on the road to EMU: introducing the euro in two waves?2005»»»
Bley, Andreas
Accelerarea transformarii digitale in Romania : optiuni de politica economica»»»
Grozea-Helmenstein, Daniela
Helmenstein, Christian Siegfried
Accountability - a politician's view : David Ruffley discusses how the Bank of England's accountability has developed in recent years»»»
Ruffley, David
Accounting for reserves : John Nugee highlights the disparities in alternative accounting treatment of external reserves : portfolio management decisions increasingly have to take these into account, with unforeseen consequences for markets»»»
Nugee, John
Achieving price stability : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 29-31, 19961996»»»
Acordul general pentru tarife si comert (G.A.T.T.) : documentar1973»»»
Nita, Ion
Actiunea asupra ofertei de moneda ca modalitate de derulare a unui program de politica monetara»»»
Donath, Liliana
Dima, Bogdan, economist
Vlad, Alina
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