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Bank capital and risk in the south-eastern European Unions.a.»»»
Athanasoglou, Panayiotis P.
Bank liquidity creation and financial crises2016»»»
Berger, Allen
Bouwman, Christa H. S.
Bank liquidity provision and capital regulation in transition economies2002»»»
Gorton, Gary B.
Winton, Andrew
Bank mergers, monopoly power and unemployment: a monetary circuit2005»»»
Forges Davanzati, Guglielmo
Realfonzo, Riccardo
Bank of Finland : 200 years : imperial cashier to central bank. [Vol.] 12011»»»
Kuustera, Antti
Tarkka, Juha
Humphreys, Pat
Bank of Korea : a seventy-year history : development of the Korean economy and the Bank of Korea : 1950-20202020»»»
Lee, Juyeol
Hwang, Inseon
Bank soundness and macroeconomic policy1996»»»
Lindgren, Carl Johan
Garcia, Gillian G. H.
Saal, Matthew I.
Banking and politics in Austria-Hungary»»»
Kronenbitter, Gunther
Banking challenges in the CESEE region from the Erste Group perspective2011»»»
Treichl, Andreas
Banking diffusion and resource concentration in the United States : a dual banking system»»»
Tamagna, Frank M.
Banking, monetary policy and the political economy of financial regulation : essays in the tradition of Jane D'Arista2014»»»
Epstein, Gerald A.
Schlesinger, Tom
Vernengo, Matias
Basel II : a new regulatory framework for global banking2011»»»
Guttmann, Robert
Bazele teoriei politicii economice1998»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Beautification, governance, and spectacle in post-war Colombo»»»
Perera, Iromi
Spencer, Jonathan
Behavioural macroeconomics : theory and policy2019»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Ji, Yuemei
Bela Parlagi; Richtlinien einer internationalen Wirtschaftspolitik, Wien-Leipzig, 1918 : [recenzie]»»»
Stanescu, I. M.
Betrachtungen uber die Rentabilitat des Ausfuhrhandels mit rumanischen Petroleumprodukten1935»»»
Hoog, E. van der
Between disintegration and convergence, 1918-1939 : flows of capital, goods, and labor»»»
Eloranta, Jari
Nikolic, Stefan
Macher, Flora
Bevolkerung, soziale Gliederung und Autarkie1932»»»
Brandt, Karl
Beyond GDP : measuring welfare and assessing sustainability2013»»»
Fleurbaey, Marc
Blanchet, Didier
Beyond Rosenstein-Rodan: the modern theory of coordination problems in development2001»»»
Hoff, Karla
Beyond austerity : reforming the Greek economy2017»»»
Meghir, Costas
Pissarides, Christopher A.
Vayanos, Dimitri
Vettas, Nikolaos
BlackRock : reserves management with factors and reference portfolios»»»
Ang, Andrew
Chua, David
Gallagher, Katelyn
Hull, Stephen
Bolivian trade and development, 1952-871995»»»
Morales, Juan-Antonio
Bonamy Price : (1807-1888)»»»
Bigg, Robert J.
Booms and busts : the case of subprime mortgages»»»
Gramlich, Edward M.
Britain's new order1942»»»
Knight, Austin
Britain's withdrawal from the gold standard : the end of an epoch»»»
Kitson, Michael
Budget deficits and debt : issues and options : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 31-September 2, 19951995»»»
Building European research and education area : focus on university research and education partnership»»»
Bielik, Peter
Bulgaria's export prices and pricing-to-market behaviors.a.»»»
Penkova, Emilia
Sinclair, Peter
Bunastarea la rascruce»»»
Zamfir, Catalin
Business intelligence tools for new information economy2011»»»
Calculul consimtamantului : fundamentele logice ale democratiei constitutionale2010»»»
Buchanan, James M.
Tullock, Gordon
Sibinescu, Laura
Sibinescu, Monica
Nicolae, Crenguta
Calea europeana : rolul actorilor media in europenizarea si occidentalizarea Romaniei»»»
Lupitu, Robert
Can the ACA improve population health?2012»»»
Goldman, Dana Paul
Lakdawalla, Darius
Can't we just print more money? : economics in ten simple questions2022»»»
Patel, Rupal
Meaning, Jack
Bailey, Andrew M.
Capital and ideology2020»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Goldhammer, Arthur
Capital et ideologie2019»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Capital flows and macroprudential policy : a framework for emerging Asia»»»
Ghilardi, Matteo F.
Peiris, Shanaka J.
Capital inflows, exports and growth in the CESEE region2011»»»
Fidrmuc, Jarko
Martin, Reiner
Capital si ideologie2021»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Palade, Silvia
Capitale e moneta»»»
Trincheri, Carlo
Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania2022»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Dragoman, Stefania
Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania Volume 12022»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Dragoman, Stefania
Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Dragoman, Stefania
Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania Volume 22022»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Dragoman, Stefania
Capitalism contested : the New Deal and its legacies2020»»»
Huret, Romain
Lichtenstein, Nelson
Vinel, Jean-Christian
Capitalism in America : a history2018»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Wooldridge, Adrian
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