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Financial insclusion : is financial technology the solution?»»»
Abis, Danilo
Pia, Patrizia
Financial markets and exchanges law2007»»»
Blair, Michael C.
Walker, George Alexander
Financial services : a collection of arrangements»»»
Tadjeddine, Yamina
Financial services : authorisation, supervision, and enforcement : a litigator's guide2006»»»
Russen, Jonathan
Financial services in the twenty-first century : the present system and future developments in Fintech and financial innovation2021»»»
Burke, John JA
Financial services law guide2014»»»
Haynes, Andrew
Financial stability, systems and regulation2019»»»
Kregel, Jan
Rezende, Felipe C.
Fintech and regtech : leading the evolution and regulation of alternative investments»»»
Bansgopaul, Natasha
Fintech foundations : convergence, blockchain, Big Data, and AI»»»
Shrier, David L.
Pentland, Alex
Timmer, Hans
Ponsot, Frederic
From digital technologies to new economics in banking : how to drive the future of digital money and data information knowledge»»»
Omarini, Anna
From transactions to interactions : social considerations for digital money»»»
Ferreira, Jennifer
Perry, Mark
General discussion : Factors driving global economic integration»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
General introduction to the EU insolvency law framework and principles with regard to financial institutions»»»
Wessels, Bob
Moss, Gabriel S.
General remarks on trade zones and the Uruguay round»»»
Carlisle, Charles R.
Braun, Eberhard
Quartey, Peter
Global Fintech : financial innovation in the connected world2022»»»
Shrier, David L.
Pentland, Alex
Global standards : the path to an improved global financial system : George J. Vojta, Director of the Financial Services Forum advocates best practice standards in "key policy areas" in order to safeguard the global financial system»»»
Vojta, George, J.
Governing financial services in the European Union : banking, securities and post-trading2010»»»
Quaglia, Lucia
Homo Ex Machina : finance rebooted»»»
Jacobo, Leo
Weinstein, Ilyssa
How 3D printing will change the future of borrowing lending and spending?»»»
Patwardhan, Abhijit
Hyperledger composer : syndicated loans»»»
Dahmen, Gereon
Liermann, Volker
Hyperledger fabric as a blockchain framework in the financial industry»»»
Bettio, Martina
Bruse, Fabian
Franke, Achim
Jakoby, Thorsten
Scharf, Daniel
Implicatii ale zonei unice de plati asupra pietei europene a serviciilor financiare2010»»»
Avadanei, Andreea
Inclusion or exclusion? : trends in robo-advisory for financial investment services»»»
Schwinn, Roland
Teo, Ernie G.S.
Innovation and digitisation in credit : a global perspective»»»
LaPlante, Alex
Watson, Charlotte
Instructiuni in legatura cu atributiile si competentele serviciilor si birourilor financiare din cadrul sfaturilor populare ale oraselor de subordonare raionala»»»
- Descriere: An 9, nr. 2, Supliment Feb 1963, p. 4
- ISBN: -
Instructiunile Ministerului Finantelor nr. 2104 din 14 mai 1956, privind planificarea si desfasurarea muncii revizorilor de impozite de la Directia I.T.P. din Ministerul Finantelor si de la serviciile I.T.P. din cadrul sectiunilor financiare regionale si a orasului Bucuresti : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
- Descriere: An 2, nr. 6, Iun 1956, p. 91
- ISBN: -
Insurance companies : prospective business models»»»
Adamchuk, Natalia
Osipov, Vladimir
Tsvetkova, Lyudmila
Insurance development of financial services : policy implications and issues for a research program2002»»»
Giarini, Orio
Insurance regulation in the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany»»»
Hammond, Elizabeth
Kay, John
Internal credit risk models with machine learning»»»
Thiele, Markus
Dittmar, Harro
Internationalization of financial markets : world financial centres»»»
Klevtcov, Vitalii
Zamlelyy, Artem
Introduction : Suptech/regtech defined : payments, sandboxes and beyond»»»
Patel, Bhavin
Introduction : a new banking structure»»»
Tamagna, Frank M.
Introduction : the crisis of 2008 and financial services regulation2011»»»
Porter, Roger B.
Introduction : what is Fintech?»»»
Madir, Jelena
Investit : cum am schimbat din temelii sectorul investițiilor2021»»»
Schwab, Charles
Ghiurco, Bogdan
Islamic securities exchanges : principles and international developments»»»
Marar, Amr
Sau-Ngan, Wong
Ngugi, Rose W.
Legal guarantees of access to a payment account : analysis from the perspective of the account information service provider»»»
Byrski, Jan
Synowiec, Michal
Leveraging predictive analytics within a value driver based planning framework»»»
Valjanow, Simon
Enzinger, Phillip
Dinges, Florian
Liabilities associated with distributed ledgers : a comparative analysis»»»
Zetzsche, Dirk
Buckley, Ross P.
Arner, Douglas W.
Didenko, Anton
Libera circulatie a bunurilor si serviciilor din perspectiva aderarii Romaniei la UE : libera circulatie a serviciilor financiare : libera circulatie a persoanelor2002»»»
Pogonaru, Florin Ion
Bichi, Cristian
Sauer, Gabriel
Radu, Dragos
Ghinea, Diana
Piotet, Philippe
London money markets : legal and regulatory framework»»»
Gray, Joanna
Making markets work - the central banker's role : for financial markets in transition countries to develop effectively, a broad policy overview is needed : central bankers have an important role to play in this, argues John Chown, and so they should not confine themselves only to their core functions»»»
Chown, John
Managing internal and external network complexity : how digitalization and new technology influence the modeling approach»»»
Grossmann, Stefan
Enzinger, Phillip
Markets in financial instruments directive (MiFID)»»»
Sears, Guy
Shaw, Catriona
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