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Euro-Dollar : an holistic view of the economy»»»
Martens, Hans
Euro-Dollar puzzles»»»
Hubner, Kurt
Europa economica : UEM, Piata Comuna, politici comune1998»»»
Commelin, Bertrand
Europa monetara : SME, UEM, moneda unica1999»»»
Brociner, Andrew
Europe and the euro2010»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Giavazzi, Francesco
Europe in crisis : a structural analysis2016»»»
Talani, Leila Simona
Europe in crisis : problems, challenges, and alternative perspectives2015»»»
Bitzenis, Aristidis
Karagiannis, Nikolaos
Marangos, John
Europe's crisis of legitimacy : governing by rules and ruling by numbers in the eurozone2020»»»
Schmidt, Vivien A.
Europe's financial crisis : a short guide to how the euro fell into crisis and the consequences for the world2013»»»
Authers, John
Europe's toxic twins : government debt in financialized times»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Ban, Cornel
European Central Bank : the investment decision-making process and its governance»»»
Silvonen, Torsti
Port, Etienne
European Union, Eurozone, Visegrad Group, Intermarium and Three Seas Initiative : comparison of the strength and economic cohesiveness of selected groups of states»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Eurosistemul : o tensiune arhitecturala a convergentei2009»»»
Golban, Radu
Silasi, Grigore
Eurozone and neighbouring countries, what to expect? Comments on three presentations2009»»»
Skreb, Marko
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Polonia»»»
Iordache, Lucia
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Slovacia»»»
Velciu, Rodica
Exchange rate pass-through in the euro area2008»»»
Faruqee, Hamid
Exchange rate regimes and nominal convergence2006»»»
Szczurek, M.
Exiting the euro crisis2011»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Fifteen years of single monetary policy in the euro area: a bird's eye view, effects on Italian banks during the crisis, and lessons to draw»»»
Financial accounts uses»»»
De Bonis, Riccardo
Giron, Celestino
Infante, Luigi
Quiros, Gabriel
Financial development and real income growth in the euro area2008»»»
Katircioglu, Salih Turan
Katircioglu, Elif
Financial frictions and the monetary transmissio mechanism : theory evidence and policy implementations2003»»»
Bean, Charles R.
Larsen, Jens
Nikolov, Kalin
Financial markets in the euro area : realizing the full benefits of integration2008»»»
Regling, Klaus
Watson, Max
Financial stability and monetary policy : lessons from the euro area2011»»»
Clerc, Laurent
Mojon, Benoit
Financial systems ant the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Ehrmann, Michael
Gambacorta, Leonardo
Martinez Pages, Jorge
Sevestre, Patrick
Worms, Andreas
Firm investment and monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Chatelain, Jean Bernard
Generale, Andrea
Hernando, Ignacio
Vermeulen, Philip
Kalckreuth, Ulf von
Fiscal consolidation and inequality : the distributive effects of fiscal reforms in Greece and Portugal»»»
Mushoevel, Fabian
Fiscal governance in the euro area : what kind of union?»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
France, Germany, Italy, and Spain : explaining differences in external sector performance among large euro area countries2008»»»
Allard, Celine
Catalan, Mario
Everaert, Luc
Sgherri, Silvia
From convergence to crisis : labor markets and the instability of the euro2016»»»
Johnston, Alison
Functioning of the Eurosystem framework since 19992011»»»
Papadia, Francesco
Valimaki, Tuomas
Further evidence on the properties of consumers' inflation expectations in the euro area2010»»»
Forsells, Magnus
Kenny, Geoff
Future EMU membership and wage flexibility2006»»»
Radziwill, A.
Walewski, M.
Governance and monetary policy decision-making at the ECB2010»»»
Stella, Peter
Vandenbussche, Jerome
Governing the euro area in good times and bad2011»»»
Hodson, Dermot
Greece and the euro»»»
Angeletos, George-Marios
Dellas, Harris
Greece in the euro area : odd man out, or precursor of things to come1912»»»
Tsoukalis, Loukas
Greek debt : the endgame scenarios2011»»»
Buchheit, Lee C.
Gulati, Mitu
Growth and cycle in the Eurozone2007»»»
Mazzi, Gian Luigi
Savio, Giovanni
Heterogeneity in the euro area and why it matters for the future of the currency union2011»»»
Carlin, Wendy
Heterogeneous market regulation and divergence in a currency union»»»
Abbritti, Mirko
Weber, Sebastian
How member states cope with the Eurozone crisis»»»
Puntscher Riekmann, Sonja
Wasserfallen, Fabio
How product market reforms lubricate shock adjustment in the euro area»»»
Pelkmans, Jacques
Acedo Montoya, Lourdes
Maravalle, Alessandro
Koopman, Jan Gert
How the EU wants to solve the crisis and why this not going to work2011»»»
Munchau, Wolfgang
How to reform the stability and growth pact?2006»»»
Rostowski, Jacek
How to regain confidence in the euro area?2011»»»
Gerlach, Stefan
How to save the euro? Lessons from the US2011»»»
Melitz, Jacques
Identification of some risks for the European and especially euro area financial markets, in the context of global financial crisis»»»
Ailinca, Alina Georgeta
Impact of the cash changeover on prices and inflation perceptions in the euro area: a survey of the empirical evidence»»»
Del Giovane, Paolo
Sabbatini, Roberto
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