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Volumul 22004»»»
Vulnerabilitati pe piata muncii din Romania : tipologie, caracteristici, instrumente de politica economica2013»»»
Boboc, Cristina
Wahrungsproblem und Autarkie1932»»»
Lob, Rudolf
War, power and the economy : mercantilism and state formation in 18th-century Europe2019»»»
Gonzalez Enciso, Agustin
What capitalism needs : forgotten lessons of great economists2021»»»
Campbell, John L.
Hall, John A.
What did we do right? : global perspectives on Ireland's "miracle"2010»»»
O'Sullivan, Michael J.
Miller, Rory
What have we learned? : macroeconomic policy after the crisis2014»»»
Akerlof, George A.
Blanchard, Olivier
Romer, David Hibbard
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
What is political economy?»»»
Staniland, Martin
What is wrong with the euro area monetary model?2005»»»
Arestis, Philip
Sawyer, Malcolm
What operating procedures should be adopted to maintain price stability? : practical issues»»»
Freedman, Charles
Issing, Otmar
Kohn, Donald L.
What to do with the UK? : EU perspectives on Brexit2016»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
What's wrong with economics? : a primer for the perplexed2021»»»
Skidelsky, Robert
What's wrong with functional finance? (wonkish) : February 12, 2019»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
When the money runs out : the end of western affluence2013»»»
King, Stephen D.
Which European Union? : Europe after the euro crisis2015»»»
Fabbrini, Sergio
Which way goes capitalism? : in search of adequate policies in a dramatically changing world2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Why Paulson is wrong2012»»»
Zingales, Luigi
Why Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are not Singapore : comparing the first 25 years of reforms»»»
Akimov, Alexander
Why are central banks pursuing long-run price stability?»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Why capitalists need communists : the politics of flourishing2019»»»
Seaford, Charles
Why has potential growth declined? : the case of Germany»»»
Siebert, Horst
Why inflation is still the real danger : policymakers should not be swayed by recent fears of deflationary spirals and policy impotence : history demonstrates that with fiat currencies, inflation will always be the real concern contends Peter Bernholz»»»
Bernholz, Peter
Why save the bankers? : and other essays on our economic and political crisis2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Wie liest man den Wirtschaftsteil einer Tageszeitung?1936»»»
Hoffmann, Otto
Wirtschaftsbeobachtung und Wirtschaftsordnung1936»»»
Reithinger, Anton
World Bank balance-of-payments financing»»»
Berendsen, Bernard
Steckhan, Rainer B.
World Bank for adjustment and growth1987»»»
Michalopoulos, Constantine
World finance and economic stability : selected essays of James Tobin2003»»»
Tobin, James
Yugoslavia : the pioneer still leads»»»
Hawlowitsch, Johann
Zece ani de regim oligarhic in Romania»»»
Badescu, Ilie
Zur Wahrungsfrage1880»»»
Meyer, J.
Zwangskartelle : Rechtsverhaltinsse von Zwangskartellen in der Schweiz und in Deutschland1937»»»
Brunner, Hanspeter
[Negociind cu Uniunea Europeana] = Negotiating with the European Union Volume 2 The initial position papers for chapters of negociation2003»»»
Puscas, Vasile
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