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The Portuguese economy in the Irish mirror, 1960-20042010»»»
Lains, Pedro
The Routledge companion to banking regulation and reform2021»»»
Erturk, Ismail
Gabor, Daniela
The abuse of constitutional identity in the European Union2023»»»
Scholtes, Julian
The analysis of the Spanish economy : [data, instruments and procedures]2006»»»
The bank-lending channel of monetary policy : identification and estimation using Portugese micro bank data2003»»»
Farina, Luisa
Robalo Marques, Carlos
The battle against the shadow economy as an exit from the Greek sovereign debt crisis»»»
Bitzenis, Aristidis
Vlachos, Vasileios A.
The birth of the euro2008»»»
Issing, Otmar
Hulbert, Nigel
The breakup of the euro area2009»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
The capital in post-communist Romania2019»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
The case of France»»»
Nivoix, Sophie
Rey, Serge
The catching-up experience of thw Western Balkans : the cases of Serbia, FYR of Macedonia and Albania2011»»»
Loufir, Michael
The challenge of economic rebalancing in Europe : perspectives for CESEE countries2015»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Schuberth, Helene
The changing landscape: demography and activity2009»»»
Stanculescu, Manuela Sofia
The changing role of border regions in central and eastern europe2002»»»
Kennard, Ann
The charter of fundamental rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union : a first assessment of the interpretation of the charter's horizontal provisions»»»
Jacque Jean-Paul
The choice of exchange rate regime1996»»»
Latter, Tony
The circular economy in the European Union : an interim review2020»»»
Eisenriegler, Sepp
The coming of age of EU regulation of network industries and services of general economic interest»»»
Hancher, Leigh
Larouche, Pierre
The communication policy of the European Central Bank : an overview of the first decade2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Jansen, David-Jan
The comparative advantage of the U.S. shadow banking system and the role of the U.S. dollar»»»
Tokunaga, Junji
The compatibility between monetary and fiscal policies in EMU ; a perspective from the fiscal theory of the price level2003»»»
Wren Lewis, Simon
The concrete euro : implementing monetary policy in the euro area2011»»»
Mercier, Paul
Papadia, Francesco
The conduct of monetary policy under uncertainty»»»
Gaspar, Vitor
The costs and benefits of an early EMU participation for Hungary2003»»»
Hamecz, Istvan
Horvath, Agnes
The credit mechanics of monetary unions : a review of the Eurosystem»»»
Decker, Frank
The crisis in spain : origins and developments2011»»»
Gavilan, Angel
Hernandez de Cos, Pablo
Jimeno, Juan F.
Rojas, Juan A.
The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the euro area, deficiencies in the economic policy architecture, and deflationary stagnation policies»»»
Hein, Eckhard
The crisis of globalization : democracy, capitalism and inequality in the twenty-first century2019»»»
Diamond, Patrick
The crisis of the core seen through the eyes of the periphery: a schelling model of the global-south megacity and the European crisis»»»
Dymski, Gary A.
The cross-sectional and the time dimension of the bank-lending channel : the Austrian case2003»»»
Kaufmann, Sylvia
The currency board regime in Bulgaria and its sustainability2001»»»
Houbenova, Tatiana
The current situation : the euro crisis - a crisis of PIGS?2011»»»
Marimor, Ramon
The dangers of inflexibility : there is a fundamental clash of logics at the centre of the debate on accession : despite legal considerations, different countries in different economic circumstances require a flexible approach, argues Charles Wyplosz»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
The design of the Eurosystem's monetary policy instruments2007»»»
Neyer, Ulrike
The development of bank lending activities and macroeconomic implications in selective countries from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe2010»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
The difficulties of managing labour migration : Spain's experience in the European context2009»»»
Arango, Joaquin
The distributional effects of trade on Austrian wages2009»»»
Pointner, Wolfgang
The division of powers/competences between the EU and the member states : what can we learn from pre-emption in the United States?»»»
Luif, Paul
The economic consequences of the Euro : the safest escape plan2020»»»
Kawalec, Stefan
Pytlarczyk, Ernest
Kaminski, Kamil
The economic consequences of the Euro Pact2011»»»
Alphandery, Edmond
The economic consequences of the Maastricht Treaty : why Italy's permanent crisis is a warning to the Eurozone»»»
Storm, Servaas
The economic potential of a larger Europe2004»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
The economics and politics of European integration : populism, nationalism and the history of the EU2021»»»
Berend, Ivan T.
The economics of Europe and European Union2007»»»
Neal, Larry
The economics of European integration2015»»»
Baldwin, Richard
Wyplosz, Charles
The economics of European integration : limits and prospects2005»»»
Jovanovic, Miroslav N.
The economics of European integration : theory, practice, policy2006»»»
Molle, Willem
The economics of UK-EU relations : from the treaty of Rome to the vote for Brexit2017»»»
Campos, Nauro Ferreira
Coricelli, Fabrizio
The economics of harmonizing European law2002»»»
Marciano, Alain
Josselin, Jean Michel
The economics of harmonizing law enforcement2002»»»
Garoupa, Nuno
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