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Monetary policy and the control of inflation»»»
Crow, John W.
Money and capital markets : financial institutions and instruments in a global marketplace2008»»»
Rose, Peter S.
Marquis, Milton H.
Officially supported export credits in the present international situation»»»
Boffito, Carlo
Organizational and operational restructuring of commercial banks to support international financing of development»»»
Payno, Juan Antonio
Performance Measurement and Evaluation2008»»»
Pierre Mendes-France. "La banque Internationale", Paris 1930 : [recenzie]»»»
Borda, Emil
Pierre Quesnay : directorul general al Bancii de Reglemente internationale»»»
Slavescu, Victor
Plati si garantii internationale2006»»»
Negrus, Mariana
Politiques et pratiques des banques d'emission en Europe : (XVIIe-XXe siecle) : le bicentenaire de la Banque de France dans la perspective de l'identite monetaire europeenne2003»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Margairaz, Michel
Positioning the World Bank»»»
Gilbert, Christopher L.
Powell, Andrew
Vines, David A.
Problema capitalurilor straine in Romania1933»»»
Georgescu, Constant C.
Public policy and financial economics : essays in honor of professor George G Kaufman for his lifelong contributions to the profession2018»»»
Evanoff, Douglas D.
Malliaris, Anastasios George
Kaufman, George G.
Raport asupra situatiunei economice generale1936»»»
Zeuceanu, Alexandru
Razboi total impotriva coruptiei in Romania : falimentul si lichidarea Bancii Internationale a Religiilor, crima organizata si coruptie institutionalizata, filmul premeditarii si organizarii falimentului BIR2003»»»
Readings in money, credit and banking principles1926»»»
Wright, Ivan
Reflections on regional development finance and intercountry project financing approach to integration in the Arab world»»»
Imady, Mohammed
Regimul juridic al Bancii Nationale a Romaniei de la infiintare pana in prezent2022»»»
Dumitrescu-Pasecinic, Adrian
Paunescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Bercea, Lucian
Reglobalizare : reintalnirea Chinei cu lumea2021»»»
Wang, Dong
Cao, Dejun
Gontea, Ana-Maria
Relatii valutare si marketing financiar2007»»»
Negrus, Mariana
Baicu, Claudia
Relations among the central banks of developing countries»»»
Cirovic, Milutin
Responsible investment and central bank asset management»»»
Beeching, Archie
Georgieva, Anna
Sloggett, Justin
Restructuring banks with equalisation claims : the way Germany restructured its banking system following the Second World War could provide a possible alternative to government financed asset management corporations, argues Martin Pontzen»»»
Pontzen, Martin
Role and place of developing countries' central banks under present-day conditions»»»
Trifunovic, Predrag
Role of the International Investment Bank in the international economic development financing»»»
Belicenko, Albert N.
Safe assets and reserve management»»»
McCauley, Robert Neil
Salvarea aurului polonez2012»»»
Paunescu, Cristian
Matei, Dorin
Sfarsitul alchimiei : banii, bancile si viitorul economiei mondiale2017»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Dima, Viorela-Valentina
Enache, Antonia Cristiana
Hurduzeu, Raluca-Elena
Serban, Raluca Nicoleta
Should the UK join? : benefits of IN and risks of OUT : while potential benefits of entry are widely discussed, the risks of rejecting the euro membership are less well known : here, city economist, Graham Bishop considers the threat to the City of London»»»
Bishop, Graham
Sovereign bankruptcy : an opinion Jean-Jacques Rey : Jean-Jacques Rey welcomes Anne Krueger's proposals for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism : but is it a dead-end or a promising avenue?»»»
Rey, Jean-Jacques
Krueger, Anne Osborn
Stabilizing floating exchange rates is neither the most important nor the easiest step needed to restore a viable international monetary order»»»
Triffin, Robert
State and central bank in New Zealand»»»
Hawke, Gary
Singleton, John
Statutele Fondului Monetar International si Bancii Internationale pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare1947»»»
Subordination Levels in Structured Financing2008»»»
An, Xudong
Deng, Yongheng
Sanders, Anthony B.
The "massive transfer" of resources to developing countries»»»
Jayawardena, Lal
The Asian Development Bank's experience in fostering the growth of national development banks in Asia and the Pacific»»»
Fisher, David
The City of London as a global financial centre, 1880-1939 : finance, foreign exchange, and the First World War»»»
Michie, Ranald C.
The Eurodollar market : a view from Italy»»»
Ferrari, Alberto
The FX markets - towards continuous linked settlement : a new scheme, planned to go live next year, is likely to have a major impact on foreign exchange markets : Peter Allsopp, former head of payment systems at the Bank of England, explains how continuous linked settlement will work and the approach of central banks to the scheme»»»
Allsopp, Peter
The Federal Reserve : a unique institution»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
The Haute Banque, American Civil War debt, and the integration of the 19th century capital markets»»»
Thomson, David K.
The IMF : all set for a real change of direction»»»
Uzan, Marc
Pringle, Robert
The Oxford handbook of banking and financial history2016»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Grossman, Richard S.
Schenk, Catherine R.
The Routledge companion to banking regulation and reform2021»»»
Erturk, Ismail
Gabor, Daniela
The Stamp Plan : 1962 version»»»
Stamp, Maxwell
The World Bank : structure and policies2000»»»
Gilbert, Christopher L.
Vines, David A.
The World Bank and structural adjustment : lessons from the 1980s»»»
Ferreira, Francisco H. G.
Keely, Louise C.
The challenges of multilateralism and governance»»»
Woods, Ngaire Tui
The economics of money, banking and financial markets2019»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets1995»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2016»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
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