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Curing a monetary overhang: historical lessons2001»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Wolf, Holger C.
Currency and coercion in the twenty-first century»»»
Kirshner, Jonathan
Currency areas, exchange rate systems, and international monetary reform2003»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Currency crises, monetary union, and the conduct of monetary policy : a debate among leading economists2000»»»
Zak, Paul J.
Current issues of export financing»»»
Sauer, Walter C.
Cyberpolitics and IPE : towards a research agenda in the Global South»»»
Vila Seoane, Maximiliano
Saguier, Marcelo
Das Gold in der internationalen Wahrungsordnung»»»
Gleske, Leonhard
Datoriile interaliate»»»
Lugosianu, I.
Debt : the threat to economic and financial stability»»»
Kaufman, Henry
Debt accumulation, oil crisis and international financing»»»
Ichimura, Shinichi
Debt and firm vulnerability»»»
Glen, Jack
Debt at mid : 1989»»»
Avramovic, Dragoslav
Debt conversion techniques and Polish debt strategy»»»
Malecki, Witold
Debt crisis : role of the World Bank, prospects, and effects on growth»»»
Lamb, Geoffrey
Debt reduction with a human face»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Debt relief, financial restructuring and policy reform»»»
Nunnenkamp, Peter
Debt restructuring for the eurozone»»»
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Wang, Xuan
Developing an effective framework for insolvency and credit rights»»»
Johnson, Gordon W.
Development assistance and cooperation among developing countries»»»
Al-Sagban, Abdul Aal
Development regarding cooperation of regional development banks and commercial banks»»»
Nyman, Claes
Development strategies for the 21st century2001»»»
Rodrik, Dani
Developments at the Inter-American Development Bank1995»»»
Niehuss, John M.
Developments at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: effectiveness of legal reform1995»»»
Rigo, Andres
Developments at the International Finance Corporation1995»»»
Khairallah, Daoud L.
Developments in the US Banking Scene: the S&L crisis and bank failures1995»»»
Byrne, Alfred J. T.
Dictionar international de finante : englez-roman2000»»»
Bannock, Graham
Manser, William
Die Reparationsbank : kritische Betrachtungen1929»»»
Hahn, Ludwig Albert
Lansburgh, Alfred
Lautenbach, Wilhelm
Neisser, Hans
Palyi, Melchior
Sulzbach, Walter
Welter, Erich
Die Umgestaltung der zwischenstaatlichen Wirtschaft : ein geschichtlicher Ruckblick 1914-19321935»»»
Waltershausen, A. Sartorius von
Die Wahrungskrise 1971 : Politische, okonomische und ideologische Ursachen»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Hankel, Wilhelm
Weizsacker, Carl Christian von
Haberler, Gottfried
Magnifico, Giovanni
Leveque, Jean-Maxime
Schweizer, Samuel
Griffiths, Brian
Neumark, Fritz
Kaldor, Nicholas
Damm, Walter
Barre, Raymond
Direct investment and joint ventures in view of Arab experience»»»
Kaddori, Fakhri Y.
Dispute settlement of international loans»»»
Domke, Martin
Divisions in the developing world, a call to build bridges»»»
Lall, K. B.
Documentation pour la Conference monetaire et economique : Londres, 19331933»»»
Does 1992's single financial market promise a single European economy?»»»
Merritt, Giles
Dollarization : link between devaluation and default risk2003»»»
Powell, Andrew
Sturzenegger, Federico
Dollarization does not make sense everywhere2003»»»
Williamson, John
Dollarization: myths and realities2003»»»
Edwards, Sebastian
Domestic sources of international monetary leadership»»»
Walter, Andrew
Drept financiar2023»»»
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
Tofan, Mihaela
EC directives on investment services and the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions1995»»»
Clarotti, Paolo
East-West trade and the international financing of economic development»»»
Meszaros, Kalman
Economia politica a relatiilor internationale1999»»»
Gilpin, Robert
Economic and financial strategies for the economic development of the developing countries»»»
Ristic, Zarko
Economic aspects of military budgets reduction and channelling of these funds into development financing»»»
Allahverdian, Derenik Akopovich
Economic development and international factor mobility»»»
Kohlmey, Gunther
Economic history and history of economics : complementary approaches to Portuguese economic development»»»
Cardoso, Jose Luis
Economic policy coordination : proceedings of an international seminar held in Hamburg1990»»»
Economic policy coordination and the freedom to effect financial transactions in the European Community1995»»»
Smits, Rene
Economica activitatii financiare si monetare internationale2003»»»
Bran, Paul V.
Costica, Ionela
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