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Policies to curb stock market volatility»»»
Edwards, Franklin R.
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Hale, David D.
Politica monetara in perspectiva globalizarii : fundamente, configuratie, conditionari, experiente2009»»»
Manolescu, Gheorghe
Politica monetara, piata financiara si sistemul bancar2010»»»
Manolescu, Gheorghe
Rotaru, Alina
Picu, Alina
Politici monetare2009»»»
Roman, Angela
Principles of macroeconomics : activist vs. austerity policies2019»»»
Sherman, Howard J.
Meeropol, Michael A.
Sherman, Paul D.
Probleme actuale ale guvernantei europene»»»
Anches, Diana-Ionela
Psihologia investitorului : tendinte si mutatii pe piata financiara internationala2010»»»
Mionel, Oana
Remarks on globalization and systemic risk: nonbank financial intermediaries2009»»»
Adams, Julian
Reputation, regulation, and the collapse of international capital markets, 1920-1935»»»
Flandreau, Marc
Risk and volatility : theory, methods and econometric modelling2021»»»
Matei, Marius
Routledge handbook of major events in economic history2019»»»
Parker, Randall E.
Whaples, Robert
Running an enlarged eurozone : reforming the ECB Governing Council : efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
Samaritenii cei rai : mitul liberului schimb si istoria secreta a capitalismului2012»»»
Chang, Ha-Joon
Dracsineanu, Catalin
Securities exchanges : subjects and agents of financialization»»»
Petry, Johannes
Sistemul financiar international in deriva?2019»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Fugaru, Amalia
Dobre, Robert-Ionut
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Radulescu, Andrei
Sociological domestication of a financial product : the case of derivatives»»»
Martin, David
Stabilitatea sectorului financiar in conditiie aderarii Romaniei la U.E.M.2010»»»
Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu
Studii de istoria gandirii si practicii economico-financiare2008»»»
Vacarel, Iulian
Subordinate financialization in emerging capitalist economies»»»
Bonizzi, Bruno
Kaltenbrunner, Annina
Powell, Jeff
Synergies between aid and the financing of global public goods»»»
Lamb, Geoffrey
Systemic risk and prudential regulation in the global economy2009»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Systemic risk in a global context: comment in Freixas, Hattori and Shin, and Kane2009»»»
Herring, Richard J.
The 1990s : crisis during the globalisation»»»
Fari, Simone
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The Euro and the developing countries»»»
Granell, Francesc
The Euro and the dollar in a globalized economy2016»»»
Roy, Joaquin
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
The Financial Crisis and Its Lessons2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
The Monetary Union: The Decade Ahead. The Case of Non-Member States2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Lungu, Laurian
The Oxford handbook of banking2019»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The Swiss tax haven, the Bretton Woods system crisis and the globalisation of offshore finance»»»
Farquet, Christophe
The bankers' club and the power of finance»»»
Epstein, Gerald
The changing nature of internationalization of the Greek financial sector»»»
Giannitsis, Tassos
The collateralization of social policy by financial markets in the Global South»»»
Lavinas, Lena
The contemporary global economy : a history since 19802011»»»
Eckes, Alfred E., Jr.
The current state of financial globalization - good news, and bad2009»»»
Caprio, Gerard, Jr.
The decline and fall of neoliberalism : rebuilding the economy in an age of crises2023»»»
Cayla, David
The economic government of the world : 1933-20232023»»»
Daunton, Martin
The effects of globalization on inflation, liquidity, and monetary policy2009»»»
Papademos, Lucas D.
The end of middle-class work : no more escapes»»»
Collins, Randall
The end of the global financial safety net?»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
The evolution of the international monetary and financial system : were French views determinant?»»»
Alcouffe, Alain
Coulomb, Fanny
The financialisation of local governments : evidence from the Italian case»»»
Lagna, Andrea
The financing of non-financial corporations»»»
Tebrake, James
O'Hagan, Patrick
The future of money2011»»»
Chittenden, Oliver
Cable, Vince
The global economy : a concise history2020»»»
Amatori, Franco
Colli, Andrea
The global financial crisis»»»
Andersen, Benny
The global roots of the current financial crisis and its implications for regulation2009»»»
Kashyap, Anil K.
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Stein, Jeremy C.
The globalization paradox : democracy and the future of the world economy2012»»»
Rodrik, Dani
The great economists : how their ideas can help us today2019»»»
Yueh, Linda
The growth of shadow banking : a comparative institutional analysis2020»»»
Thiemann, Matthias
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