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Firms' financing choices in bank-based and market-based economies2001»»»
Schmukler, Sergio L.
Vesperoni, Esteban
Fit for purpose? : the evolving role of stress testing for financial systems»»»
Das, Udaibir Saran
Dent, Kieran
Segoviano, Miguel
Foreign direct private investments and the developing countries»»»
Papic, Augustin
Foreign-owned banks : the role of ownership in post-communist European countries2018»»»
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Bongini, Paola
Smaga, Pawel
Witkowski, Bartosz
Foreword : a few thoughts on Haute Banque»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Foundations of financial markets and institutions1998»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Modigliani, Franco
Ferri, Michael G.
Foundations of global financial markets and institutions2019»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Jones, Frank J.
Fabozzi, Francesco A.
Mann, Steven V.
Dupoux, Cecile
From war financier to bankers' bank»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
General discussion : Crises : the price of globalization?»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
General introduction to the EU insolvency law framework and principles with regard to financial institutions»»»
Wessels, Bob
Moss, Gabriel S.
Braun, Eberhard
Gestiunea si contabilitatea institutiilor financiare acreditate pe piata de capital2004»»»
Iosif, Anda
Global bank regulation : principles and policies2010»»»
Schooner, Heidi Mandanis
Taylor, Michael W.
Global financial institutions 2.0»»»
Killeen, Alyse
Chan, Rosanna
Global policy perspectives: Central bank independence and credibility during and after a crisis»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
Fischer, Stanley
Globalization duality and nonbank financial intermediaries2009»»»
El-Erian, Mohamed A.
Going with the flow : measuring financial usage in poor households2013»»»
Collins, Daryl
Granular data offer new opportunities for stress testing»»»
Ullersma, Cees
Lelyveld, Iman van
Growing economic interdependence of the world»»»
Stojiljkovic, Miodrag
H. G. Wells. Un reve... une vie. A. Michel Paris 1927 : [recenzie]»»»
Gane, Alexandru-Virgil P.
Half the world is unbanked2013»»»
Chaia, Alberto
Dalal, Aparna
Goland, Tony
Gonzalez, Maria Jose
Morduch, Jonathan
Schiff, Robert
Handbook of European financial markets and institutions2008»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Hartmann, Philipp
Mayer, Colin
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Hedge funds : past and present»»»
Lysandrou, Photis
Housing and the monetary transmission mechanism»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Hamilton, James D.
How "the world's most powerful financial institution" is driven by the markets : Benedict Mander reviews Martin Mayer's latest book The Fed, which makes fascinating revelations about the past, present and the future of the United States' central bank»»»
Mander, Benedict
Mayer, Martin
How finance globalized : a tale of two cities»»»
Dymski, Gary A.
Kaltenbrunner, Annina
How safe are your reserves? : a case before the English courts has highlighted concerns over whether sovereign immunity applies to central bank reserves, writes Charles Proctor»»»
Proctor, Charles
How shadow banking became non-bank finance : the conjectural power of economic ideas»»»
Engelen, Ewald
How technology (or distributed ledger technology and algorithms like deep learning and machine learning) can help to comply with regulatory requirements»»»
Plenk, Moritz
Levant, Iosif
Bellon, Noah
How to ask households about financial services : experimental evidence from Ghana and Timor-Leste2013»»»
Cull, Robert
Scott, Kinnon
In chestiunea "Bancii Internationale"»»»
Slavescu, Victor
In loc de concluzie : Curtea de Conturi in sistemul institutional al Romaniei moderne»»»
Murgescu, Bogdan
Independenta europeana si soliditatea sistemului de plati»»»
Mihailovici, Gabriela
Indrumarul privind verificarea intreprinderilor, institutiilor si organizatiilor din sectorul socialist, cu privire la impozitul pe venit care se realizeaza prin retinere si varsare (Decretul nr. 153/1954), contributia pentru asigurarile sociale si executarea popririlor infiintate de organele financiare (nr. 2032 din 21 aprilie 1959 ) : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
- Descriere: An 5, nr. 6, Iun 1959, p. 95-96
- ISBN: -
Inefficient markets : an introduction to behavioral finance2013»»»
Shleifer, Andrei
Inflation, money, output : economic and financial data underpinning analysis and policy making2018»»»
Clement, Piet
Hofmann, Carmen
Kunert, Jakub
Institutii de credit2012»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Institutii financiare europene2013»»»
Anitei, Nadia Cerasela
Lazar, Roxana Elena
Institutii financiare internationale2005»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Simon, Ilie
Novac, Laura Elly
Institutii financiare internationale2007»»»
Balaceanu, Cristina
Institutii financiare internationale2011»»»
Anitei, Nadia Cerasela
Institutii financiare internationale si institutii financiare ale Uniunii Europene2017»»»
Anitei, Nadia Cerasela
Lazar, Roxana Elena
Institutiile financiare internationale : relatii economice internationale1996»»»
Bakker, Age F.P.
Insurance of financial and credit institutions»»»
Adamchuk, Natalia
Osipov, Vladimir
Tsvetkova, Lyudmila
Integrating sustainability in EU corporate governance codes»»»
Siri, Michele
Zhu, Shanshan
Interdependence, self-reliance and development financing»»»
Kerim, Srdjan
Internal credit risk models with machine learning»»»
Thiele, Markus
Dittmar, Harro
International evidence on aggregate corporate financing decision2001»»»
Domowitz, Ian
Glen, Jack
Madhavan, Ananth
International finance : new players and global markets2021»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
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