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Valoarea adaugata a fondului social european in Romania : POS DRU 2007-2013[2013]»»»
Speteanu, Ioana
Valori fundamentale noi : premisa initiala a integrarii Republicii Moldova in Uniunea Europeana2004»»»
Chirca, Sergiu I.
Veniturile si cheltuielile bugetare in contextul integrarii europene2004»»»
Cioponea, Mariana-Cristina
Versiune consolidata a Tratatului privind Uniunea Europeana si a Tratatului privind functionarea Uniunii Europene : Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene2010»»»
Viitorul Europei : reforma sau declin2006»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Giavazzi, Francesco
Levitchi, Vasile
Viitorul Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana»»»
Verheugen, Gunter
- Descriere: p. 13-21
- ISBN: -
Viitorul federalist al Europei : Comunitatea Europeana de la origini la Tratatul de la Lisabona2010»»»
Sidjanski, Dusan
Brad, Raluca
Rapan, Daniela
Viitorul monedei unice europene dupa un deceniu de existenta2010»»»
Roman, Angela
Sargu, Alina Camelia
Viitorul resurselor proprii ale Comunitatilor Europene, prin prisma implicatiilor asupra contributiei Romaniei la bugetul UE = The future of the European community's resources and the implications for Romania's contribution to the EU budget2010»»»
Pop, Napoleon
Done, Niculae
Dimitriu, Mihail
Vincolo esterno or muddling through? : Italy»»»
Sottilotta, Cecilia Emma
Virtual currencies : a legal framework2018»»»
Vandezande, Niels
Valcke, Peggy
Virtuti ale politicii monetare2008»»»
Pop, Napoleon
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Vision vs improvisation : on the industrial future of Italy»»»
Biasco, Salvatore
Visul european : despre cum, pe tacute, Europa va pune in umbra "visul american"2006»»»
Rifkin, Jeremy
Golopentia, Dan
Viziune asupra viitorului Europei : contributia Romaniei2001»»»
Nastase, Adrian
Vocational qualifications and the European labour market : the challenges and the prospects2002»»»
Calendini, Jean Baptiste
Storai, Christophe
Volumul 12004»»»
Volumul 22004»»»
Volumul 3 : Rolul euro si al UE in contextul extinderii la 27 de membri2006»»»
Voraussetzungen einer monetaren Integration in der Europaischen Gemeinschaft»»»
Schlecht, Otto
Weathering tfe financial storm : the importance of fundamentals and flexibility2011»»»
Olafsson, Thorvardur Tjorvi
Petursson, Thorarinn G.
What effects is EMU having on the integration of financial services?2005»»»
Dierick, Frank
Vesala, Jukka
What have the crisis in emerging markets and the Euro Zone in common and what differentiates them?»»»
Frenkel, Roberto
Bebczuk, Ricardo
What threatens capitalism now?»»»
Calhoun, Craig
What to do with the UK? : EU perspectives on Brexit2016»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
When should the new member states join EMU?2006»»»
Rostowski, Jacek
Which European Union? : Europe after the euro crisis2015»»»
Fabbrini, Sergio
Which way goes capitalism? : in search of adequate policies in a dramatically changing world2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Why save the bankers? : and other essays on our economic and political crisis2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Why the current account may matter in a monetary union : lessons from the financial crisis in the euro area2011»»»
Giavazzi, Francesco
Spaventa, Luigi
Wich measure of inflation should the ECB target?2004»»»
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Yield curve reaction to macroeconomic news in Europe : disentangling the US influence2008»»»
Briere, Marie
Ialpo, Florian
Zona euro, zona monetara optima?2021»»»
Aursulesei, Tudor Mugurel
Zone libere si parcuri industriale din perspectiva integrarii economice2001»»»
[Negociind cu Uniunea Europeana] = Negotiating with the European Union Volume 2 The initial position papers for chapters of negociation2003»»»
Puscas, Vasile
[Negociind cu Uniunea Europeana] = Negotiating with the European Union Volume 3 Preparing the external environment of negociation2003»»»
Puscas, Vasile
Meerts, Paul
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