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Lipsey, Richard George
Steiner, Peter O.
Purvis, Douglas D.
Barron, John M.
Lynch, Gerald J.
Economie monetara si financiara internationala2005»»»
Cerna, Silviu
Donath, Liliana
Seulean, Victoria
Barglazan, Diana
Boldea, Bogdan
Elements of the Euro area : integrating financial markets2005»»»
Berg, Jesper
Grande, Mauro
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Enlargement and the international role of the Euro»»»
Cohen, Benjamin J.
Entrepreneurial finance in the Western Balkans : charasteristics of the newly self-employed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia2013»»»
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Klapper, Leora F.
Panos, Georgios A.
Essai critique sur la these du president Hoover concernant les dettes interalliees1929»»»
Euro-Dollar : an holistic view of the economy»»»
Martens, Hans
EuroTragedy : a drama in nine acts2018»»»
Mody, Ashoka
Euroland end East Asia in a dollar-based international monetary system: Mundell revisited2001»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Europaische Integration, Weltwirtschaft und Weltwahrungsordnung»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Europe - Etats Units - Japon : partenaires ou rivaux? : (resume)»»»
Damm, Walter
Europe : the world's banker : 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the war1930»»»
Feis, Herbert
European Monetary Union and the European System of Central Banks1995»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
European Monetary Union, the dollar and the interantional monetary system2000»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
European public sources of funds for investment in developing nations»»»
Leroy, Norbert G.
Exchange rate adjustments and the crisis of the existing monetary system»»»
Jovanovski, Tihomir
Exchange rate assesment extension of the macroeconomic balance approach1998»»»
Isard, Peter
Faruqee, Hamid
Kahn, Robert B.
Mussa, Michael
Nord, Roger
Masson, Paul
Bayoumi, Tamim
Debelle, Guy
Meredith, Guy
Exchange rate management and surveillance since 19721986»»»
Johnson, G. G.
Exchange rates and financial fragility»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Hausmann, Ricardo
Feldstein, Martin
Exchange rates and international finance2008»»»
Copeland, Laurence S.
Exchange rates and international finance2000»»»
Copeland, Laurence S.
Exchange risk, developing countries, and SDR's»»»
Helleiner, Gerald K.
Expansiunea coloniala a capitalului financiar din SUA sub steagul ajutorului1957»»»
Rimalov, R. R.
Exploring financing options for the provision of global public goods»»»
Andersson, Gun-Britt
Export credits and economic development financing»»»
Granfil, Toma
Exportul de capital american1968»»»
Vesa, Ion
External financing and debt problems of developing countries : special nature and tackling issues in Nigeria»»»
Ojo, Joshua Ade T.
External financing of the development of developing countries : economic necessity of the world today»»»
Pirec, Dusan
Facilities for promoting export credits»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
Factoring and forfeiting : new forms of export finance and the place and role of banks and financial institutions»»»
Trifunovic, Predrag
Factors conditioning the international financing of scientific and technical research for developing countries»»»
Currie, Lauchlin
Fifty years after Bretton Woods : the future of the IMF and the World Bank : proceedings of a conference held in Madrid, Spain, September 29-30, 19941995»»»
Boughton, James M.
Lateef, K. Sarwar
Camdessus, Michel
Filling the gaps : the Vienna initiative and the role of the international financial institutions in crisis management and resolution2012»»»
Berglof, Erik
Finance and financial intermediation : a modern treatment of money, credit, and banking2019»»»
Cole, Harold Linh
Finance and hunger : empirical evidence of the agricultural productivity channel2013»»»
Claessens, Stijn
Feijen, Erik
Financial cooperation among nonaligned and developing countries»»»
Adamovic, Ljubisa
Financial cooperation among the developing countries»»»
Pirec, Dusan
Financial economics2008»»»
Jones, Chris
Financial innovation and globalization : growth and stability effects»»»
Timmermann, Vincenz
Financial market integration under EMU»»»
Jappelli, Tullio
Pagano, Marco
Hayes, Simon
Financial market, taxation and international capital flows»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Financial markets and European monetary cooperation : the lessons of the 1992-1993 exchange rate machenism crisis1998»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Corsetti, Giancarlo
Pesenti, Paolo A.
Financial operations of the European Coal and Steel Community»»»
Skribanowitz, Hans
Financial restructuring : techniques and negotiating dynamics»»»
Fragen, Alan D.
Financial stability, economic growth, and the role of law2007»»»
Arner, Douglas W.
Financial stability, systems and regulation2019»»»
Kregel, Jan
Rezende, Felipe C.
Financialization : an introduction»»»
Mader, Philip
Mertens, Daniel
Zwan, Natascha van der
Financing global financial stability and market efficiency»»»
Kregel, Jan A.
Financing global public goods : approaches to health»»»
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
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