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Modele economice de gestionare a socului pandemic COVID-19 : schita strategica2021»»»
Dinga, Emil
Modelul de dezvoltare bazat pe inovare2000»»»
Troia, Adrian Emil
Monetary policy in the New Economy : evidence of a new economic paradigm is at last emerging, but central banks should maintain a steady hand on the tiller until we can be sure it will last, says Brian Kettell, senior lecturer of London Guildhall University»»»
Kettell, Brian
Monetary policy, economic integration and the "new normal" = Politika Monetare, integrimi Ekonomik dhe "Normaliteti i Ri"2018»»»
Sejko, Gent
More efficiency is not enough : capabilities and limits of circular economy»»»
Holzinger, Hans
Necessity of digitalization in the capital market of developing countries in current pandemic situation : the case of Balgladesh»»»
Sohrab Uddin, S. M.
Islam, Moinul ANM
Rahat, Mohammad Robaitur
Network structure and economic change : East vs West»»»
Root, Hilton L.
Noua harta : energie, clima si ciocnirea natiunilor2022»»»
Yergin, Daniel
Iacob, Simona
O femeie in constructii = o femeie intr-o lume a barbatilor»»»
Stoica, Alexandra
Open banking : how platforms and the API economy change competition in financial services»»»
Zachariadis, Markos
Ozcan, Pinar
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Oportunitati de cooperare tehnico-stiintifica ale intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii romanesti in spatiul european»»»
Stanculescu, Ecaterina
George, Edward A. J.
Panel discussion : incubators of banking innovation»»»
Banziger, Hugo
Paradoxul prosperitatii : cum pot inovatiile sa scoata popoarele din saracie2020»»»
Christensen, Clayton M.
Ojomo, Efosa
Dillon, Karen
Balanescu, Dan
Patentability of FinTech inventions»»»
Stankovic, Mirjana
Payment systems in digital economy»»»
Bolonin, Aleksei
Balykin, Vladimir
Perspectiva evolutiei industriei in Romania pana in 2040»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Perspective ale dezvoltarii clusterelor in Romania in context european[2013]»»»
Pauna, Carmen-Beatrice
Piata informatiilor : protectia proprietatii intelectuale»»»
Buda, Steluta
Dobre, Traian
Policy and Fintech. Part II : use cases»»»
Goodenough, Oliver R.
Flood, Mark D.
Reed, Matthew
Shrier, David L.
Hardjono, Thomas
Pentland, Alex
Policy dilemmas or Eastern European reforms : notes of an insider»»»
Klaus, Vaclav
Policy, regulation, and innovation in China's electricity and telecom industries»»»
Brandt, Loren
Rawski, Thomas G.
Policy, regulation, and innovation in China's electricity and telecom industries2019»»»
Brandt, Loren
Rawski, Thomas G.
Politica agricola comuna in perioada 2014-2020 : descrierea generala PAC 2024-2020 : schimbarile cheie introduse de PAC in perioada 2014-2020»»»
Toma, Elena
Power and prediction : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence2022»»»
Agrawal, Ajay
Gans, Joshua
Goldfarb, Avi
Bunting, Arthur Hugh
Prefata : continuitati, discontinuitati si fracturi in politica si gandirea economica»»»
Dinu, Marin
Presedintia Consiliului UE : examenul de maturitate al Romaniei»»»
Blidaru, Horia
Principles of Tech-Okonomie : future of economics for 2050»»»
Bhardwaj, Ashutosh
Privately issued digital currencies»»»
Disparte, Dante Aligheri
Privatization, crisis, and the transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti»»»
Bulfone, Fabio
Di Carlo, Donato
Productive structures and industrial policy in the EU»»»
Best, Michael H.
Public procurement as a transformative innovation policy instrument : urban rehabilitation in Malmo»»»
Francis Grimbert, Stephanie
Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Raycap : o companie bazata pe inovare si valori»»»
Apostolidis, Constantinos
Todorut, Amalia Venera
Rediscovering macro-prudential regulation : the national banking era from the perspective of 2015»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Carlson, Mark
Regional innovation in the United States : a poisson stochastic frontier approach with finite mixture structure»»»
Drivas, Kyriakos
Economidou, Claire
Tsionas, Mike G.
Regtech and new derivatives developments»»»
Smoot Burell, Jamila D.
Fearon, Charmaine
Regtech, suptech and beyond : innovation in financial services2021»»»
Coen, Bill
Maurice, D. R.
Regulating blockchain in the EU : building a global competitive advantage»»»
Kaili, Eva
Regulation of robo-advisory services»»»
Reiners, Lee
Regulatory sandboxes»»»
Lim, Byungkwon
Low, Charles
Regulatory sandboxes»»»
Goodenough, Oliver R.
Shrier, David L.
Regulatory sandboxes : innovation and financial inclusion»»»
Cadet, Carmelle
Relansarea si fortificarea sectorului IMM-urilor, determinante pentru dezvoltarea sustenabila a economiei in orizontul 2040»»»
Nicolescu, Ovidiu
Jianu, Florin-Nicolae
Reputation, regulation, and the collapse of international capital markets, 1920-1935»»»
Flandreau, Marc
Reset the industry Redux through corporate social responsability : the COVID-19 tourism impact on hospitality firms through business model innovation»»»
Abbas, Jaffar
Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel
Shah, Syed Ale Raza
Shahzad, Umer
Reshaping the economy : an industrial and investment policy for Europe»»»
Pianta, Mario
Lucchese, Matteo
Nascia, Leopoldo
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