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International finance regulation : the quest for financial stability2014»»»
Ugeux, Georges
International financial architecture : G7, IMF, BIS, debtors and creditors2005»»»
Pelaez, Carlos M.
Pelaez, Carlos A.
International financial institutions and national economic governance : aspects if the new adjustment agenda in historical perspective2007»»»
Pauly, Louis W.
International financing of economic development : proceedings of the Second World Scientific Banking Meeting. [Vol.] 21982»»»
Ostojic, Negoslav P.
Cirovic, Milutin
Perroux, Francois
International financing of economic development : proceedings of the World Scientific Banking Meeting1978»»»
Ostojic, Negoslav P.
International financing of economic development : proceedings of the World Scientific Banking Meeting [Vol.] 11978»»»
Ostojic, Negoslav P.
International financing of economic development : proceedings of the World Scientific Banking Meeting [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 2»»»
Ostojic, Negoslav P.
International financing of economic development : proceedings of the World Scientific Banking Meeting [Vol.] 21978»»»
Ostojic, Negoslav P.
International monetary reform and the New York monetary banking community»»»
Rockefeller, David
International monetary system : crisis and reform»»»
Tasic, Antonije
International taxes a proxy for optimal development financing»»»
Tinbergen, Jan
Internationalization of financial markets : world financial centres»»»
Klevtcov, Vitalii
Zamlelyy, Artem
Interview : Malcolm Knight : Malcolm Knight, the new head of the Bank for International Settlements, calls for much deeper understanding of the way globalised financial markets actually function : as a global institution, the BIS is well placed to supply such analysis and to draw the right policy lessons from it»»»
Mander, Benedict
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Liermann, Volker
Stegmann, Claus
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Introduction : Financing firms : beyond the dichotomy between banks and markets»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Introduction : Suptech/regtech defined : payments, sandboxes and beyond»»»
Patel, Bhavin
Introduction : banking the world2013»»»
Cull, Robert
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Morduch, Jonathan
Introduction : les banques centrales et l'etat : une reevaluation»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Introduction : the crisis of 2008 and financial services regulation2011»»»
Porter, Roger B.
Introductory speech : the legacy of Geneva's private bankers»»»
Banziger, Hugo
Investment promotion carried out by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization»»»
Haug, Leif G.
Islamic securities exchanges : principles and international developments»»»
Marar, Amr
Sau-Ngan, Wong
Just money : mission-driven banks and the future of finance2021»»»
Kaufer, Katrin
Steponaitis, Lillian K.
La Banque de France et les institutions de credit : les banques - historique, legislation comparee, organisation et fonctionnement1885»»»
Bousquet, Georges
La Pologne nouvelle1931»»»
Gorecki, Roman
Zalans, Matins
Lender of last resort : a new role for the old instrument»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Parigi, Bruno M.
Les banques commerciales : leurs rapports avec les autres institutions financieres, et leurs position dans l'economie»»»
Berger, Pierre
Les institutions financieres internationales1987»»»
Bonnet, Henri
Berthet, Dominique
Les institutions monetaires en France1991»»»
Raymond, Robert
Lessons from Hong Kong through the lens of the HKMA»»»
Yuen, Arthur
Leverage and macropudential policy»»»
Geanakoplos, John
Liquidity lost : the governance of the global financial crisis2016»»»
Langley, Paul
Liquidity management»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
Long-term financing of industrial co-operation in the process of world development»»»
Scott, Norman
Macroeconomic volatility, institutions and financial architectures : the developing world experience2008»»»
Fanelli, Jose Maria
Making the system function as a system - global financial governance reform in the Trump era»»»
Berglof, Erik
Making the vision a reality : perspectives from the monetary authority of Singapore»»»
Pei Hong, Mok
Managementul riscurilor in cadrul institutiilor financiare nebancare (IFN)2008»»»
Mihai, Ilie
Velicu, Ileana Cosinzeana
Managerial capitalism 2.0»»»
Quail, John
Managing the contradictions of development finance in the EU's Eastern periphery : development banks in Hungary and Poland»»»
Piroska, Dora
Mero, Katalin
Maria Andrievici-Dumitrescu Dr. in drept: Societatea Creditului Funciar Urban, Iasi 1881-1941. Institutul grafic "Presa Buna" iasi 1941, 155 p. : [recenzie]»»»
Beloiu, Ion
Market discipline in regulation : pre and post crisis»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Bliss, Robert R.
Market or concessionary approach to development capital»»»
Vidas, Kazimir
Marketing financiar-bancar2007»»»
Adam, Ciprian
Materials for the study of banking1924»»»
Magee, James Dysart
Measuring personality traits and predicting loan default with experiments and surveys2013»»»
Karlan, Dean
Mullainathan, Sendhil
Robles, Omar
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