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Multifractal volatility : theory, forecasting, and pricing2008»»»
Calvet, Laurent E.
Fisher, Adlai J.
Multimod Mark III : the core dynamic and steady-state models1998»»»
Laxton, Douglas
Isard, Peter
Faruquee, Eswar
Prasad, Eswar S.
Turtelboom, Bart G.
Multivariate stochastic volatility2009»»»
Chib, Siddhartha
Omori, Yasuhiro
Asai, Manabu
Multivariate time series analysis : with R and financial applications2014»»»
Tsay, Ruey S.
Neural networks and the financial markets : predicting, combining and portofolio optimisation2002»»»
Shadbolt, Jimmy
Taylor, John G.
Adcock, Chris
Attew, David
Nazarika, Neep
Larsson, Sebastian
Towers, Neville
New approaches to monetary economics : proceedings of the second international symposium in economic theory and econometrics2008»»»
Barnett, William Arnold
Singleton, Kenneth J.
Nonlinear and related panel data models»»»
Greene, William
Zhang, Qiushi
Nonlinear models and forecasting2002»»»
Tsay, Ruey S.
Nonparametric econometrics : theory and practice2007»»»
Li, Qi
Racine, Jeffrey Scott
Nonparametric estimation and inference for panel data models»»»
Parmeter, Christopher F.
Racine, Jeffrey Scott
O demonstratie folosind teoria multimilor fuzzy a teoremei de imposibilitate a agregarii indicatorilor»»»
Paun, Gheorghe
Oligopoly : old ends - new means2011»»»
Puu, Tonu
Opening address»»»
Carli, Guido
Opening lecture»»»
Hicks, John
Option Pricing2009»»»
Kallsen, Jan
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and extensions2009»»»
Maller, Ross A.
Muller, Gernot J.
Szimayer, Alex
Panel cointegration techniques and open challenges»»»
Pedroni, Peter
Panel data analysis based on lab evidence in auction market experiments»»»
Kosmopoulou, Georgia
Nedelescu, Daniel
Rehbein, Fletcher
Panel data econometrics2003»»»
Arellano, Manuel
Panel data econometrics : empirical applications2019»»»
Tsionas, Mike G.
Panel data econometrics : theory2019»»»
Tsionas, Mike G.
Panel data in banking : research issues and data peculiarities»»»
Humphrey, David B.
Panel vector autoregressions with binary data»»»
Honore, Bo E.
Kyriazidou, Ekaterini
Parameter estimation and practical aspects of modeling stochastic volatility2009»»»
Jungbacker, Borus
Koopman, Siem Jan
Parametric inference for discretely sampled stochastic differential equations2009»»»
Sorensen, Michael
Politica monetara : lucrari selectate2022»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Croitoru, Lucian
Practical introduction to financial modelling [Vol.] 5 Forecasting techniques[1998?]»»»
Graham, Robert E.
Predictable uncertainty in economic forecasting2002»»»
Ericsson, Neil R.
Previziune economica : elemente de macroeconomie1998»»»
Caracota, Dumitrache
Probabilistic properties of stocastic volatility models2009»»»
Davis, Richard A.
Mikosch, Thomas
RATS handbook to accompany introductory econometrics for finance2009»»»
Brooks, Chris
Readings in unobserved components models2005»»»
Harvey, Andrew C.
Proietti, Tommaso
Realized volatility2009»»»
Andersen, Torben G.
Benzoni, Luca
Recent improvements in Spanish monetary control»»»
Rojo, Luis Angel
Relationship between banks and FinTechs : does the pandemic have an impact on it?»»»
Pawlowska, Malgorzata
Staniszewska, Aleksandra
Renewable energy, carbon emissions, and economic growth : the comparison between EKC and RKC»»»
Zhao, Congyu
Dong, Xiucheng
Dong, Kangyin
Revisiting the environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) : an analysis using the sectoral output and ecological footprint in India»»»
Villanthenkodath, Muhammed Ashiq
Risk and volatility : theory, methods and econometric modelling2021»»»
Matei, Marius
Risk management and shareholders' value in banking : from risk measurement models to capital allocation policies2007»»»
Resti, Andrea
Sironi, Andrea
Risk topography : systemic risk and macro modeling2014»»»
Brunnermeier, Markus K.
Krishnamurthy, Arvind
Semiparametric and nonparametric ARCH modeling2009»»»
Linton, Oliver Bruce
Sequential monitoring of optimal portofolio weights2008»»»
Golosnoy, Vasyl
Schmid, Wolfgang
Okhrin, Iryna
Simulari in afaceri2005»»»
Luban, Florica
Small sample estimation and stochastic simulation of an econometric model1986»»»
Ahlstedt, Monica
Some econometric issues in measuring the monetary transmission mechanism with an application to developing countries2003»»»
Boyd, Derick
Smith, Ron
Statistical approaches to modeling and forecasting time series2002»»»
Pedregal, Diego J.
Young, Peter C.
Stochastic volatility : origins and overview2009»»»
Shepard, Neil
Andersen, Torben G.
Stochastic volatility models with long memory2009»»»
Hurvich, Clifford M.
Soulier, Philippe
Structural macroeconometrics2007»»»
DeJong, David N.
Dave, Chetan
Teoria generala a portofoliului : concepte si modele de analiza2022»»»
Anghel, Madalina-Gabriela
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