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Global banking2012»»»
Smith, Roy C.
Walter, Ingo
DeLong, Gayle Louise
Gold production1932»»»
Kitchin, Joseph
Governing the euro area in good times and bad2011»»»
Hodson, Dermot
Granger's representation theorem and multicointegration1999»»»
Engsted, Tom
Johansen, Soren
Greco-Scythian art and the birth of Eurasia : from classical antiquity to Russian modernity2013»»»
Meyer, Caspar
Growth models and the explanation of the forces behind development processes2000»»»
Labini, Paolo Sylos
Growth theory : an exposition2000»»»
Solow, Robert M.
Hall of mirrors : the Great Depression, the great recession, and the uses-and misuses-of history2016»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Handbook of European financial markets and institutions2008»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Hartmann, Philipp
Mayer, Colin
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Household dynamics : economic growth and policy2002»»»
Lord, William A.
How Britain is governed1943»»»
McCallum, Ronald Buchanan
How do Financial Systems Affect Economic Performance?2002»»»
Carlin, Wendy
Mayer, Colin
How do we want gold to behave?1932»»»
Robertson, Dennis Holme
How to combat recession : stimulus without debt2018»»»
Seidman, Laurence S.
How to economize gold1932»»»
Niemeyer, Otto
IS-LM, Keynesianism, and the new classicism2000»»»
Lipsey, Richard George
Identifying international financial contagion : progress and challenges2005»»»
Dungey, Mardi
Tambakis, Demosthenes N.
Imperfect capital markets : a new macroeconomic paradigm?2000»»»
Delli Gatti, Domenico
Tamborini, Roberto
Improving the role of judgment in economic forecasting2011»»»
Goodwin, Paul
Onkal, Dilek
Lawrence, Michael
In defence of two policy platitudes2000»»»
Hausman, Daniel M.
Inefficient markets : an introduction to behavioral finance2013»»»
Shleifer, Andrei
Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance: The Case of UK Pension Funds2002»»»
Faccio, Mara
Lasfer, Ameziane
International economics : theory, application, and policy2012»»»
van Marrewijk, Charles
Ottens, Daniel
Schueller, Stephan
International financial and monetary law2015»»»
Lastra, Rosa Maria
International money and common currencies in historical perspective2004»»»
Dwyer, Gerald P.
Lothian, James R.
Interpreting and combining heterogeneous survey forecasts2011»»»
Manski, Charles F.
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Introduction to econometrics2002»»»
Dougherty, Christopher
Introduction to simulation and MCMC methods2011»»»
Chib, Siddhartha
Investigating inflation transmission by stages processing1999»»»
Lee, Tae-Hwy
Scott, Stuart
Investment banking : institutions, politics, and law2008»»»
Morrison, Alan D.
Wilhelm, William J., Jr.
Investor Dominance and Strategic Transparency: On the Role of Corporate Governance for Product and Capital Market Competition2002»»»
Perotti, Enrico
Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig von
Is it time for common currency for the Americas?2003»»»
Corbo, Vittorio
Is the Glass-Stegall Act justified? : a case study of the U. S. experience with universal banking before 19332004»»»
Kroszner, Randall S.
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Jacobs, White, and Ovey : the European Convention on Human Rights2017»»»
Rainey, Bernadette
Wicks, Elizabeth
Ovey, Clare
Knowing the cycle2000»»»
Harding, Don
Pagan, Adrian
Latin America official dollarization : political economy aspects2003»»»
Schuldt, Jurgen
Law and Equity Markets: A Simple Model2002»»»
Lombardo, Davide
Pagano, Marco
Lender of last resort and bank closure policy2012»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Parigi, Bruno M.
Less is More: Making Institutional Investor Activism a Valuable Mechanism of Corporate Governance2002»»»
Romano, Roberta
Lessons of the euro for dollarization : analytic and political economy perspectives2003»»»
Dellas, Harris
Tavlas, George S.
Linear quadratic approximations : an introduction2001»»»
Diaz Gimenez, Javier
Liquidity lost : the governance of the global financial crisis2016»»»
Langley, Paul
Liquidity production in twenty-firs-century banking2012»»»
Strahan, Philip E.
Liquidity, banks and markets2004»»»
Diamond, Douglas Warren
Living and dying with Hard Pegs : the rise and fall of Argentina's currency board2004»»»
de la Torre, Augusto
Levy Yeyati, Ernesto
Schmukler, Sergio L.
Long-horizon growth forecasting and demography2011»»»
Lindh, Thomas
Long-term contracts, short-term investment, and monitoring2004»»»
Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig von
M-testing using finite and infinite dimensional parameter estimators1999»»»
White, Halbert
Hong, Yongmiao
Macroeconomic shocks and unconventional monetary policy : impacts on emerging markets2019»»»
Yoshino, Naoyuki
Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun
Helble, Matthias
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