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Market risk analysis Vol. 4 Value-at-risk models2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Measuring and managing credit risk2004»»»
Servigny, Arnaud de
Renault, Olivier
Measuring and managing operational risk : an integrated approach2018»»»
Leone, Paola
Porretta, Pasqualina
Vellella, Mario
Measuring market risk2005»»»
Dowd, Kevin
Metode si modele statistice de masurare a riscului si performantei bancare : teorie, concepte si modele de analiza2020»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Anghel, Madalina-Gabriela
Microeconomics of banking2023»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Rochet, Jean-Charles
Modelare economica : concepte, teorie si studii de caz2014»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Anghel, Madalina-Gabriela
Modelarea cerintelor de capital si provizioane2023»»»
Neagu, Florian
Mihai, Irina
Kubinschi, Matei
Alupoaiei, Alexie
Tatarici, Luminita
Racovita, Stefan
Monetary and financial stability2006»»»
Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo
Monetary policy and financial stability2006»»»
Demopoulos, George D.
Monetary policy in a globalized economy : a practitioner's view2011»»»
Mohan, Rakesh
MongoDB : the journey from a relational to a document-based database for FIS balance sheet management»»»
Bialek, Boris
Multinational finance2000»»»
Buckely, Adrian
Multinational financial management2003»»»
Shapiro, Alan C.
Network theory and financial risk2022»»»
Soramaki, Kimmo
Cook, Samantha
New challenges for financial market infrastructure risk management systems»»»
Panov, Dmitry
Non-financial sector balance sheets and financial stability: what can we learn from economic research?2008»»»
Generale, Andrea
Non-traditional mortgage loans2006»»»
Frankel, Allen
Objectives and challenges of stress testing»»»
Herring, Richard J.
Schuermann, Til
Old and new lessons of the financial crisis for risk management2011»»»
Roldan, Jose Maria
Saurina, Jesus
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Opening remarks at the Third Joint IMF - National Bank of Romania Seminar on financial stability issues2008»»»
Roger, Scott
Operational risk management : best practices in the financial services industry2019»»»
Chapelle, Ariane
Operational risk management : regulatory framework and operational impact»»»
Leone, Paola
Porretta, Pasqualina
Operational risk toward Basel III : best practices and issues in modeling, management, and regulation2009»»»
Gregoriou, Greg N.
Operatiunile institutiilor de credit : creditare bancara2007»»»
Nicula, Ileana
Organizarea si exercitarea auditului intern la nivelul institutiilor bancare2016»»»
Bunea, Mariana
Organized opportunities : risk management in financial services operations2007»»»
Kross, Wilhelm K.
Payment systems in global perspective1999»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Kilato, Isaack
Roger, Sandra
Senderowicz, Krzysztof
Sheppard, David
Solis, Francisco
Trundle, John
George, Eddie
Humphrey, David B.
Piata financiara : componenta fundamentala a pietei globale : echilibru, cooperare, integrare2015»»»
Mihai, Ilie
Politica monetara : lucrari selectate2022»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Croitoru, Lucian
Politica monetara, piata financiara si sistemul bancar2010»»»
Manolescu, Gheorghe
Rotaru, Alina
Picu, Alina
Politica valutara si managementul riscurilor in tranzactiile internationale2003»»»
Paxino, Dan Octavian
Practical methods of financial engineering and risk management : tools for modern financial professionals2014»»»
Chatterjee, Rupak
Predictive risk management»»»
Liermann, Volker
Viets, Nikolas
Prezentarea ipotezelor ce stau la baza previziunilor»»»
Bisa, Cristian
Private information and risk management in banking»»»
Allen, Linda
Saunders, Anthony
Progress and confusion : the state of macroeconomic policy2016»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Prospective EU membership2006»»»
Lecea, Antonio de
Public policy and financial economics : essays in honor of professor George G Kaufman for his lifelong contributions to the profession2018»»»
Evanoff, Douglas D.
Malliaris, Anastasios George
Kaufman, George G.
Public spending and the role of the state : history, performance, risk and remedies2021»»»
Schuknecht, Ludger
Quantification of operational risk under Basel II : the good, bad and ugly2008»»»
Moosa, Imad A.
Raiffeisen experience in South-East Europe2006»»»
Grunerud, Steven
Rebuilding trust in banks : the role of leadership and governance2014»»»
Zinkin, John
Recent developments in the Albanian banking sector and challenges for the future2006»»»
Shehu, Klodion
Reforma pietelor financiare din Romania1999»»»
Vosganian, Varujan
RegTech and SupTech : the future of compliance»»»
Hee Jung, John Ho
Regional Seminar on Financial Stability : Sinaia, September 18-19, 20082008»»»
Regulation of robo-advisory services»»»
Reiners, Lee
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