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Efficiency of financial institutions : international survey and directions for future reasearch2001»»»
Berger, Allen
Humphrey, David B.
Efficient banking under interstate branching2001»»»
Hughes, Joseph P.
Lang, William
Mester, Loretta J.
Moon, Choon-Geol
Emerging markets2012»»»
Ruziev, Kobil
Emerging problems with the Basel Capital Accord : regulatory capital arbitrage and related issues2001»»»
Jones, David
Emigration, labour sortage and brain drain in the new EU member states : some descriptive evidence2009»»»
Maly, Radek
Maier, Christoph
Employment targeting central bank policy : a policy proposal for South Africa2009»»»
Epstein, Gerald A.
Enlargement of the European Union and the approximation of law: lessons from an economic theory of optimal legal areas2002»»»
Schmidtchen, Dieter
Neunzig, Alexander
Schmidt-Trenz, Hans-Jorg
Enlargement to the East : Romania2002»»»
Phinnemore, David
Entreprise restructuring and changes in the business environment in Estonia1998»»»
Tammeraid, Aita
Teearu, Asta
Vensel, Vello
Entry conditions, structure and performance in banking sectors in central and Eastern Europe1998»»»
Gondat-Larralde, Celine
Taranzi, Amine
Equilibrium analysis, banking and financial instability2012»»»
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Equilibrium analysis, banking, contagion and financial fragility2012»»»
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Euro area enlargement : lesson and challenges2008»»»
Kutos, Paul
Deroose, Servaas
Suardi, Massimo
European Monetary Union, the dollar and the interantional monetary system2000»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
European Union and public utility : a virtuous grouping? Lessons from the reorganization of Corsican external transport2002»»»
Garcia, Thierry
Peraldi, Xavier
European Union enlargement and the Balkans2003»»»
Gligorov, Vladimir
European economic integration and South-East Europe : challenges and prospects2005»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
European integration in a global economy : CESEE and the impact of China and Russia2012»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Mooslechner, Peter
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
European monetary integration : past, present and future2001»»»
Pentecost, Eric J.
van Poeck, Andre
European order, global governance and liberal peace2002»»»
Miall, Hugh
McKinlay, Robert
Evaluation of macroeconomic models for financial stability analysis2012»»»
Bardsen, Gunnar
Lindquist, Kjersti-Gro
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Evidence of bank market discipline in subordinated debenture yields: 1983-19912001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Sorescu, Sorin M.
Evolution of EU banking : supervisory implications2002»»»
Begg, Iain
Altunbas, Yener
Evolution of worker employer networks and behaviors under alternative non-employment benefits : an agent based computational study2003»»»
Pringle, Mark
Tesfatsion, Leigh
Exchange rate economics : selected essays2009»»»
MacDonald, Ronald
Exchange rate policies and EMU participation of accession countries2004»»»
Solbes, Pedro
Exchange rate policies on the last stretch2004»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Zhou, Jizhong
Exchange rate regimes in the twentieth century1998»»»
Aldcroft, Derek H.
Oliver, Michael J.
Exchange rate regimes in theory and practice2003»»»
Crockett, Andrew D.
Exchange rate regimes on the road to EMU : lessons from Greece's experience2004»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
Exchange rate strategies for new EU entrants2001»»»
Holscher, Jens
Vinhas de Souza, Lucio
Exchange rates from a multilateral and South-East Asian perspective2008»»»
Genberg, Hans
Expectations and adjustments in the monetary sector1967»»»
Feige, Edgar L.
Expectations and the neutrality of money1972»»»
Lucas, Robert Emerson
Experience with forecasting unvariate time series and the combination of forecasts1974»»»
Newbold, Paul
Granger, Clive William John
Externalities in supervision : the European case2003»»»
Enria, Andrea
Vesala, Jukka
FDICIA after five years2001»»»
Benston, George G.
Kaufman, George G.
Facts and lessons from euro area divergences for enlargement2010»»»
Darvas, Zsolt
Fairly deposit insurance and bank charter policy2001»»»
Craine, Roger
Federal deposit insurance, regulatory policy, and optimal bank capital2001»»»
Buser, Stephen A.
Chen, Andrew H.
Kane, Edward J.
FinTech : law and regulation2021»»»
Madir, Jelena
Financial and economic networks : an overview2003»»»
Nagurney, Anna
Financial and monetary integration in the new Europe2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financial constraints and market failures : the microfoundations of new keynesian macroeconomics1999»»»
Messori, Marcello
Financial contracts and relations in the small and medium-sized entreprise sector in Poland1998»»»
Kowalski, Tadeusz
Janc, Alfred
Financial crises2008»»»
Allen, Franklin
Gale, Douglas
Financial crises2012»»»
Wolfson, Martin H.
Financial crises from 1803-2009 : the crescendo of moral hazard2011»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Financial crises, payment system problems, and discount window lending2001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Financial crisis management in Korea : processes and consequences2002»»»
Oh, Junggun
Lee, Hyun-Hoon
Harvie, Charles
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