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Mobile banking : evolution or revolution?2014»»»
Nicoletti, Bernardo
Modern banking1937»»»
Thomas, Rollin G.
Modern central bank reserves management : introduction and overview»»»
Nugee, John
Modern financial macroeconomics : panics, crashes, and crises2008»»»
Knoop, Todd A.
Modern financial markets and institutions : a practical perspective2012»»»
Arnold, Glen
Moneda si finante internationale2012»»»
Cerna, Silviu
Monetary policy operations and the financial system2014»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Money and banking in Malaysia : [35 anniversary edition : 1959 - 1994]1994»»»
Money and capital markets : financial institutions and instruments in a global marketplace2008»»»
Rose, Peter S.
Marquis, Milton H.
Money, banking, and financial markets2008»»»
Cecchetti, Stephen G.
Mortgage finance in Central and Eastern Europe - opportunity or burden?2013»»»
Beck, Thorsten
Kibuuka, Katie
Tiongson, Erwin R.
New challenges for financial market infrastructure risk management systems»»»
Panov, Dmitry
New directions in financial services regulation2011»»»
Porter, Roger B.
Glauber, Robert R.
Healey, Thomas J.
New trends in the structure of the world banking system»»»
Vuckovic, Milos
Nonmonetary effects of the financial crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Sandvik, Siv
Notiuni bancare fundamentale2014»»»
Bistriceanu, Gabriel
Official development assistance»»»
Wells, Francis G.
On market-based approaches to the valuation of capital»»»
Sarin, Natasha
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Options for relieving debt of low income countries»»»
Williams, Maurice
Organizatia de credit a Romaniei1922»»»
Slavescu, Victor
Origins and policy implications of the crisis2011»»»
Taylor, John B.
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Heimann, John G.
Paradoxes of financial market institutions : traditions and ecosystems»»»
Panova, Galina
Payment systems in digital economy»»»
Bolonin, Aleksei
Balykin, Vladimir
Pension funds and prospects for reforming the Russian pension system as a condition for the qualitative implementation of the state's social policy»»»
Bolonin, Aleksei
Performance measurement in financial institutions in an ERM framework2006»»»
Dev, Ashish
Rao, Vandana
Planul Young si Banca Internationala»»»
Antohi, I.
Politica monetara sub presiunea crizelor financiare2017»»»
Apostoaie, Constantin-Marius
Cocris, Vasile
Portfolio selection and interest rate setting by the Dutch banking system»»»
Van Loo, Peter D.
Positioning the World Bank»»»
Gilbert, Christopher L.
Powell, Andrew
Vines, David A.
Possibilites and importance of founding new financial institutions in developing countries»»»
Jovic, Srboljub
Post-crisis bank regulation and financialized bank business models»»»
Crowther, Ian
Erturk, Ismail
Pre-modern and early modern»»»
Casson, Catherine
Casson, Mark
Feldstein, Martin
Principles of money, banking, and financial markets2000»»»
Ritter, Lawrence S.
Silber, William L.
Udell, Gregory F.
Private information and risk management in banking»»»
Allen, Linda
Saunders, Anthony
Problems of ensuring the financial stability of financial and credit institutions in the digital economy»»»
Larionova, Irina
Panov, Dmitry
Procesul de integrare a Romaniei in economia europeana : dimensiuni istorice si contemporane2008»»»
Muresan, Maria
Profesorul Bujor Surdu si "redescoperirea" istoriei economico-bancare a romanilor transilvaneni»»»
Dobrescu, Vasile
Progress toward the resolution of nonperforming loans»»»
Rodman, Jack
Project financing and financial markets»»»
Graham, Andrew
Promoting financial stability in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Klaus, Vaclav
Public financial management in the European Union : public finance and global crises2022»»»
Postula, Marta
Rebuilding the financial system in Central and Eastern Europe, 1918-19942016»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Redistributive monetary policy»»»
Brunnermeier, Markus K.
Sannikov, Yuliy
Sufi, Amir
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