Safe to fail : how resolution will revolutionise banking2014»»»
Huertas, Thomas F.
Scale and the political economy of financial change2005»»»
Grahl, John
Sectoral imbalances and long-run crises2012»»»
Delli Gatti, Domenico
Gallegatti, Mauro
Greenwald, Bruce C.
Russo, Alberto
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Shareholder value in banking2006»»»
Fiordelisi, Franco
Molyneux, Philip
Show me the money : the image of finance, 1700 to the present2014»»»
Crosthwaite, Paul
Knight, Peter
Marsh, Nicky
Single-period analysis: financial markets, firms' failures and closure of the monetary circuit2005»»»
Messori, Marcello
Zazzaro, Alberto
Some recent progresses on financial structure and development2012»»»
Yifu Lin, Justin
Xu, Lixin Colin
Some reflections on changes in Keynes's analysis between the 'Traetise' and the 'General Theory'2005»»»
Sawyer, Malcolm
Some reflections on financial stability2005»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Spain in the 20th century: the end of the exception?2012»»»
Santos, Julia
Spanish securities markets: recent developments and key challenges2012»»»
Restoy, Fernando
Sanchez de la Pena, Rafael
Stabilising capitalism : a greater role for central banks2016»»»
Ciocca, Pierluigi
Statistical inference for sharpe ratio2010»»»
Schmid, Friedrich
Schmidt, Rafael
Strategic asset allocation : balancing short-term liquidity needs and real capital preservation for central banks2010»»»
Bonza, Javier
Gomez, Norma
Pabon, Reinaldo
Strategic asset allocation and portofolio construction for sovereign wealth managers2010»»»
Lee, Bernard
Rogal, David
Weinberger, Fred
Strategic employee communication : building a culture of engagement2019»»»
Thornton, Gail S.
Mansi, Viviane Regina
Carramenha, Bruno
Cappellano, Thatiana
Wakefield, Robert I.
Strategic investment and risk management for sovereign wealth funds2010»»»
Claessens, Stijn
Kreuser, Jerome
Strategic tilting around the SAA benchmark2010»»»
Drew, Aaron
Frogley, Richard
Hayward, Tore
Sethi, Rishab
Strategy, value and risk : industry dynamics and advanced financial management2019»»»
Rogers, Jamie
Sustainable finance in Europe : corporate governance, financial stability and financial markets2021»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
Grunewald, Seraina
Systemic risk and macrorpudential regulation2012»»»
Allen, Franklin
Carletti, Elena
Taming capital flows : capital account management in an era of globalization2015»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Gurkaynak, Refet S.
Taxing multinationals in a world with international mergers and aquisitions : should the home country exempt foreign income?2012»»»
Wilson, John Douglas
Testing the lower partial moment asset-pricing models in emerging markets2011»»»
Iqbal, Javed
Brooks, Robert D.
Galagedera, Don U. A.
The Balassa-Samuelson effect in Central Europe : a disaggregated analysis2004»»»
Mihaljek, Dubravko
Klau, Marc
The Black-Litterman model in central bank practice2011»»»
Petrovic, Tihomir
The EU's crisis decade : reflecting on EU capitalism and governance2020»»»
Luo, Chih-Mei
The European Banking Union : supervision and resolution2016»»»
Boccuzzi, Giuseppe
The European Central Bank : the new European leviathan?2005»»»
Howarth, David
Loedel, Peter
The European Central Bank between the financial crisis and populisms2020»»»
Macchiarelli, Corrado
Monti, Mara
Wiesner, Claudia
Diessner, Sebastian
De Grauwe, Paul
The European Union and the Eurozone under stress : challenges and solutions for repairing fault lines in the European project2017»»»
Theodore, John
Theodore, Jonathan
Syrrakos, Dimitrios
The European roots of the eurozone crisis : errors of the past and needs for the future2017»»»
Baldassarri, Mario
The Eurozone crisis and the future of Europe : the political economy of further integration and governance2014»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Basevi, Giorgio
D'Adda, Carlo
Kumar, Rajeesh
The Palgrave companion to Oxford economics2021»»»
Cord, Robert A.
The Spanish banking system from 1900 to 19752012»»»
Martin-Acena, Pablo
The Spanish financial industry at the start of 21st century: current situation and future challenges2012»»»
Vives, Xavier
The Spanish financial system : growth and development since 19002012»»»
Martin-Acena, Pablo
Malo de Molina, Jose Luis
The Zeys project : a financial tool for public investors2011»»»
Ribeiro Damaso Maia, Isabela
Fonseca de Cacella, Paulo Mauricio
The business of banking : models, risk and regulation2017»»»
Chesini, Giusy
Giaretta, Elisa
Paltrinieri, Andrea
The changing role of central banks2013»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
The consumption-based capital asset-pricing model (CCAPM), habit-based consumption and equity premium in an Australian context2011»»»
Allen, David E.
Demello, Lurio
The creators of inside money : a new monetary theory2021»»»
Thomas, D. Gareth
Bywaters, David S.
The economics of UK-EU relations : from the treaty of Rome to the vote for Brexit2017»»»
Campos, Nauro Ferreira
Coricelli, Fabrizio
The economics of the financial crisis : lessons and new threats2011»»»
Annunziata, Marco
The economics of transition from socialist economy to market economy1999»»»
Lavigne, Marie
The economics of welfare2013»»»
Pigou, Arthur Cecil
Aslanbeigui, Nahid
Oakes, Guy
The economies of South Eastern Europe : performance and challenges2005»»»
Papazoglou, Christos
The euro goes East : implications of the 2000-2002 economic slowdown for synchronisation of business cycles between the euro area and CEECs2004»»»
Fidrmuc, Jarko
Korhonen, Iikka
The evolution of central banking : theory and history2017»»»
Ugolini, Stefano
The existence of monetary profits within the monetary circuit2005»»»
Rochon, Louis-Philippe