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Half the world is unbanked2013»»»
Chaia, Alberto
Dalal, Aparna
Goland, Tony
Gonzalez, Maria Jose
Morduch, Jonathan
Schiff, Robert
Handbook of the international political economy of monetary relations2014»»»
Oatley, Thomas
Winecoff, W. Kindred
Hedge funds : past and present»»»
Lysandrou, Photis
History of the IMF : organization, policy, and market2015»»»
Yago, Kazuhiko
Asai, Yoshio
Itoh, Masanao
How global currencies work : past, present, and future2018»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Mehl, Arnaud
Chitu, Livia
How should income from multinationals be taxed2012»»»
Gordon, Robert
How to ask households about financial services : experimental evidence from Ghana and Timor-Leste2013»»»
Cull, Robert
Scott, Kinnon
I problemi finanziari del nuovo ordine europeo»»»
Griziotti, Benvenuto
IMF Glossary : English-French-German = IWF-Glossar : Englisch-Franzosisch-Deutsch1998»»»
IMF and the indebtedness problem of developing countries»»»
Sturc, Ernest
Identifying international financial contagion : progress and challenges2005»»»
Dungey, Mardi
Tambakis, Demosthenes N.
Impact investing, social enterprise and global development»»»
Stolz, Dennis
Lai, Karen P.Y.
Impact of taxation on international capital flows : some empirical results»»»
Katz, Menachem
Imperiul marii finante1958»»»
Perlo, Victor
Implementation guidelines for dollarization and monetary unions2003»»»
Gruben, William C.
Wynne, Mark A.
Zarazaga, Carlos E. J. M.
Improvements in international cooperation, continuing debt crisis and main thrusts of Yugoslav policy»»»
Drnovsek, Janez
Increasing aid effectiveness in Africa ? : the World Bank and sector investment programmes»»»
Jones, Stephen
Indebtedness of developing countries : problems and directions to solutions»»»
Ndegva, Duncan N.
Indebtedness of developing countries : problems and solutions»»»
Tasic, Antonije
Inefficient markets : an introduction to behavioral finance2013»»»
Shleifer, Andrei
Inflation and the incidence of income taxes on interest income in the United States, 1972-81»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Inflation, taxation, and the rate of interest in eight industrial countries, 1961-82»»»
Katz, Menachem
Inflationary expectations, taxes, and the demand for money in the United States»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Institutii financiare internationale2007»»»
Balaceanu, Cristina
Integration und Wahrungsordnung in Europa : Handels- und Strukturpolitik, regionale Entwicklung und monetare Integration»»»
Narjes, Karlheinz
Groeben, Hans von der
Schaefer, Alfred
Holtrop, Marius W.
Kaldor, Nicholas
Robbins, Lionel
Griffiths, Brian
Jablon, Robert
Mast, Hans J.
Neumark, Fritz
Aschinger, Franz E.
Fabra, Paul
Hankel, Wilhelm
Salin, Edgar
Interdependence, self-reliance and development financing»»»
Kerim, Srdjan
Interest rates and tax treatment of interest income and expense»»»
Internal aspects of the euro»»»
Bartley, Robert
International Monetary Fund : role in the debt crisis»»»
Gardner, Charles S.
International adjustment and the dollar : policy illusions and economic constraints1990»»»
Branson, William H.
International aspect of the euro»»»
Corden, Warner Max
International coordination of economic policies : scope, methods and effects1990»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Masson, Paul
International currency exposure2017»»»
Cheung, Yin-Wong
Westermann, Frank
International debt financing for Latin America : U.S. securities law aspects»»»
Stolper, Max A.
International development financing from the point of view of the less developed countries»»»
Echeverria Alvarez, Luis
International dimensions of monetary policy2009»»»
Gali, Jordi
Gertler, Mark
International economic law and monetary measures : limitations to states' sovereignty and dispute settlement2012»»»
Vitterbo, Annamaria
International economics2004»»»
Husted, Steven
Melvin, Michael
International economics : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International economics : theory and policy2012»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International finance2012»»»
Powell, Jeff
International finance2013»»»
Pilbeam, Keith
International finance2009»»»
Levi, Maurice D.
International finance : new players and global markets2021»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
International finance : the need for a residual borrower»»»
Graham, Andrew
International finance : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International finance : transactions, policy and regulation2007»»»
Scott, Hal S.
International finance and open-economy macroeconomics2001»»»
Gandolfo, Giancarlo
International finance regulation : the quest for financial stability2014»»»
Ugeux, Georges
International financial architecture : G7, IMF, BIS, debtors and creditors2005»»»
Pelaez, Carlos M.
Pelaez, Carlos A.
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