Fondul de carte al Bibliotecii BNR se regăsește integral în catalogul on-line.
Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Sociologie Romaneasca, An III, Nr. 7-8, Iulie-Septembrie 1938 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Sociologie Romaneasca, anul III, nr. 1-3, Ianuarie-Martie 1938 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Sociologie contemporana1967»»»
Sociologie du chomage1966»»»
Ledrut, Raymond
Sociologie economica2003»»»
Radu, Raisa
Sociologie economica2008»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Sociologie politique1966»»»
Duverger, Maurice
Sociologie romaneasca, anul II, Nr. 7-8, Iulie-August 1937 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Sociologie romaneasca, anul II, nr. 11-12 : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Sociologie si etica1968»»»
Herseni, Traian
Sociologiile clinice si reformarea invatamantului de sociologie si asistenta sociala»»»
Ionescu, Ion I.
Solidaritatea umana ca subiect istoriografic : directii de cercetare si potential stiintific»»»
Rachieru, Silvana
Some social aspects of industry in relation to planning»»»
Williamson, D. B.
Sondaje nationale si alegeri locale»»»
Teodorescu, Alin
Spre un nou medievalism economic : scrieri economice2009»»»
Vulcanescu, Mircea M.
Standardul economic al populatiei»»»
Marginean, Ioan
Precupetu, Iuliana
Preoteasa, Ana Maria
Mihailescu, Adina
Stanciu, Mariana
Starea demografica a Romaniei, in context european : posibile politici demografice si consecintele lor»»»
Rotariu, Traian
Starea romanilor si a romanitatii in Covasna si Harghita in perioada post-decembrista»»»
Cobianu-Bacanu, Maria
Structuri agrare si calitatea vietii in mediul rural»»»
Socol, Gheorghe
Structuri sociale»»»
Costea, Ionut
Studiul de caz : designul, analiza si colectarea datelor2005»»»
Yin, Robert K.
Campbell, Donald T.
Alupoaie, Valentin
Studiul relatiilor inter-societale : o provocare pentru sociologia romaneasca»»»
Lungulescu, Bogdan Juncu
Superclass : elita globala a puterii si lumea sa2009»»»
Rothkopf, David
- Descriere: 533 p. ; 21 cm
- ISBN: 9789731931036
Superfreakonomics : racirea globala, patriotismul prostituatelor si motivele pentru care teroristii-kamikaze ar trebui sa-si faca asigurare de viata2010»»»
Levitt, Steven David
Dubner, Stephen J.
Sofonea, Mihaela
Targuri sau orase si cetati moldovene : din secolul al X-lea pana la mijlocul secolului a XVI-lea1997»»»
Giurescu, Constantin C.
Teoria clasei de lux2009»»»
Veblen, Thorstein
Nistor, Smaranda
Nicolae, Crenguta
Testing theories concerning a subculture of peasantry : comment»»»
Doob, Leonard William
The "Double Dependency" : the journalistic field between politics and markets»»»
Champagne, Patrick
The Oxford handbook of women and the economy2018»»»
Averett, Susan L.
Argys, Laura M.
Hoffman, Saul D.
The Roman Republic»»»
Tan, James
The changing landscape: demography and activity2009»»»
Stanculescu, Manuela Sofia
The credit crisis as a problem in the sociology of knowledge»»»
MacKenzie, Donald
The dawn of everything : a new history of humanity2021»»»
Graeber, David
Wengrow, David
The electoral consequences of large fiscal adjustments»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Carloni, Dorian
Lecce, Giampaolo
Romer, Thomas
The evolution of money2016»»»
Orrell, David
Chlupaty, Roman
The horrors of exclusion : Zygmunt Bauman's sociological journey»»»
Taras, Raymond
The managerial sources of corporate social responsibility : the spread of global standards2018»»»
Thauer, Christian R.
The oceanic circle : governing the seas as a global resource : a report to the Club of Rome1998»»»
Borgese, Elisabeth Mann
The political field, the social science field, and the journalistic field»»»
Bourdieu, Pierre
The redistribution of population»»»
Smailes, Arthur Eltringham
The selected works of Gordon Tullock. Volume 2 The calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracy2004»»»
Buchanan, James M.
Tullock, Gordon
Rowley, Charles K.
The square and the tower : networks and power, from the freemasons to Facebook2019»»»
Ferguson, Niall
The third pillar : how markets and the state leave the community behind2019»»»
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Bulgaria2009»»»
Nikolova, Silviya
The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Romania2009»»»
The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Slovenia2009»»»
Stanovnik, Tine
Cok, Mitja
Thorstein Veblen. Teoria clasei de lux (1899) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
Traite de politique et de science sociale1866»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Traite de politique et de science sociale Tome 11866»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
Traite de politique et de science sociale Tome 1 - Tome 2»»»
Buchez, Phillipe Joseph Benjamin
Cerise, L.
Ott, A.
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