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Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Romania's accession to the European Union: meeting the challenge of being a member state»»»
Scheele, Jonathan
- Descriere: p. 21-22
- ISBN: -
Romania's financial sector in transition and on the road to EU accession2002»»»
Bichi, Cristian
Antohi, Dorina
Romania, Marile Puteri si ordinea europeana : 1918-20182018»»»
Naumescu, Valentin
Leustean, Lucian
Hitchins, Keith
Aurescu, Bogdan
Romania, aderarea la zona euro si convergenta economica»»»
Lazea, Valentin
- Descriere: p. 318-339
- ISBN: -
Romania, de la aderare spre integrare europeana : succese, ezitari, oportunitati : (2007-2017)»»»
Ciolos, Dacian
- Descriere: p. 285-296
- ISBN: -
Romania, o piesa necesara in angrenajul sistemului european»»»
Tudor, Octavian
Romania, the Great Powers, and the Jewish Question 1866-18682004»»»
Michelson, Paul E.
Romania: China's gateway to Europe?»»»
Marcu, Alexandra Mioara
- Descriere: p. 122-126
- ISBN: -
Romanian households between state, market and informal economies»»»
Stanculescu, Manuela Sofia
Romanian tourism potential within the European integration context»»»
Virciorovan, Petru
Wyhnalek, Alina
Moraru, Maria
Romanian transition economy as a weakly structured system»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Romanii in politica Est-Central Europeana : 1648-17111997»»»
Ciobanu, Veniamin
Romanii si Europa : o istorie surprinzatoare2020»»»
Boia, Lucian
Rounding and "anomalous" changes in Italian consumer prices in 2002»»»
Mostacci, Franco
Sabbatini, Roberto
Roundtable on lessons of European monetary inegration for the international monetary system1997»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Szasz, Andre
Truman, Edwin M.
Kato, Takatoshi
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Ruin theory revisited : stochastic models for operational risks2004»»»
Embrechts, Paul
Kaufmann, Roger
Samorodnitsky, Gennady
Rules for international monetary stability : past, present, and future2017»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Taylor, John B.
Rules-based restructuring and the eurozone crisis2011»»»
Skeel, David A.
Rumanien und der Friedensvertag mit Osterreich : vom Widerstand zur Ratifizierung2004»»»
Ceausu, Mihai-Stefan
Running an enlarged eurozone : reforming the ECB Governing Council : efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
Running an enlarged eurozone. Reforming the ECB governing council: efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
- Descriere: p. 131-148
- ISBN: -
Running faster or measuring better? : how Central and Eastern European science is catching up with Western Europe»»»
Olechnicka, Agnieszka
Ploszaj, Adam
Ruralitatea romaneasca in contextul integrarii europene»»»
Stefanescu, Barbu
- Descriere: p. 237-245
- ISBN: -
Rusia si Europa in cursa pentru energie. Gazul natural : intre economie si geopolitica2012»»»
Codoban, Alin
Rusia si basinul dunarean1940»»»
Casso, Leonid
Berechet, Stefan Grigore
Rusia si bazinul dunarean2003»»»
Casso, Leonid
Russia and Eastern European policy of the EU»»»
Klemin, Andrey V.
- Descriere: p. 169-177
- ISBN: -
Sa gandim dincolo de azi : modelul economic romanesc in Uniunea Europeana : Romania-Orizont 20402021»»»
Antonescu, Florin
Bostina, Constantin
Zaman, Gheorghe
Istudor, Nicolae
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Sa te increzi in vise...2011»»»
Roman, Carol
Same rules, different times : beyond the letter of the Maastricht Criteria»»»
Salater, Wilhelm
Sansele pomiculturii romanesti in perspectiva integrarii in Uniunea Europeana2004»»»
Dutu, Ion
Sumedrea, Dorin
Olteanu, Aurel
Santa Sede ed episcopati cattolici dei Paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale nel periodo successivo alla prima guerra mondiale»»»
Feliciani, Giorgio
Sapte teme fundamentale pentru Romania 20142014»»»
Dungaciu, Dan
Iuga, Vasile
Stoian, Marius
Maior, George Cristian
Saracia si sistemul de protectie sociala2001»»»
Tesliuc, Cornelia Mihaela
Pop, Lucian
Tesliuc, Emil Daniel
Saving Europe : anatomy of a dream2015»»»
Bastasin, Carlo
Saving Europe : how national politics nearly destroyed the euro2012»»»
Bastasin, Carlo
Saving the Euro : self-fulfilling crisis and the "Draghi put"»»»
Miller, Marcus
Zhang, Lei
Schclarek Curutchet, Alfredo
Scenarii : Europa in 2010 : o Europa, cinci destine2000»»»
Bertrand, Gilles
Michalski, Anna
Pench, Lucio R.
Scenarii privind evolutiile comunitare in domeniul competitivitatii, politicii de coeziune si politicii de dezvoltare regionala = Scenarios regarding community developments in the field of competitiveness, cohesion and regional policy2008»»»
Bal, Ana
Lutas, Mariana
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Topan, Vladimir
Scenarii privind impactul masurilor de dezvoltare rurala asupra structurilor agricole romanesti dupa aderarea la Uniunea Europeana = Scenarios regarding the impact of rural development measures of the Romanian agricultural structures after European Union accession2007»»»
Giurca, Daniela
Luca, Lucian
Hurduzeu, Gheorghe
Idu, Nicolae
Schimbari in Europa dupa "Marele Razboi"»»»
Salagean, Marcela
Schimbari in structura comertului exterior al unor tari socialiste din Europa»»»
Burstein, I.
- Descriere: An 11, nr. 5, Mai 1958, p. 71-105
- ISBN: -
Schola Graeca et Latina in context european»»»
Stefanescu, Alexandru V.
Scorecard for the euro : Alexandre Lamfalussy, former president of the European Monetary Institute, forerunner of the ECB, asks from the viewpoint of the euro : what has gone well, and what has not gone well in Europe during the past few years?»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Scurta recapitulare a constituirii si functionarii "Grupului de reflectie E.S.E.N."»»»
Postolache, Tudorel
Se va schimba Uniunea Europeana radical in urma extinderii?»»»
Mayhew, Alan
- Descriere: p. 22-42
- ISBN: -
Second Polish Republic in the region, Europe, and the world : World War II»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Sectia de Neurochirurgie a Spitalului Universitar de Urgenta Elias»»»
Voinescu, Dan Cristian
Sectorul agricol in perspectiva aderarii Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana : implicatii asupra sistemului de plati = The agricultural sector in the perspective of Romania's accession to the European Union : implications upon the system of payments2006»»»
Giurca, Daniela
Hurduzeu, Gheorghe
Rusu, Marioara
Salasan, Cosmin
Securitatea europeana : aportul Romaniei2001»»»
Pascu, Ioan Mircea
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