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Sistemul energiei electrice»»»
Badileanu, Marina
Carlea, Filip
Sistemul european al conturilor economice integrate : traducere1979»»»
Sistemul european de banci centrale2000»»»
Savoiu, Vasile
Sistemul financiar international in deriva?2019»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Fugaru, Amalia
Dobre, Robert-Ionut
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Radulescu, Andrei
Sistemul impozarii in contextul integrarii europene»»»
Covaci, Cristina
- Descriere: p. 515-530
- ISBN: -
Sistemul institutional2007»»»
Barbulescu, Iordan Gheorghe
Sistemul institutional al Uniunii Europene : cadrul legislativ si decizional de functionare a institutiilor Uniunii Europene»»»
Gazinski, Benon
Toma, Elena
Sistemul institutional al Uniunii Europene : prezentarea institutiilor europene»»»
Toma, Elena
Sistemul jurisdictiilor internationale2005»»»
Aurescu, Bogdan
Sistemul monetar international1998»»»
Teulon, Frederic
Sistemul privat de pensii : evolutii in plan european si in Romania2010»»»
Firtescu, Bogdan
Sistemul romanesc de asigurari sociale si aderarea la Uniunea Europeana : analiza optiunilor si implicatiilor reducerii contributiei de asigurari sociale in Romania2002»»»
Lambru, Mihaela
Chiritoiu, Bogdan
Gregoire, Jacques
Situatia finantelor publice si refacerea Europei»»»
Size, risk, and governance in European banking2013»»»
Hagendorff, Jens
Keasey, Kevin
Vallascas, Francesco
Slovak Republic»»»
Cechova, Katarina
Slovakia and Romania at the round table of the euro system2010»»»
Apostoaie, Constantin-Marius
Roman, Angela
Slovakia's experience with the euro2010»»»
Sramko, Ivan
Slovakia's road to the euro - lesson learned and challenges ahead2008»»»
Sramko, Ivan
Social Europe East and West2002»»»
Pascall, Gillian
Manning, Nick
Social and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe : stability and change after 19902020»»»
Gorzelak, Grzegorz
Social-democratia europeana. Unitate in diversitate in epoca globalizarii2007»»»
Abraham, Florin
Societatea civila in fata globalizarii2001»»»
Stanescu, Vasile
Societatea europeana a cunoasterii : politicile Romaniei in domeniile culturii, educatiei si cercetarii stiintifice2001»»»
Theodorescu, Razvan
Valeca, Serban
Societatea romaneasca in tranzitie : contributii la o sociologie a capitalismului actual2012»»»
Ionescu, Ion I.
Societati comerciale europene : unitate in diversitate1996»»»
Saguna, Dan Drosu
Nicolescu, Mihail Romeo
Societatile comerciale in Uniunea Europeana2006»»»
Sandru, Daniel-Mihail
Societatile cooperative din punct de vedere economic si juridic in principalele tari din Europa si in Romania1899»»»
Bottea, Emil
Societe des Ciments de l'Europe Orientale de la Cernavoda»»»
Societe des Ciments de l'Europe Orientale si-a intarit pozitia de cel mai important producator de ciment din Romania»»»
Beke, Philippe
Sociologia banilor : economia, ratiunea si societatea contemporana2002»»»
Dodd, Nigel
Solidarity, flexibility and the euro-crisis : where do principles fit in?»»»
McDonnell, Alison
Buza, Mircea
Solutia unei Europe Centrale»»»
Demetrescu, Eugen
Solutii in reformularea politicilor industriale2006»»»
Pencea, Sarmiza
Some considerations about the impact of monetary policy on economic convergence»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Some considerations about the impact of monetary policy on economic convergence : speech held at the Conference on Europe Economic Integration 2018 "How to finance cohesion in Europe?", organised by Oesterreichische Nationalbank : Vienna, 26 November 2018»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Some considerations on Romanian's absorbtion capacity»»»
Dragan, Gabriela
Some ideas for a strategy for international development cooperation during the 1980s and the financial implications of implementing such a strategy»»»
Dubey, Muchkund
Some international comparisons of the economic and financial structure of the Euro area2005»»»
Lichtenberger, Jung-Duk
Some money and banking issues in European transition countries»»»
Allen, Mark
Some observations on the ECB's monetary policy»»»
Neumann, Manfred J. M.
Smets, Frank
Some stylised facts on the euro area business cycle2003»»»
Agresti, A. M.
Mojon, Benoit
Sound of money and deep markets : Europe after the euro2002»»»
Borges, Antonio
Giavazzi, Francesco
South East Europe : the ambiguous definitions of a space2002»»»
Theodorescu, Razvan
Barrows, Leland Conley
South East Europe: lessons from the global economic crisis2011»»»
Sanfey, Peter
South-East Europe on the way to Euro-Atlantic integration»»»
Busek, Erhard
- Descriere: p. 30-38
- ISBN: -
South-East Europe: opportunities and potential for investment and growth»»»
Falcetti, Elisabetta
Sanfey, Peter
Tepic, Sladjana
South-East Europe: signs of catching up»»»
Landesmann, Michael A.
- Descriere: p. 21-29
- ISBN: -
South-East European banks and Western banking: 20th-century connections and crises»»»
Lampe, John R.
South-East European challenges and prospects»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
- Descriere: p. 6-11
- ISBN: -
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