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Regulamente si proceduri1998»»»
Regulamentul legii asupra burselor de comert din anul 1913 : (aprobat prin inaltul decret regal No. 7230 din 28 Decemvrie 1913 si publicat in "Monitorul Oficial" No. 220 din 2 Ianuarie 1914)[1914]»»»
Regulation of the London Stock Exchange : share trading, fraud and reform : 1914-19452018»»»
Swinson, Christopher
Rente si obligatiuni cotate la bursa : monografie - rentabilitate1932»»»
Gartenberg, Simon D.
Cercel, Alexandru
Badareu, T.
Reunion des delegues des Services d'Etudes et de Statistiques de Banque d'Emission, tenue a Paris, du 11 au 17 avril 19281928»»»
Robert J. Schiller. Exuberanta irationala (2000) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
Romanian financial almanac : 19961996»»»
S. Gartenberg. La monographie des societes cotees en Bourse. Bucarest 1929 : [recenzie]»»»
Pandele, Constantin Alexandru
Secretul inmultirii banilor : ghidul utilizarii eficiente a economiilor banesti1998»»»
Cristescu, Radu
Popescu, Marcel N.
Securities exchanges : subjects and agents of financialization»»»
Petry, Johannes
Share trading, fraud and the crash of 1929 : a biography of Clarence Hatry2019»»»
Swinson, Christopher
Simboluri in arhitectura palatelor financiar-bancare : 9 secole de arhitectura in 666 imagini2020»»»
Turlea, Cristina
Turlea, Stelian
Sisteme informatice financiar-bancare : aplicatii1999»»»
Davidescu, Nicolae
Fratila, Laurentiu
Fratila, Romeo
Bunea, Alexandru
Cozgarea, Adrian
Sistemul bursier international2006»»»
Stoica, Victor
Corbu, Ion
Murariu, Ioana
Sistemul bursier versus sistemul bancar2003»»»
Stoica, Victor
Situatiunea targului de actiuni a Bursei Bucuresti fata de starea economica si financiara a tarei»»»
Stoika, N. N.
Sources of risks in financial innovations : embedded and additional risks in exchange traded funds (ETFs)»»»
Oubenal, Mohamed
Deville, Laurent
Spillover effects of Japan's quantitative and qualitative easing on East Asian economies»»»
Fukuda, Shin-Ichi
Stock exchange investments : their history, practice and results1897»»»
Stock market control : a summary of the research findings and recommendations of the security markets survey staff of the Twentieth Century Fund inc.1934»»»
Clark, Evans
Bernheim, Alfred L.
Dewhurst, J. Frederic
Bernheim, Alfred I.
Grant Schneider, Margaret
Studiul conjuncturei in Romania»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Studiul valorilor mobiliare cu aplicatiuni la principalele valori mobiliare romanesti : partea I : despre rente1927»»»
Tutuc, Ion
Technique et pratique bancaires1967»»»
Boudinot, Andre
Frabot, Jean-Claude
Tehnica stabilizarii leului»»»
Angelescu, Ion N.
Teoria moderna a portofoliului : aplicatii si probleme2009»»»
Tudor, Cristiana
The 1929 stock market crash»»»
Bierman, Harold, Jr.
The City of London as a global financial centre, 1880-1939 : finance, foreign exchange, and the First World War»»»
Michie, Ranald C.
The Routledge companion to business history2021»»»
Wilson, John F.
Toms, Steven
De Jong, Abe
Buchnea, Emily
The banking system of France»»»
Lemoine, Robert J.
The banking system of Germany»»»
Quittner, Paul
Youngman, Anna
The country banker's handbook to the rules and practice : I. The Bank of England : II. The London banker's clearing house : III. The stock exchange1906»»»
Kiddy, John George
The financial sector in Cyprus : structure, performance and main developments2002»»»
Georgiadou, Lenia
The financial structure database2001»»»
Beck, Thorsten
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Levine, Ross
The future of stock exchanges has a long past : what can we learn from financial history?»»»
Lagneau-Ymonet, Paul
Riva, Angelo
The governance of exchanges : members' cooperatives versus outside ownership2004»»»
Hart, Oliver
Hardman Moore, John
The stock market, credit and capital formation1940»»»
Machlup, Fritz
The work of Wall Street : an account of the functions, methods and history of the New York money and stock markets1926»»»
Pratt, Sereno S.
The world in depression : 1929-1939 : 40th anniversary of a classic in economic history2013»»»
Kindleberger, Charles Poor
DeLong, J. Bradford
Eichengreen, Barry
Theorie et pratique des operations financieres1908»»»
Barriol, Alfred
Theorie et pratique des operations financieres1931»»»
Barriol, Alfred
Tome premier1879»»»
Tome second1878»»»
Traite de droit penal financier. Tome premier1920»»»
Tchernoff, Jouda
Traite des bourses de commerce : agents de change et courtiers et des commissionnaires : extrait du cours professe a la Faculte de Droit de Paris1868»»»
Bravard-Veyrieres, Pierre-Claude-Jean-Baptiste
Demangeat, Charles
Traite elementaire des operations de bourse et de change1881»»»
Courtois, Alphonse, fils
Traite pratique du contentieux commercial de la banque et de la bourse1923»»»
Montarnal, Henri
Traite sur les operations de banque et de bourse entre l'Italie et les principales places etrangeres1893»»»
Amati, L.
Traite theoretique et pratique des operations commerciales et financieres1878-1879»»»
Merten, Francois
Traite theorique et pratique des operations de la bourse1892»»»
Buchere, Ambroise
Tranzactii bursiere : pietele futures si de optiuni1995»»»
Gradu, Mihaela
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