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Barometru de aderare : Romania : problemele fundamentale ale tarii si atitudinile tinerilor romani cu privire la integrarea in Uniunea Europeana2005»»»
Leisse, Olaf
Leisse, Utta-Kristin
Cristescu, Ioana
Cristescu, Irina
Basel II implementation : in the midst of turbulence2008»»»
Musch, Frederik C.
Ayadi, Rym
Nieto, Maria J.
Schmit, Mathias
Basel III and impact on emerging Europe2010»»»
Tsaveas, Nikolaos T.
Basic characteristics of the Euro-area business cycle»»»
Musso, Alberto
- Descriere: p. 275-288
- ISBN: -
Bavaria : un spatiu de dezvoltare economica2006»»»
Dragomirescu, Anca
Bazele contabilitatii : o abordare europeana si internationala2002»»»
Feleaga, Niculae
Malciu, Liliana
Bunea, Stefan
Behavioural economics : psychology, neuroscience, and the human side of economics2021»»»
Orrell, David
Beitrage zur Kultur-und Wirtschafts-Kunde von Sudosteuropa : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
Sagaert, Vincent
Between disintegration and convergence, 1918-1939 : flows of capital, goods, and labor»»»
Eloranta, Jari
Nikolic, Stefan
Macher, Flora
Between transatlantic cooperation and European integration : the Bank of Italy in the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system : (1969-1971)»»»
Cavalieri, Elena
- Descriere: p. 147-166
- ISBN: -
Beyond austerity : reforming the Greek economy2017»»»
Meghir, Costas
Pissarides, Christopher A.
Vayanos, Dimitri
Vettas, Nikolaos
Bilantul economic al Romaniei la 100 de ani2018»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana si pozitia laicilor fata de integrarea europeana : elemente de discurs in spatiul public2007»»»
Carp, Radu
Blockchain-ul european de asigurare a infrastructurii serviciilor»»»
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Blocul agricol din estul si sudestul Europei»»»
Mihailescu, C.
Blue Book : payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union1999»»»
Bogatia lumii, saracia natiunilor1998»»»
Cohen, Daniel
Bond end equity market integration2005»»»
Baele, Lieven
Ferrando, Annalisa
Bonds without borders : a history of the Eurobond market2015»»»
O'Malley, Chris
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg
Booms and busts : experiences with internal and external adjustement2008»»»
Martin, Reiner
Schuknecht, Ludger
- Descriere: p. 84-110
- ISBN: -
Braila, poarta Romaniei moderne spre Europa (1829-1914)»»»
Bratosin, Viorel Sebastian
- Descriere: p. 93-110
- ISBN: -
Brandingul de angajator2008»»»
Ionescu, Mihaela Alexandra
Breaking up the euro : the end of a common currency2013»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Bretton Woods and the European neutrals, 1944-19732007»»»
Tanner, Jakob
Brexit : a consequence of globalization or a case of British exceptionalism?»»»
Liddle, George
Brexit : implications for monetary management in South East Europe»»»
Enoch, Charles
- Descriere: p. 83-95
- ISBN: -
Brexit and globalization : collateral damage or an accident waiting to happen?»»»
Tsoukalis, Loukas
Brinkmann, Carl, England (Handbuch der Staatengeschichte. Ausland. Abteilung I Europa Vierter Abschnitt) Berlin 1921. Vossische Buchhandlung. 865. M. 8.75 : [recenzie]»»»
Britain's choice : key to the future of the euro»»»
Bruxelles, loc si climat pentru negocieri europene»»»
Puscas, Vasile
Bucarest, metropole europeenne2005»»»
Nicolae, Ioana
Bucuresti : metropola europeana2005»»»
Nicolaie, Ioana
Bucuresti capitala europeana : studiu prospectiv si de strategie2002»»»
Bucurestiul european2010»»»
Fezi, Bogdan Andrei
Budgetary spillovers and long-term interest rates2008»»»
Claeys, Peter
Budgetary spillovers and short-term interest rates2008»»»
Aarle, Bas van
Budgetary stabilisation and the level of public debt2008»»»
Gobbin, Niko
Budgets nationaux et budgets communautaires : aspects generaux et problemes budgetaires de la CECA»»»
Monnory, P. J
Buget si trezorerie publica2008»»»
Mosteanu, Tatiana
Vuta, Mariana
Gyorgy, Attila
Campeanu, Emilia-Mioara
Catarama, Delia-Florina
Buget si trezorerie publica2003»»»
Mosteanu, Tatiana
Vuta, Mariana
Campeanu, Emilia-Mioara
Gyorgy, Attila
Bugetul : cine primeste, ce, cand si in ce fel2004»»»
Laffan, Brigid
Shackleton, Michael
Bugetul Uniunii Europene si fondurile comunitare2010»»»
Sabau-Popa, Claudia Diana
Bugetul pe programe multianual : conceptii, reglementari, rezultate, perspective2001»»»
Vacarel, Iulian
Building European research and education area : focus on university research and education partnership»»»
Bielik, Peter
Building a monetary union in Europe»»»
Vinals, Jose
- Descriere: p. 213-244
- ISBN: -
Building sound finance in emerging market economies : proceedings of a conference held in Washington, D.C., June 10-11, 19931994»»»
Caprio, Gerard, Jr.
Folkerts-Landau, David
Lane, Timothy David
Camdessus, Michel
Building the financial foundations of the euro : experiences and challenges2008»»»
Jonung, Lars
Walkner, Christoph
Watson, Max
Dimitrova, Kalina
Ivanov, Martin
Bulgarian and Romanian industrial potential in the European Single Market»»»
Christova-Balkanska, Iskra
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