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Journal of International Banking Regulation01/12/2003»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/06/2003»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/03/2003»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/12/2002»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/08/2002»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/08/2001»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/08/2001»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/10/2001»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/12/2001»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/04/2002»»»
Journal of International Banking Regulation01/08/2002»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/09/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2006»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2006»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/11/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/10/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/06/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/04/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/12/2005»»»
Keynes on monetary policy, finance and uncertainty: liquidity preference theory and the global financial crisis2009»»»
Bibow, Jorg
Korean experience in economic development»»»
Kim, Kun
L'Union latine, une experience de souverainetes monetaires partagees : (1865-1926)2017»»»
Gillard, Lucien
L'or et son avenir1967»»»
Dargens, Andre
Tomiche, Fernand J.
La circulation internationale des capitaux : cours professe a la XXIVe Session des Semaines Sociales de France a Lille : (precede d'un avant-propos et suivi de notes et references bibliographiques)»»»
Bayart, Pierre
Latin America official dollarization : political economy aspects2003»»»
Schuldt, Jurgen
Le cheque-compensation international devant l'opinion1936»»»
Milhaud, Edgard
Le congres monetaire international de 18891889»»»
Raffalovich, Arthur
Le dollar et l'Europe»»»
Aschinger, Francois E.
Le reglement des dettes interalliees et le plan Dawes1929»»»
Nonu, Ion Mircea
Le role des grands marches financiers1938»»»
Nathan, Roger
Legal aspects of economic reform in Eastern Europe1995»»»
Mozolin, Victor Pavlovich
Legal aspects of economic reform in Latin America: the case of Chile1995»»»
Errazuriz, Hernan Felipe
Legal aspects of transforming the economy in Central and Eastern Europe1995»»»
Harmathy, Attila
Legal experiences of the European Coal and Steel Community in international loan operations»»»
Zimmer, K. P.
Legal problems encountered in investing in foreign equity securities»»»
Bross, Steward R., Jr.
Legal problems of issuing and marketing foreign securities in the United States»»»
Brownell, George A.
Cohen, Manuel F.
Heller, Harry
Loss, Louis
Stevenson, John R.
Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique banquiers du monde1928»»»
van Zeeland Reuleaux, Marcel
Les institutions financieres internationales1987»»»
Bonnet, Henri
Berthet, Dominique
Les problemes actuels du credit : conferences organisees par la Societe des Anciens Eleves et Eleves de l'Ecole libre des Sciences politiques1930»»»
Farnier, Ch.
Tannery, J.
Celier, A.
Ernest-Picard, P.
Lorain, M.
Velay, J.
Moreau-Neret, O.
Rueff, Jacques Leon
Lessons from the financial crisis : an Australian perspective2013»»»
Kearns, Jonathan
Lessons from the world financial crisis for the Central Bank of Norway : the approach to monetary policy and financial stability2013»»»
Berg, Sigbjorn Alte
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Lessons of the euro for dollarization : analytic and political economy perspectives2003»»»
Dellas, Harris
Tavlas, George S.
Level and volatility of U.S. interest rates : roles of expected inflation, real rates, and taxes»»»
Makin, John Holmes
Tanzi, Vito
Liquidity shocks and asset prices in the business cycle2012»»»
Shi, Shouyong
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
Local financing facilities in Belgium»»»
Boas, Frank
Local financing facilities in France»»»
Istel, Ives-Andre
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