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Commentary : central banks and the financial system»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Comments on the impact of the financial crisis on the romanian banking system's financial position as of 30 June 20092009»»»
Balauta, Florin
Comments on: institutional and oprational framework towards forward looking regime2009»»»
Sokoler, Meir
Commercial banking and shadow banking : the accelerating integration of banks and markets and its implications for regulation»»»
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
Thakor, Anjan
Commercial banking risk management : regulation in the wake of the financial crisis2017»»»
Tian, Weidong
Commercial banks2006»»»
Leopoulos, Agis
Commercial paper»»»
Hahn, Thomas K.
Commodification as a part of marketization»»»
Belk, Russell W.
Commodity markets2012»»»
Ventimiglia, Luigi
Common Principles of Corporate Governance in Europe?2002»»»
Hopt, Klaus J.
Common fallacies about capitalism»»»
Branden, Nathaniel
Company of one : de ce vor revolutiona piata afacerile mici2021»»»
Jarvis, Paul
Chifu, Raluca
Comparative Corporate Governance and Barriers to Global Cross Reference2002»»»
Bratton, William W.
McCahery, Joseph A.
Comparative employment relations in the global economy2020»»»
Frege, Carola M.
Kelly, John E.
Compendiu de drept european2002»»»
Mathijsen, Pierre
Dumitrescu, Mihaela
Alexandru, Viorica
Competitia pe piata si echilibrul economic2002»»»
Stancu, Stelian
Competition and Regulation in Banking2008»»»
Carletti, Elena
Competition and Regulation in the Banking Sector: A Review of the Empirical Evidence on the Sources of Bank Rents2008»»»
Degryse, Hans
Ongena, Steven
Competition and entrepreneurship2013»»»
Kirzner, Israel M.
Boettke, Peter J.
Sautet, Frederic
Competitivitatea sectorului agroalimentar din Romania pe piata mondiala din perspectiva anilor 2040»»»
Istudor, Nicolae
Petrescu, Irina-Elena
Complete Separation of Ownership and Control: The Structure-Regime and Other Defensive Mechanisms in the Netherlands2002»»»
Moerland, Pieter W.
Complex systems in finance and econometrics2011»»»
Meyers, Robert A.
Complex systems in finance and econometrics Volume 12011»»»
Meyers, Robert A.
Complex systems in finance and econometrics Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Meyers, Robert A.
Complex systems in finance and econometrics Volume 22011»»»
Meyers, Robert A.
Compliance and the regulation of practices : a two-fold paradox»»»
Lenglet, Marc
Comunicarea financiara2003»»»
Bran, Paul V.
Costica, Ionela
Concepte, forme si modalitati de participatii si investitii financiare in economia romaneasca2006»»»
Pop, Iustin Atanasiu
Conclusion : what finance manufactures»»»
Godechot, Olivier
Conclusions : is there a future for the Euro in the global economy?»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Roy, Joaquin
Concurenta : factor de stimulare a comertului si a cresterii economice, in contextul globalizarii»»»
Iordache, Lucia
Concurenta pe piata de autoturisme din tara noastra»»»
Necula, Florentina Cristina
Concurenta vs monopol : intre obsesia neoclasica si realitate»»»
Glavan, Bogdan
Conditiile creditului in Romania : Raporturile dintre banca de emisiune si piata financiara1930»»»
Angelescu, N. C.
Conducerea, organizarea si planificarea unitatilor economice1981»»»
Bigu, Constantin
Costea, Margareta
Fediuc, Mihai
Barbulescu, Constantin
Conference Internationale du Travail : dixieme session : Geneve 1927 : rapport du directeur : premiere partie et deuxieme partie1927»»»
Conference Internationale du Travail = International Labour Conference : dixieme session = tenth session : Geneve = Geneva : 19271927»»»
Conference Internationale du Travail = International Labour Conference : huitieme session = eight session : Geneve = Geneva1926»»»
Conference Internationale du Travail = International Labour Conference : neuvieme session = ninth session : Geneve = Geneva : 19261926»»»
Conference internationale du travail : onzieme session : Geneve 1928 : rapport du directeur : premiere partie et deuxieme partie1928»»»
Conferinta stiintifica din U.R.S.S. despre "piata comuna" si rolul ei in economia si politica imperialismului contemporan»»»
Severin, A.
Conflictele colective de munca in 1924 : [recenzie]»»»
Decusara, Eugen C.
Congres monetaire international : tenu a Paris, les 11, 12, 13 et 14 spetembre 1889 : compte rendu in extenso et documents1890»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1997»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1997»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1998»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1998»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1999»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/1999»»»
Conjunctura economiei mondiale01/01/2002»»»
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