Reserve requirements

Reserve requirements are leu- and foreign currency-denominated holdings of credit institutions on accounts opened with the NBR.

The main functions of leu-denominated reserve requirements are the monetary control (in close correlation with liquidity management by the NBR) and the stabilisation of interbank money market rates. The major role of foreign currency-denominated reserve requirements is to contain the expansion of foreign exchange loans.

The main characteristics of reserve requirements are:

  1. the reserve base is established as the average daily balances (during the observance period) of both leu- and foreign currency-denominated liabilities from credit institutions' balance sheets (except interbank liabilities, obligations to the NBR and own capital);
  2. the observance period and the maintenance period are one-month long and successive (the observance period lasts from the 24 of the previous month to the 23 of the current month);
  3. reserve requirements ratios can be different in terms of currency and residual maturities of the items included in the reserve base (shorter or longer than 2 years);
  4. reserve requirements are the average daily balances held with the NBR during the maintenance period;
  5. reserve deficit is subject to a penalty rate, while recurrent deficits are sanctioned by warning, fines or limitation of operations conducted by the credit institutions.

Reserve ratios

Reserve base Reserve ratio (%)
 lei  effective from: foreign currency effective from:
Liabilities with residual maturity shorter than two years from the end of the observance period 8 24 May 2015 5 24 November 2020
Liabilities with residual maturity longer than two years from the end of the observance period with clauses referring to early withdrawal,repayment, transfer 8 24 May 2015 5 24 November 2020
without clauses referring to early withdrawal,repayment, transfer 0 24 Aug. 2002 0 24 May 2009
Non-repayable loans 0 24 Aug. 2002 0 24 Aug. 2002

Interest rate on required reserves

Currency Interest rate
effective from:
Leu-denominated reserve requirements 0.79 24 May 2024
Forex-denominated reserve requirements EUR 0.15 24 May 2024
USD 0.53 24 May 2024

Penalty rates for reserve deficits

Currency Penalty rate
effective from:
Leu-denominated reserve requirements 12 24 January 2023
Forex-denominated reserve requirements EUR 7.25 24 January 2024
USD 7.25 24 January 2024