The international symposium “Tradition and Future, a Monument”

The Unification Museum within the National Museum “Moldova” in Iași hosted the 17th edition of the international symposium “Tradition and Future, a Monument”, between October 1st and 4th.

100 specialists from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine participated in the event. They were historians, archeologists, architects, restoration specialists. All 91 dissertations were included in four specialized sections. The panel dedicated to “The Life of Secular Monuments – History, Architecture, Archeology” , also included a presentation by our colleague, Dr. Cristian Scaiceanu with his essay “A Utopian Project by Sculptor Spiridon Georgescu: The statue of Ghiță Cristescu-Plăpumaru”.

The organizers of the event included the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina, the Ministry of Culture, the National Institute of Patrimony, the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași, the “Moldova” Academy of Science, the National Museum Compound “Moldova” in Iași and the Romanian Culture Center “Eudoxiu Hurmuzaki” of Chernovtsy.