Open Doors for Economics Students

Open Days for Economics Students

Launched in 2009, the project aims chiefly at improving the level of knowledge and understanding of the central bank’s activities, its role, functions and implications of its decisions economy-wide by involving domestic universities. Thus, it contributes to building and strengthening the communication channels needed to ensure adequate financial education.

The target audience of this project encompasses students from the country’s major economics universities and future Ph. D. graduates. The actions carried out under the project consist in the active participation of the students from each partner university in seminars conducted and moderated by NBR lecturers, with a focus on central banking, as well as visits to NBR branches and agencies, and other events (book launching, etc.). Furthermore, the students may attend public conferences held by NBR Board members at partner universities.


In 2021, the project “NBR – Open Doors for Economics Students” continued, being conducted remotely.

Lecturers from the Financial Education Division and from the central bank’s branches and agencies held online presentations for students from several partner universities of the central bank in Bucharest and countrywide.

Seminars, workshops and case studies took place and provided clear, complete, accurate, transparent and unbiased information to 1,970 university students on the functions and role of the National Bank of Romania, economic and financial concepts with an impact on everyday life such as monetary policy, inflation, exchange rate, the entire life cycle of financial and banking instruments/products and services.

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Given the situation generated by COVID-19 pandemic, the activities planned within the project ”Open Doors for Economics Students” have been rethought, so they were carried out mainly online.

Lectors of the Financial education department and the central bank’s territorial network held online presentations for students, in the form of tutorial classes and workshops, approaching various topics, such as: perspectives of Euro adoption, constraints for Euro adoption, central bank’s role and powers, the history of the National Bank of Romania, the history of the Romanian currency and banknotes’ security Lectors of the Financial education department and the central bank’s territorial network features, saving. 197 students attended these educational activities.

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The “Open Doors for Economics Students” project continued, with representatives of NBR branches and agencies organising and carrying out activities countrywide. It included presentations on: the creation of the monetary system and the establishment of the NBR, gross domestic product, financial stability and the central bank, monetary policy in the macroeconomic environment – current conditions and challenges, macroprudential policy – the new way of ensuring financial stability. A number of 1,052 students from more than 14 universities attended the presentations and discussions.

In 2019, “Breaking the Frontiers: Bioeconomy Strategy & Policies and Environmental Challenges for a Sustainable Future” was the theme of the 15th edition of Bucharest Summer University, a programme of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The event featured a visit to the NBR head office and was attended by 60 students from local and foreign economics universities. The “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava hosted the conference entitled “Changeover to the Euro – Information and Perception”, in which the NBR representatives interacted with 150 economics students and teaching staff.

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The “Open Doors for Economics Students” project continued as representatives of NBR branches and agencies further organised and carried out activities countrywide, and presentations were held on: the creation of the monetary system and the establishment of the NBR, gross domestic product, financial stability and the central bank, monetary policy in the macroeconomic environment – current conditions and challenges, macroprudential policy – the new way of ensuring financial stability. More than 1,500 students took part directly in the presentations and discussions.

In 2018, on the occasion of the 14th edition of the Bucharest Summer University, a programme of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the NBR head office hosted a number of activities (presentations by NBR representatives, visits to the NBR Museum and head office), attended by 60 students from local and foreign economics universities.

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The “Open Doors for Economics Students” project continued in 2017 as well, based on the Cooperation Protocol signed with the Ministry of National Education and the partnerships with economics universities, by organising and carrying out activities both at central and territorial level. Around 1,640 students attended the presentations given by NBR representatives. Public conferences held by Board members and advisers from the NBR head office were also hosted by universities.

In 2017, in partnership with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the NBR head office hosted the 13th edition of the Bucharest Summer University entitled “Globalisation through Business and Management: Becoming an Agent of Change”, attended by 55 students from local and foreign economics universities.

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As regards higher education, the NBR continued in 2016 to support financial education, in virtue of the Cooperation Protocol with the Ministry of National Education and the partnerships established with Economics universities, as well as institutions and organisations promoting financial education. The activities were organised mainly across the country, by the central bank’s branches and agencies in particular.

Moreover, the NBR was host to the 12th edition of the “International Summer School of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Bucharest Summer University 2016”, where university lecturers and NBR officials met to discuss with Romanian and foreign students, and the international conference titled “Public Value, Politics and Public Management in the European Union”, in cooperation with the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration.

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In 2015, as far as higher education is concerned, the NBR hosted the 11th edition of the “International Summer School of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Bucharest Summer University 2015”, where university lecturers and NBR officials met to discuss with Romanian and foreign students, and the international conference titled “Local Strategies in a Global World”, in cooperation with the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. In Bucharest too, interactive sessions with students of the universities of Craiova and Pitești were organised, in the already established format.

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2014 was the seventh consecutive year for the "Open Doors for Economics Students" project. Continuing the layout of previous years, NBR experts, with the help of partner universities, went throughout the country to talk about pressing economic issues.

The keynote sessions, that give the public a conceptual understanding of economic and financial subject, are delivered by NBR Board members, who also have an extensive career in academia.

650 students and teachers participated at the 2014 edition of the "Open Doors for Economics Students" project.

  • 12 - 13 May - Universitatea 1 Decembrie, Alba Iulia
  • 14 - 17 May - Universitatea Lucian Blaga, Sibiu
  • 21 - 23 May - Universitatea Politehnică din București, Universitatea de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară București, Academia de Studii Economice, Universitatea Româno-Americană, Universitatea din Craiova și Universitatea București (at the BNR headquarters)
  • 1 - 3 June - Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, Galați
  • 4 - 6 June - Academia Navală Mircea cel Bătrân și Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa
  • 20 August - Școala de vară a Academiei de Studii Economice din București (at the BNR headquarters)

Events held at the NBR headquarters and at NBR's training and social events facility department in Bucharest:

  • 20 - 22 October - Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara
  • 22 - 24 October - Universitatea Babeș – Bolyai din Cluj Napoca
  • 27 - 29 October - Universitatea din Craiova
  • 29 - 31 October - Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași

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The project will continue in 2013, at national level, in close partnership with 17 universities. It will uphold the same flexibility in terms of debated subjects, so as to prove its practicality within the context of banking and financial evolutions and national and global economic realities. In addition to the universities that now are traditional partners for the full project – encompassing conferences held at the universities and courses at the NBR territorial network quarters – also other universities will host specific events: conferences and workshops.

Broad dissemination of the project’s key messages will be achieved by means of books, flyers and brochures.

The “NBR – Open Doors for Economics Students” 2013 project will take place in partnership with the following universities:

  • 8 April 2013 - The Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Romanian-American University
  • 15 – 16 April - “1 Decembrie” University, Alba Iulia
  • 22 – 23 April - “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi
  • 23-24 May 2013 - “Transilvania” University, Braşov
  • 20-21 June 2013 - “Ovidius” University, Constanţa
  • 9-10 October 2013 - “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava
  • 7-8 November 2013 - University of Craiova
  • “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu
  • “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
  • West University, Timişoara
  • University of Oradea

  • 27 June 2013 - Strategica International Conference, organised in partnership with SNSPA (at the BNR headquarters)

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The NBR is actively involved in the upbringing the students’ financial and economic education. The ”Open Doors for Economics Students” project aims to enhance the level of knowledge in the university environment, related to the distinct role and activities of the central bank.

In 2012, the partnership with the academic environment is diversified and extended, by including several private universities. As in the previous year, some activities in this project will take place alongside cultural events which the central bank develops under the “Cultural Days of the NBR” umbrella.

The program includes two stages (February-May and October-November), in association with the following universities:

  • 27 - 28 February 2012 - Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca
  • 19 - 20 March 2012 - Universitatea Lucian Blaga, Sibiu
  • 29 - 30 March 2012 - University of Piteşti
  • 14 - 15 May 2012 - Universitatea Ovidius, Universitatea Maritimă, Constanţa
  • 25 May 2012 - Universitatea Transilvania, Brașov
  • 28 - 29 May 2012 - Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu, Arad
  • 18 - 19 October 2012 - Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi
  • 21 - 22 November 2012 - Universitatea de Vest Timişoara
  • 26 November 2012 - Bucureşti (ASE, SNSPA, Universitatea Româno-Americană)

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The project titled “The NBR - Open Doors for Economics Students” is part of the NBR’s external communication meant to increase the financial background of the public at large. It has continued in 2011 at national level through partnerships with twelve universities. The presentations to be held by NBR keynote speakers and the issues to be approached during the interactive seminars will benefit from the feedback and experience of participating universities. Public conferences held by NBR board members and the participants’ visits to the NBR branches will remain high on the agenda. The project targets 25-30 students, 10-20 university professors (junior assistants, assistant lecturers, lecturers) and, optionally, 30-40 students attending doctoral studies.

Additionally, in September 2011, a Summer School will be organized in Constanta, in an attempt at fostering exchanges of information and experience between university professors, on the one hand, and NBR lecturers and officials, on the other hand.

Similarly to previous years, the project “The NBR - Open Doors for Economics Students - 2011” includes two stages: May-June and October-November.

  • 12-13 May 2011 - Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa
  • 23-24 May 2011 - Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca
  • 10-11 October 2011 - Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi
  • 11-12 October 2011 - Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare, Suceava
  • 20-21 October 2011 - Universitatea de Vest Timişoara
  • 2 - 3 November 2011 - Universitatea Constantin Brâncuşi, Târgu-Jiu
  • 9-10 November 2011 - Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi
  • 17-18 November 2011 - Universitatea Transilvania, Braşov
  • 23-24 November 2011 - Universitatea din Craiova
  • 25 November 2011 - Universitatea Petrol şi Gaze, Ploieşti

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In 2010, The “NBR-Open Doors for Economics Students” project carries on in a new format, enriched with the previous experience and with the feedback shared by students and their teachers in 2009. The main adjustment regards the NBR branches as being the new locations for the seminars and interactive presentations unfolded by the guidance of NBR lectors, and the partner universities are hosts for the conferences held by the members of the NBR Board.

The NBR’s partners in 2010 project are 13 universities, each with a target group of 25-30 students, 10-20 teachers of various degrees, and, optionally, 30-40 students from doctoral studies.

I. First stage – March-April 2010

  • 1-2 March 2010 – Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara
  • 4-5 March 2010 – Universitatea Transilvania, Braşov
  • 8-9 March 2010 – Universitatea Piteşti
  • 9-10 March 2010 – Universitatea Craiova
  • 18-19 March 2010 – Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa
  • 21-22 April 2010 – Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti

II. Second stage – October-November 2010


  • 7-8 October 2010 – Universitatea Lucian Blaga, Sibiu
  • 11-12 October 2010 – Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918, Alba-Iulia
  • 20-21 October 2010 – Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi
  • 11-12 November 2010 – Universitatea din Oradea
  • 15-16 November 2010 – Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
  • 17-18 November 2010 – Universitatea Petru Maior, Târgu Mureş
  • 23-24 November 2010 – Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti

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The NBR Open Doors for Economics Students - 2009 Pilot Project

Open Days for Economics Students

In 2009, the National Bank of Romania launched the pilot project "The NBR – Open Doors for Economics Students". The NBR’s partners in this project were Universitatea de Vest in Timisoara, Universitatea Babes Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza in Iasi and Academia de Studii Economice in Bucureşti.

Its first stage, developed throughout May 2009, had three modules which reached a total of 75 students and seven university teachers. Each university selected a number of students who attended a series of presentations and debates moderated by keynote speakers from the NBR: Board members, the chief economist, advisors, experts. Their programme also included visits to the State Mint, the Printing Works, the NBR's Centre for Processing and Destruction of Banknotes as well as the Treasure vault, the NBR Museum and the NBR Library.

At the beginning of the 2009/2010 academic year the four universities organised several seminars, conferences and other events allowing their students to share the feedback, opinions and knowledge gained throughout the May programme. Moreover, the students drew up essays based on topics provided by and later assessed by the NBR representatives.

In the second stage of the pilot-project (November-December 2009) each university hosted a dedicated event which included a presentation of the selected essays by the participating students, who also visited the NBR branches. The event was followed by special conferences at these universities held by NBR Board members on various key economics topics.

The project "The NBR – Open Doors for Economics Students" carries on in a new format in 2010.

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