Pre-notification process

Romania's obligation to pre-notificate the national transposition regulations can be found in article 53.1 of the Accession Treaty of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union. At its turn, the European Commission, as the " guardian of the treaties" must ensure that the Member States have implemented the EU directives in due time.

From the date of accession, Romania has the obligation to fully apply the Community acquis, with the exception of the directives where transition periods have been obtained during the accession negotiations. Under these terms, in accordance with the Community legislation, Romania will have the obligation to notify the European Commission of the measures taken to transpose the provisions of all the directives in force. Because, out of practical reasons, the block notification of the National Execution Measures (NEM) for all the directives in force is not possible at the accession moment, in the interval between the signature of the Treaty and the accession date, the candidate states must pre-notify the European Commission of the measures to transpose the directives, respectively to officially submit the relevant national legislation and the due compliance tables to the European Commission.

From the technical point of view the instrument for official notification of national transposition measures (legal acts and compliance tables) to the General Secretariat of the European Commission is the shared interface of the securitized Electronic Notification System (ENS).

The National Bank of Romania takes part in the pre-notification process along with the other institutions, by submitting to the Ministry of European Integration the national measures adopted for the transposition of the directives pertaining to its field of activity.