The NBR Museum at the “Meetings at Mânjina” National Symposium

More than twenty scientific communiqués have been presented at the National Symposium “Meetings at Mânjina”, organized by the “Paul Păltănea” History Museum of Galați, between May 19th – 20th 2015.

The event, which was dedicated this year to the Revolution of 1848 and to Costache Negri, a politician of the time, allowed Dr. Cristian Scăiceanu, a representative of the Museum of the National Bank of Romania to present his dissertation “Representations of C. D. Rosenthal’s Paintings on Post Stamps – Romania Tearing Down Its Chains of the Liberty Plain”. Other essays were presented in Galati and Mânjina by specialists of the National Peleș Museum, the “Paul Păltănea” History Museum of Galati, the Moldavian History Museum of Iasi, the Unification Museum of Iași, the “Carol the First” Museum of Brăila, The National “King Ferdinand the First” Military Museum, Constanta Branch as well as dissertations by university staff.

The agenda of the symposium also included launches of documentary history books, such as “Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza in His Eighties. An Homage”, by Mircea Ciubotaru and Lucian-Valeriu Lefter, as well as “Boyar Families in Moldavia and Wallachia. A Historical, Genealogical and Biographical Encyclopedia”, volume 3 “The Cantacuzinos” by coordinator and author Prince Mihai Dimitire Sturdza.