United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties

The 26th edition (31 Oct.- 12 Nov. 2021)

Between October 31st  and November 12th, 2021 the United Nations scheduled the 26th edition of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties, UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, chaired by the United Kingdom, in partnership with Italy, which holds the G20 Presidency. UNFCCC is based on an international Treaty on environmental protection by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Treaty was signed in 1992, including by Romania, and has been in force since 1994.

In this context, the Network for Greening the Financial System - NGFS, consisting of central banks and financial supervisory authorities, published a Joint Member Statement on the occasion of the UNFCCC COP26, which aims to present a unitary engagement position regarding actions for the organization's central banks and supervisors members, with global legitimacy and representation. The Statement reasserts and enhances the NGFS commitments on contributing to the fight against climate change.

Continuing the joint efforts of NGFS members and considering the membership held since September 2020, the National Bank of Romania issues its own Engagement Statement to support the objectives of UNFCCC COP26, within the legal mandate, in order to generate a positive impact of actions to combat climate change.