Comunicat de presă

Over 10,800 pupils and teachers participated in the “Global Money Week” programme


Under the “Global Money Week” programme of 14-20 March 2016, the National Bank of Romania organised, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education (MEN) and Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI), a series of educational activities related to financial and banking issues addressed to young people.

The events were part of a broader financial education programme launched by the NBR, i.e. “Let’s talk about money and banks”, and were held across the country in both urban and rural areas, with the support of county school districts and the Bucharest School District. Representatives of the CFA Society Romania have joined, for the first time ever, the NBR teams in delivering presentations on financial and banking topics in a number of schools in the counties of Teleorman, Giurgiu and Dâmboviţa.

The educational activities throughout the week were attended by more than 10,800 pupils and teachers from primary and secondary schools across the country, twice as many as in the previous years. The programme covered approximately 180 schools from 41 counties and the Municipality of Bucharest.

It is the third year in a row when the NBR takes part in the GMW programme, its accomplishments within the programme having gained international recognition in 2014, when it won the “Global Money Week” award for Europe.

As part of the external communication activity of the National Bank of Romania, the educational projects are aimed at increasing the financial awareness of the public and at contributing to a better and correct understanding of economic and financial issues. For further details on the NBR’s educational projects, see