Comunicat de presă

Press statement on the NBR numismatic issue of 15 April 2016


With regard to the National Bank of Romania’s numismatic issue of April 2016, we would like to state the following:

  • The numismatic issue launched in April 2016 is part of a project, initiated in 2015, meant to showcase the history of the National Bank of Romania and the prominent figures who held office as governor over the years. This issue is dedicated to the activity of three central bank governors and marks the anniversary of a significant number of years since their birth – 175 years since the birth of Ion I. Câmpineanu, 140 years since the birth of Ion Lapedatu, and 125 years since the birth of Mihail Manoilescu. The three governors held office at different historical times.
  • The inclusion in this numismatic issue of Mihail Manoilescu, who acted as NBR governor in the year when the Great Depression was at its height, in a global and European environment marked by sweeping changes, addressed solely his activity at the helm of the central bank and his economic and financial research at world level.
  • The NBR is currently in the process of assessing the recent signals related to this numismatic issue. At the same time, the NBR will take steps to establish working procedures with the relevant institutions in order to avoid any unfortunate situations in the future.
  • We reiterate that, pursuant to its legal powers, the National Bank of Romania issues low-mintage collector coins and medals, as part of thematically-diverse programmes, dedicated to prominent figures and events that played a crucial role in both Romanian history and world civilisation.
  • We hereby reaffirm that the NBR’s numismatic issues are, by no means and under no circumstances, intended to hurt anybody’s feelings, and all the less so to stain the memory of any community or convey messages that may be construed as offending, xenophobic or discriminating. The National Bank of Romania has been carrying out its entire activity, with no exception whatsoever, in the spirit of respect for the values of humanity, democracy and multiculturalism.