Comunicat de presă

Monetary indicators – April 2022


At end-April 2022, broad money (M3) amounted to RON 569,722.7 million, up 0.4 percent (down 3.2 percent in real terms1)month on month. In year-on-year comparison, broad money rose by 13.1 percent (down 0.5 percent in real terms).

Table 1. Monetary aggregates*
INDICATORS 30 April 2022
(RON mill.)
Apr. 2022/
Mar. 2022
Apr. 2022/
Apr. 2021
M1 (narrow money) 408,474.9 0.5 17.1
Currency in circulation ** 99,331.0 0.5 7.2
Overnight deposits *** 309,143.9 0.5 20.7
M2 (intermediate money) 569,722.7 0.4 13.1
M1 408,474.9 0.5 17.1
Deposits with an agreed maturity of up to and including two years (includes also deposits redeemable at a period of notice of up to and including three months) 161,247.8 0.2 4.2
M3 (broad money) 569,722.7 0.4 13.1
M2 569,722.7 0.4 13.1
Other marketable instruments (repurchase agreements, money market fund shares and units, debt securities with a maturity of up to and including two years) 0.0 0.0 0.0

* provisional data
** currency outside banks
***current accounts, demand deposits

Table 2. Broad money and its counterpart*
INDICATORS 30 April 2022
(RON mill.)
Apr. 2022/
Mar. 2022
Apr. 2022/
Apr. 2021
Broad money (M3) 569,722.7 0.4 13.1
Net foreign assets ** 243,990.1 -0.4 -0.1
Net domestic assets *** 325,732.6 1.1 2.6

* provisional data
** after deducting foreign liabilities from foreign assets.
Foreign assets include: loans granted to non-residents; deposits with non-residents; debt securities held (issued by non-residents); shares and other equity with non-residents; monetary gold.
Foreign liabilities include funds raised from non-residents: deposits; negotiable debt securities issued on external markets. Starting December 2014, according to the new international statistical standards (ESA 2010), the IMF’s SDR allocations are included in foreign liabilities.
*** after deducting domestic liabilities (except M3 components) from domestic assets.
Domestic assets include: loans granted to residents; negotiable debt securities held (issued by residents); shares and other equity with residents.
Domestic liabilities (except M3 components) include funds raised from residents: deposits with an original maturity of over two years (including deposits redeemable at notice over three months); negotiable debt securities with an original maturity of over two years issued on the domestic market; capital and reserves.

At end-April 2022, loans to non-government sector granted by credit institutions increased 1.1 percent (down 2.5 percent in real terms) from March 2022 to RON 339,949.0 million. RON-denominated loans, representing 72.6 percent of total volume of loans to non-government sector, moved up 1.0 percent, whilst foreign currency-denominated loans, representing 27.4 percent of total loans to non-government sector, grew 1.5 percent when expressed in RON (similar evolution when expressed in EUR).

In year-on-year comparison, loans to non-government sector advanced 15.8 percent (1.8 percent in real terms), on the back of the 19.6 percent increase in RON-denominated loans (5.1 percent in real terms) and the 6.8 percent rise in foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in RON (up 6.3 percent when expressed in EUR).

Table 3. Non-government loans*
INDICATORS 30 April 2022
(RON mill.)
Apr. 2022/
Mar. 2022
Apr. 2022/
Apr. 2021
Non-government loans (total) ** 339,949.0 1.1 15.8
RON-denominated non-government loans: 246,885.9 1.0 19.6
-households 141,480.1 0.8 14.6
-other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 105,405.8 1.3 27.1
Forex-denominated non-government loans: 93,063.1 1.5 6.8
-households 26,341.9 -1.0 -12.5
-other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 66,721.2 2.5 17.0

* provisional data
** non-performing loans are also included

Credit to general government2 increased 0.7 percent in April 2022 from the previous month to RON 165,124.4 million. In year-on-year comparison, this indicator increased 4.4 percent (down 8.2 percent in real terms).

Deposits of non-government resident customers went up 0.4 percent month on month to RON 480,615.1 million, while the annual growth rate was 10.9 percent (down 2.5 percent in real terms).

RON-denominated deposits of residents, representing 62.4 percent of deposits of non-government customers, increased 0.5 percent to RON 299,966.7 million month on month and rose 6.2 percent (down 6.6 percent in real terms) year on year.

Table 4. Deposits of non-government resident customers*
INDICATORS 30 April 2022
(RON mill.)
Apr. 2022/
Mar. 2022
Apr. 2022/
Apr. 2021
Deposits of non-government resident customers (total)** 480,615.1 0.4 10.9
RON-denominated deposits of residents: 299,966.7 0.5 6.2
- households 158,159.7 0.8 0.7
- other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 141,807.0 0.05 13.1
Forex-denominated deposits of residents: 180,648.5 0.3 19.7
- households 127,014.9 1.6 16.1
- other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 53,633.6 -2.7 29.4

* provisional data
** it includes current accounts, demand deposits and all time deposits, irrespective of maturity

RON-denominated household deposits went up 0.8 percent to RON 158,159.7 million month on month and advanced 0.7 percent (down 11.5 percent in real terms) year on year.

RON-denominated deposits of other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) rose 0.05 percent (to RON 141,807.0 million) month on month and advanced by 13.1 percent (down 0.6 percent in real terms) year on year.

Foreign currency-denominated deposits of residents, representing 37.6 percent of total volume of deposits of non-government customers, went up 0.3 percent against March 2022 to RON 180,648.5 million when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, these deposits moved ahead 0.2 percent to EUR 36,509.4 million). In year-on-year comparison, this indicator grew 19.7 percent when expressed in RON and 19.2 percent when expressed in EUR.

Foreign currency-denominated deposits of households increased by 1.6 percent from March 2022 to RON 127,014.9 million when expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, these deposits moved ahead 1.5 percent to EUR 25,669.9 million). On an annual basis, this indicator expanded by 16.1 percent when expressed in domestic currency and by 15.5 percent when expressed in EUR.

Foreign currency-denominated deposits of other sectors decreased 2.7 percent against March 2022 to RON 53,633.6 million when expressed in RON (similar evolution when expressed in EUR). Compared to April 2021, this indicator moved up 29.4 percent when expressed in RON (28.8 percent when expressed in EUR).

1 According to Press Release No. 115/11 May 2022 issued by the National Institute of Statistics, in April 2022 the consumer price index was 103.74 month on month and 113.76 year on year.
2 It includes credit granted to general government (central government, local government and social security funds) in amount of RON 20,706.5 million and debt securities held, issued by these institutional sectors running at RON 144,417.9 million (outstanding at end-April 2022).


In the monetary balance sheets of monetary financial institutions, the accrued interest receivable/payable related to financial assets and liabilities is recorded under remaining assets/remaining liabilities.

Starting with January 2022, data for preparing monetary indicators are reported by monetary financial institutions in accordance with NBR Regulation No. 4/2021 on reporting statistical data and information to the National Bank of Romania, as subsequently amended and supplemented, Title I, Chapters I and II. Between January 2007 and December 2021, data have been reported by monetary financial institutions pursuant to NBR statistical regulations in force.

The statistical data are provisional and may be subject to periodic review. Series of indicators (available from January 2007) can be accessed in various formats (html, xls, xml and csv) in the interactive database. Statistical data series including monetary aggregates and non-government loans expressed as a share of GDP can be accessed here.

Due to rounding, totals may not add up to the sum of the components or small differences may occur from the percentage changes in the tables.

The next press release on monetary indicators for end-MMay 2022 will be issued on 27 May 2022.

Press release archive.